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ArticleName Biochemical impact of the Tyrnyauz field development on the Baksan River
DOI 10.17580/em.2020.01.15
ArticleAuthor Khaustov V. V., Ignatenko I. M., Shleenko A. V., Ermolovich E. A.

Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia:

Khaustov V. V., Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, Professor
Ignatenko I. M., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor,
Ermolovich E. A., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia:

Shleenko A. V., Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor


The influence of the Tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum plant on the water ecosystem of the Baksan River is investigated. The anomalies cased by mining activities in groundwater and surface waters, in suspended matter and in bottom sediments in long sections of the river valley are revealed. The relationship between the protein in bottom sediments and the concentrations of some heavy metals is determined and explained.

keywords Heavy metals, pollution, water ecosystem, bioindication, protein of bottom sediments

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Full content Biochemical impact of the Tyrnyauz field development on the Baksan River