Название |
Influence of unaccounted factors on maximal
ground surface subsidence value |
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Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
S. B. Kulibaba, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, kulibaba_s@ipkonran.ru |
Реферат |
Ground surface movement under the impact of underground mining leads to the origination of hazardous zones, with possible damage of the surface infrastructure. Erroneous prediction of values, locations and time of deformations of the undermined areas can result in different-scale impairment of buildings and structures on ground surface. Improvement of anticipated deformation prediction using actual models is one of the critical trends in optimization of measures for safety of buildings, structures and natural objects. In practice, there are discrepancies, essential sometimes, between the actual and expected values of basic characteristics of displacements in rock mass. The comparison of the expected and actual values of subsidences at a variety of observation stations at the Donbas mines shows that the ratio of the expected and actual values ranges from 0.25 to 1.37. The implemented research finds out previously unaccounted factors which have influence on the value of maximal ground subsidence of ground surface above mine roadways. These unaccounted factors include: the ratio of the mined-out void size in the operating seam to the thickness of the non-undermined interbed; the strength of rocks in first-time undermined rock mass; frequency of ground surface undermining. From the analysis of the in-situ instrumental observations in mines in the Donbas, a new relation is obtained, which greatly improves accuracy of prediction of ground surface deformations. Inclusion of additional factors enhances the accuracy of prediction of ground surface movements and deformations by a few times. |
Библиографический список |
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