Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2025 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Geo-flow model development for coal mines in island permafrost
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2025.01.19
Автор Kharlampenkov I. E., Troshkov N. Yu., Giniyatullina O. L., Startsev S. V.
Информация об авторе

VNIMI’s Division in Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russia

I. E. Kharlampenkov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, ivan87kharlampenkov@gmail.com
N. Yu. Troshkov, Deputy Director
O. L. Giniyatullina, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
S. V. Startsev, Researcher


The problem of determining the water inflow into a coal mine in the Far North is considered. The modeling area is represented by a branched river network with objects of order II and III, and a network of streams. There are also faults and such an exogenous process as frost weathering. The calculation of the sizes of the depression funnel in the study area by the ‘large well’ method is given for groups of mine roadways. During the study, 5 zones, dividing
the model area vertically, are determined, which most fully describe all geo-flow processes. A 3-dimensional representation of the model area is also given. The permeability factors are presented with regard to the features of the modeled area. The permeation problem is described in a non-stationary formulation, in the range of 6 years, while a combined version of classical approaches is used to set the initial conditions. The model is implemented in MODFLOW software package. Three types of boundary conditions were used: areal (external) groundwater recharge (precipitation), rivers and drains. The coefficients are determined for each type of boundary conditions. Formation of a computational grid for the model, and processing of boundary conditions is described. The test calculations of the model performance are verified both in stationary and non-stationary formulations. The process and the results of the model calibration are described. The calculation results for coal mines are given.

Ключевые слова Geo-flow model, water inflow, modeling area, depression funnel, permeability, soakage, software package
Библиографический список

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