Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2025 →  №1 →  Назад

Название New approaches to design and construction of ore passes in complicated geotechnical conditions
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2025.01.20
Автор Okunovich A. V., Pleshko M. S., Pankratenko A. N., Portnova A. V.
Информация об авторе

Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A. V. Okunovich, Director of the Mineral Sector Project Engineering Department


NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia

M. S. Pleshko, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, mixail-stepan@mail.ru
A. N. Pankratenko, Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
A. V. Portnova, Assistant


Ore passes are technically complex underground mine facilities that serve to move ore under its own weight from the working area of the mining enterprise to the transport horizon. Their uniqueness is determined by the complex spatial geometry of the adjacent chambers, the intensive operation of the ore pass support, which is subject to additional impacts from the rock mass being passed through, and the active influence on the stability of the workings and mining chambers. Currently, dozens of ore passes are being operated in the Norilsk industrial region alone, and with increasing depths of mining of mineral reserves, the volume of their construction will only increase, and the task of ensuring their long-term sustainability will become more and more difficult. This publication discusses an algorithm for modeling an extended section of an ore pass and adjacent chambers. To obtain correct results, the problem was solved in a staged formulation, taking into account the work production technology. Stage No. 1—drilling a pilot well to the lower horizon using a Robbins type rig from top to bottom. Stage No. 2—drilling a well with a drilling rig to a diameter of 2.4 m from bottom to top to the upper horizon. Stage No. 3—expansion of the ore pass to the design diameter using drilling and blasting technology in a downward manner with the descent of the rock mass through a hole with a diameter of 2.4 m using gravity to the lower horizon. Based on the calculation results, the parameters of the stress-strain state of the support and rock mass were determined, a conclusion was made about the need to take into account the effects of the transported ore mass on the support and massif, and an example of solving such a problem using the boundary element method was considered.

Ключевые слова Ore pass, rock mass, concrete support, construction technology, design solutions, stability, durability, stress
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