Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries | |
ArticleName | Study of features of structure forming in the process of intensive plastic deformation of carbon structural steels |
ArticleAuthor | M. V. Chukin, N. V. Koptseva, A. G. Korchunov, D. G. Emaleeva, O. A. Nikitenko. |
ArticleAuthorData | Dr. Eng., Prof. M. V. Chukin, Chair of Engineering and Metallurgical Technology; Ph.D., Docent N. V. Koptseva, Chair of Materials Science and Metal Heat Treatment; Dr. Eng. A. G. Korchunov, Chair of Mechanical Equipment of Metallurgical Plants; Ph.D., Senior Lecturer D. G. Emaleeva; Eng. O. A. Nikitenko, Chair of Engineering and Metallurgical Technology, Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov; |
Abstract | Study of features of structure forming in the process of intensive plastic deformation of carbon structural steels has been conducted. Microstructure of the samples from 20 and 45 steels have been analyzed comparatively us ing scanning electronic microscopy, and it has been established that more intensive fragmentation of structural components not only in surfacial layers but also in the core area of processed billets occurs in equal channel angular extrusion (RKUP) in comparison with equal channel angular free drawing (RKU-FD). The study has shown that deformation strips forming in RKUP process are characterized by volumetric part 61–85 %; in the case of increase of number of RKUP passes, volumetric part of fragmented ferrite increased up to 52–68 %. |
keywords | Carbon steel, intensive plastic deformation, ultra-fine grain structure, scanning electronic microscopy, equal channel angular extrusion, equal channel angular free drawing. |
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Language of full-text | russian |
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