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ArticleName Upgrading of the process of technological pulp separation in modern pressure filters
DOI 10.17580/nfm.2016.01.07
ArticleAuthor Beloglazov I. I., Bazhin V. Yu., Zyryanova O. V.

Saint-Peterburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

I. I. Beloglazov, Assistant of a Chair of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions (Chemical and Metallurgical Faculty), e-mail:
V. Yu. Bazhin, Professor, Head of a Chair of Automation of Technological Processes and Production, e-mail:
O. V. Zyryanova, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Chemical Technology and Energy Carrier Processing


Filtration is one of the main technological processes determining the efficiency of hydrometallurgical circuit of non-ferrous metallurgical factory, chemical, beneficating and other industries. Nowadays, modern high-technology filters are generally used in production of non-ferrous metals all over the world. Increase of filter capacity and efficiency is one of priority problems. However, this problem solution needs not only increasing the filter size but also the process intensification: separation with the maximal rate, providing output product with a given quality. Modern filter is a complex machine with many functions and operating modes. Such filter setting and operation control of all it’s subsystems is a difficult task. Certainly, this problem should be solved not by responsible staff, but by automatic control system, which is part of the filter. This paper pays great attention to suspension filtration process at constant differential pressure with sediment formation. Practically such process is the most widespread. The problem of increased filtration efficiency is solved in several stages. The first stage is a mathematical filtering model, while the second stage is the experimental study, using the laboratory periodic nutsche filter. Finally stage is the development of mathematical filtration models in MatLab program.

keywords Filtration, pressure filter, modeling, automatic control system, mathematical model

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