Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2025 →  №1 →  Назад

Ecology and Recycling
Название Analysis of methods for gas cleaning from nanoparticles
DOI 10.17580/chm.2025.01.13
Автор I. V. Butorina, M. V. Butorina, S. V. Ganin
Информация об авторе

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia

I. V. Butorina, Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail: butorina_irina@mail.ru

S. V. Ganin, Cand. Eng., Director of the Higher School of Physics and Technology of Materials, e-mail: ganin_sv@spbstu.ru


Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEKH” named after D. F. Ustinov, St. Petersburg, Russia
M. V. Butorina, Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail: marina_butorina@inbox.ru


The nano-sized powders help to get materials with fundamentally new properties, but working with them is associated with the formation of dust and gas flows. The flows that are released into the environment without purification cause great damage to the human health. An analysis of methods for purifying gases from nanoparticles in the range of 1-100 nm was executed. It is shown that the methods carried out in inertial, centrifugal, fabric filters and wet dust collectors are suitable for removing macroparticles from the flow. However, the particles of such a small size must undergo an enlargement procedure (coagulation) before entering the gas cleaning apparatus. Coagulation of nanoparticles is carried out by exposing the dust and gas flow to acoustic or magnetic fields, or by supplying steam to the unit. It is possible to increase the force of influence on particles in centrifugal dust collectors by increasing the angular speed of rotation of the gas flow in the unit, and in wet dust collectors (bubblers) by intensive mixing of gas and cleaning liquid. Electric precipitators used to purify gases from microdust are not applicable for nanoparticles. The design of electric traps for capturing nanoparticles is much more complex. They are designed for purifying small volumes of gas. The best dry method for purifying gas from nanoparticles is to filter them through filters made of superfine fibers in the form of nanotubes. The hydrofilters (bubblers) equipped with a dispersant of pure gas are the simplest and the most effective way to capture nanoparticles. They can be installed as a second stage of purification after microdust collectors.

Ключевые слова Nanoparticles, health effect, gas purification, methods of capture, coagulation, inertial, centrifugal, filtration, electrotraps, bubblers, nanofiber, nanotubes
Библиографический список

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