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ArticleName Studies of total harmful gas flows on the ground surface from spontaneous mine fires in Kuzbass
DOI 10.17580/em.2017.02.11
ArticleAuthor Lugovtsova N. Yu., Timofeeva S. S., Demenkova L. G., Filonov A. V.

Yurga Institute of Technology, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Yurga, Russia:

Lugovtsova N. Yu., Assistant,
Demenkova L. G., Senior Lecturer
Filonov A. V., Assistant

National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Timofeeva S. S., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


The statistical analysis of air pollutant emission from stationary sources is carried out at large industrial centers in Kuzbass over the period from 2006 to 2015. The data on the active spontaneous fires in Kuzbass mines are reviewed. Emissions of harmful gases are studied using the land-based gas survey method. The total gas flow rate on the ground surface is evaluated. Based on the studies and calculations, the extra total toxic emission from active mine fires is determined.

keywords Spontaneous fire, harmful gases, self-ignition processes, land-based gas survey, mined-out area, mine field, specific gas flow rate

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Full content Studies of total harmful gas flows on the ground surface from spontaneous mine fires in Kuzbass