ArticleName | Studies and development of new technologies at pilot plant of the Mining Institute |
DOI | 10.17580/gzh.2020.09.07 |
ArticleAuthor | Mukhina T. N., Marchevskaya V. V., Maksimov V. I. |
ArticleAuthorData | Mining Institute, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia: T. N. Mukhina, Head of Sector, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
Abstract | A running pilot concentration plant installed in the Mining Institute of the Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences is fitted with crushing, grinding, flotation, gravity and magnetic equipment, and allows continuous testing of technologies and trial batches of concentrates from mineral raw materials taken from mineral deposits in the Murmansk Region and from other regions in Russia. The paper gives the results of pilot tests of the developed technologies for low-sulfide precious-metal ore beneficiation from three deposits of the Kola Peninsula, and for auriferous ore from the Eastern Siberia deposit. The tests were performed by technical staff team from the Mining Institute and Gipronickel Institute. Flotation of different-quality low-sulfide platinum-metal finely dispersed ores of the Kola Peninsula produced sulfide precious metal concentrates with the precious metal recovery of 80.2–82.5% and 88.0%, respectively, for ores from the Fedorovo–Pana intrusion and Monchegorsk pluton deposits. Based on the results of experimental smelts at a metallurgical works of the Kola Pen insula, the authors have defined metallurgical processability of the concentrates, with high technical and economic indicators. The pilot tests have produced a gold sulfide concentrate that meets the requirements of further processing. The concentrate was produced from gold-bearing ores of the Poputninskoe deposit (Krasnoyarsk district) by flotation. The finely dispersed ores of the deposit are characterized by high technological indicators both in terms of the quality of the concentrate (32.3 g/t Au) and the recovery of gold and sulfides (96–97%). |
keywords | Pilot concentration plant, ores from different Russia’s regions, low-sulfide platinum-metal ores, auriferous ores, flotation, reagent regime, gravity concentration, concentrate, technological indices |
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