Название |
Rockburst propensity analysis of samples
and rock mass: A case-study of the Khibiny apatite–nepheline
deposits |
Информация об авторе |
Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia
N. N. Kuznetsov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences S. A. Zhukova, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, svetlana.zhukova@yandex.ru O. G. Zhuravleva, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
APATIT’s Division in Kirovsk, Kirovsk, Russia V. S. Onuprienko, Chief Engineer |
Реферат |
The rockburst hazard of a deposit during mining is understood as the presence of rocks prone to rockburst and the effect of high stresses that can lead to brittle failure of rocks. In the present work, the criteria for assessing the rockburst propensity of rocks are applied, based on the comparison of deformation characteristics of samples before and beyond the compressive strength, determination of their ability to accumulate potential energy of elastic deformations, as well as on the analysis of the failure behavior of samples and their strength properties. Application of these criteria shows that lenticular–striped apatite–nepheline ore, ore breccia, urtite, ijolite, lujavrite, lavochorrite, melteigite, ricchorrite, hibinite, juvite and malignite are prone to rockburst. The experimental data obtained on rock samples were compared with the data on dynamic events initiated by rock pressure at the deposits of the Khibiny massif. It was revealed that dynamic failures occurred in the areas with lenticular–striped apatite–nepheline ore, ijolites and urtites complicated by faulting. It is concluded that all four considered rockburst criteria are applicable to the assessment of rockburst propensity in the conditions of apatite–nepheline deposits in the Khibiny, and the results of this assessment are confirmed by the geodynamic phenomena occurred in the Massif. It is proposed to consider not only the rockburst propensity and the acting stresses, but also the structural discontinuities of rock mass when assessing the rockburst hazard of ore deposits. |
Библиографический список |
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