ArticleName |
Analysis of causes of casing pipe coupling failure during oil well
drilling and development of recommendations for its prevention |
ArticleAuthorData |
Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
A. T. Mammadov, Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail: A. I. Babayev, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., e-mail: M. Ch. Huseynov, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., e-mail: B. B. Musurzayeva, Senior Lecturer, e-mail: |
Abstract |
The types of defects, their nature and distribution in the coupling body are given. Using a fractogram of the fracture of the samples, it was established that the crack on the coupling is longitudinal, has a brittle nature, of a metallurgical nature, that is, a slope with a depth of ~3 mm. From the edge of the longitudinal crack, several sunsets were discovered, located at an acute angle to the outer surface of the coupling. It was determined that the microstructure of the coupling has a coarse-grained pearlite structure with a continuous mesh along the grain boundaries. Consequently, a material with such a structure is prone to brittle fracture under the influence of dynamic loads. Inside the metallurgical defectsunset, extending from a longitudinal crack in the area of the fracture site, layers of hightemperature oxides are visible, and along them a decarbonized section of metal. It was established that the development of a longitudinal crack in the coupling tie occurred according to a transgranular mechanism and in this case chip facets up to 300 μm in size were formed. It has been established that the formation of high-quality steel largely depends on the process of continuous casting of billets. In this case, it is impossible to allow the thin crust to stick to the walls of the crystallizer, which leads to its rupture in places where it leaves the walls. The correct choice of secondary cooling modes plays an important role in the quality of the workpiece. If it is violated, internal cracks form in the cross-section of the workpiece. To eliminate the “sunset” on the casing coupling, it is recommended to select high-quality selective selection of the initial charge, the correct choice of metallurgical processing modes, including in an electric arc furnace, out-of-furnace processing and during continuous casting of billets.
This work was sopported by the Azerbaijan Science Foundation — Grant № AEF-MCG-2023-1(43)-13/01/1-M-01. |
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