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ArticleName Non-economic mica ore processing technique
ArticleAuthor Gershenkop A. Sh., Khokhulya M. S.

The Establishment of RAS Mining Institute KSC RAS:

A. Sh. Gershenkop, principal research associate, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), tel.: (81555) 7-96-60

M. S. Khokhulya, senior research associate, Ph. D. (Eng.), e-mail:

The paper presents the results of gravity separation of different types (Karelian-Kola region) of fine-sized mica ores. According to the technique, specific-sized concentrates are separated by both slot and hydraulic separators, and by other gravity separation equipment. The technique provides processing of non-economic muscovite ores and their dumps, of industrial types of vermiculite ores, as well as of phlogopite raw materials from the Kovdor deposit, mica recovery amounting to 60–70%.
keywords Fine-sized mica, muscovite, phlogopite, vermiculite, sphericity coefficient, free settling rate, slot separator, hydraulic separator.
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Language of full-text english
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