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ArticleName Development of Vanyukov Process for Processing of Oxidized Nickel Ores of South-Ural Nickel Integrated Works
ArticleAuthor Fedorov A. N., Komkov A. A., Bruek V. N., Gnuskov N. A., Kryzhanovsky A. P.

Fedorov A.N. is a laboratory manager, assistant professor; Komkov A. A. is a chief scientific worker;; Bruek V. N. is an assistant professor; chair of metallurgy of nonferrous, rare and noble metals of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS); Gnuskov N. A. is a deputy chief of the smelter shop; Kryzhanovsky A. P. is a deputy engineering manager of the SouthUral Nickel Integrated Works.

The work was conducted under supervision of Bystrov V. P. (MISiS), Golovlev Yu. I. (YuUNK)


1. Bystrov V. P., Salikhov Z. G., Shchetinin A. P. a. o. // Non-Ferrous Metals, 2004. No. 11. P. 42–43.
2. Bystrov V. P., Fedorov A. N., Komkov A. A. and others // Vestnik Gefesta (supplement to journal “Marksheydersky Vestnik”). 2006. No. 1–2. P. 24–26.

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