Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2025 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Justification of safe cut-and-fill mining under water bodies using empirical and numerical methods
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2025.01.09
Автор Rumyantsev A. E., Trofimov A. V., Golovchenko Yu. Yu., Kolganov A. V.
Информация об авторе

Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

A. E. Rumyantsev, Chief Specialist at Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. V. Trofimov, Deputy Director of the Research and Development Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, trofimovav@nornik.ru
Yu. Yu. Golovchenko, Researcher at Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
A. V. Kolganov, Researcher at Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory


Taking into account the cost of ore and the increased completeness of ore extraction, mining operations under water bodies lead to the need for a reliable justification of the parameters of safety pillars and criteria for assessing deformations that occur in rock mass after ore extraction. The safest option is to leave ore completely under a water body. However, such decisions at the current stage of development of the mining industry will lead to significant economic losses. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the risks and opportunities using standard and advanced research methods. The aim of the work is to substantiate the most optimistic technological variant of mining at the same productivity of a mine, taking into account the existing hydrogeological risks. It is possible to reduce the risks by splitting the general task into separate parts, with different approaches to estimation of safe distances to a water body. This article presents the results of justifying safe mining under water bodies using a system of stoping with backfill, based on current regulatory documents and advanced numerical methods for investigating the processes occurring in rock mass as a consequence of ore extraction. The parameters of the protective pillar beneath flooded and backfilled stopes are calculated. Taking into account the actual information on the physical and mechanical properties and compressibility of the backfill mass, the dimensions of the temporary safety pillar and the ore body part being mined are determined, which fall within the calculated pillar extending to full depth. Layout options are proposed for new stopes.

Ключевые слова Safety pillar, calculations, methods, numerical modeling, physical and mechanical properties, compressibility, hydrogeology, lithological structure model, tectonics, risks, deformations
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