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Название The use of high-frequency wave action for technological quality assurance of boring surfaces of products made of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2025.01.11
Автор Maksarov V. V., Minin А. О., Vasilkov D. V.
Информация об авторе

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

V. V. Maksarov, Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: maks78.54@mail.ru
А. О. Minin, Postgraduate Student of the Mechanical Engineering Department, e-mail: minin.97alex@mail.ru


Baltic State Technical University “Voenmeh” named after D. F. Ustinov, Saint Petersburg, Russia

D. V. Vasilkov, Professor of the Department of Technology and Manufacturing of Artillery Weapons, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: vasilkovdv@mail.ru


The issue of technological quality assurance of boring surfaces of products made of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys is considered. A detailed analysis of the negative factors affecting the process of boring holes in aluminum alloy products has been performed. The study was conducted in order to develop a method for boring holes in products made of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys, which reduces the size and frequency of build-up on the cutting part of the tool. The process of boring holes in products made of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys using high-frequency wave action and the roughness of the internal surfaces of the products are studied. A method for boring holes in products made of corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys is proposed, in which the direction of the high-frequency wave action is opposite to the direction of chip flow. As a confirmation of the operability of the proposed processing method, an experimental study of the process of boring holes using high-frequency wave action was performed. The achieved results of the work make it possible to assess in more detail the effect of high-frequency wave action on the frequency of build-up forming, its magnitude and, thus, the roughness of the treated surface. The necessary quality parameters of the surface are provided when performing a high-frequency wave action in the direction opposite to the direction of the chip flow vector.

Ключевые слова High-frequency wave action, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys, build-up forming, surface roughness, aluminum alloy processing, hole boring
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