ArticleName |
Navigation system for heading machines in potash mines |
ArticleAuthorData |
Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:
L. Yu. Levin, Head of Aerology and Thermophysics Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, aе D. S. Kormshchikov, Researcher at Aerology and Thermophysics Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences E. G. Kuzminykh, Post-Graduate Student
Uralkali, Berezniki, Russia:
A. M. Machеret, Chief Surveyor, Head of Surveying Department |
Abstract |
Mining operations at potash mines are carried out by heading machines. Setting of a direction and control of the movement of the machines is carried out by the mine surveyor and by the machine operator in the manual mode. The lack of automation of this process during production leads to large labor costs of the mine surveying service, while the experience of the machine operator affects accuracy of maintenance of a specified course. Currently, there are no ready-made technical products for automating the process of setting the course and controlling the movement of heading machines. This paper deals with the implementation of the navigation system for heading machines in the underground mines of Uralkali company. At the mines of Uralkali, the requirements for the accuracy of such a system are dictated by the requirements for the accuracy of mine surveying support for underground mining operations in driving new roadways. Possible ways of constructing navigation systems and the problems of their application are considered. The analysis of the existing methods shows that the most promising option for navigation of heading machines in underground mine openings are the systems based on the principles of inertial navigation. To use such systems in underground mines and to ensure the required accuracy, the technical requirements for the systems are formulated. It is shown that modern strapdown inertial navigation systems satisfy the required accuracy. On their basis, a prototype of the heading machine navigation system was developed, and its ground tests were carried out. The achieved accuracy of the system makes it possible to proceed to testing of a real heading machine in a mine. The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Project No. 19-77-30008. |
References |
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