Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2025 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Rock and gas outbursts in underground diamond mining
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2025.01.05
Автор Pul E. K., Udovenko V. N., Vyunikov A. A., Vorozhtsov S. G.
Информация об авторе

PJSC ALROSA, Mirny, Russia

E. K. Pul, Chief Geotechnical Engineer—Head of Department


Mirny Special Mine Construction Trust, Capital Construction Department, PJSC ALROSA, Mirny, Russia
V. N. Udovenko, Chief Geologist


Mirny–Nyurba GOK, PJSC ALROSA, Mirny, Russia
A. A. Vyunikov, Deputy Chief Engineer—Head of the Dynamic Phenomena Prediction and Prevention Service at the Internatsionalny Mine
S. G. Vorozhtsov, Deputy Head of the Dynamic Phenomena Prediction and Prevention Service at the Internatsionalny Mine, VorozhtsovSeG@alrosa.ru


The research focuses on gas-dynamic characteristics of outburst-hazardous dolomite rocks and on outburst prediction and prevention activities. The problems connected with rock and gas outbursts during deep and ultradeep-level kimberlite-bearing rock mining in Yakutian diamond province. The geological structure of enclosing rock mass is described. The gas-dynamic characteristics of enclosing rock mass are analyzed together with the geotectonic elements and their connection with geodynamic processes during ultradeep-level (1000–1200 m and deeper) underground mining at the Udachnaya and Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipes. The comparative analysis of gas dynamics in carbonate formations of the Udachnaya and Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipes, gas occurrence forms in carbonate rock mass and gasdynamic phenomena is performed. The indicators of rock and gas outburst hazard of carbonate rocks are described, and their signs, which confirm the type of the gas-dynamic phenomena, are recorded. It is found that carbonate-bearing rocks (dolomite, limestone) in Yakutian diamond province are naturally rock and gas outburst-hazardous starting from certain critical depth depending on regional geotectonic conditions, under the impact of drilling and blasting, or under high-energy mechanical attack.

The authors describe the methods of prediction and prevention of gas-dynamic phenomena for the safe mining of kimberlite pipes in Yakutian diamond province at depths of 1000 m and greater.

Ключевые слова Internatsionalny Mine, Udachny Mine, gas-dynamic phenomena, outbursts, stresses, preventive activity, blasting, drilling and blasting operations
Библиографический список

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