Название |
Influence of the composition
of activating fluxes on the wetting and spreading of magnesium over steel |
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Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia
A. I. Kovtunov, Professor of the Department of Welding, Material Processing and Related Processes, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yu. Yu. Khokhlov, Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Welding, Material Processing and Related Processes, e-mail: Y.Y.Khokhlov@rambler.ru P. N. Selyanin, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Welding, Material Processing and Related Processes
Volga Region State University of Service, Togliatti, Russia A. A. Pudovkin, Postgraduate Student |
Реферат |
Magnesium matrix alloys are a promising material with low density and increased strength properties. Composite materials with a porous magnesium matrix have an even lower density and high specific strength. Alloys based on transition metals (copper, titanium, nickel), including those based on iron, are successfully used as strengthening components in such materials. The most common methods for producing composite materials with a magnesium matrix are casting technologies, in which the quality and properties are determined by the presence of an adhesive bond between the components of the composite. To activate the surface of steel and form an adhesive bond when casting composite materials with a magnesium matrix and steel reinforcement, compositions of chloride, chloride-fluoride and fluoride fluxes, which are used in soldering and brazing magnesium alloys, are proposed. Based on the conducted researches, the compositions of fluxes that ensure the spreading of liquid magnesium over carbon and high-alloy austenitic steel have been established. The influence of the temperature conditions of the process on the area of magnesium spreading over steel has been established. The largest spreading area was observed when using fluxes based on lead chloride, which actively interacts with magnesium, creating conditions for the formation of an adhesive bond between magnesium and steel. At the same time, lead is restored and saturates the surface layers of magnesium. The dependence of the adhesion strength of magnesium to steel on the nature of activating fluxes in the formation of composite materials with a magnesium matrix and steel reinforcement is constructed. The work was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the framework of state order No. 075-03-2023-260 (FEMR-2023-0003). |
Библиографический список |
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