Chernye Metally

The October 2012 issue of "Chernye Metally" journal is mainly devoted to the 25th anniversary of Byelorussian steel wire cord.
Collection of articles in this field is opened by the interview with Anatoly N. Savenok, General Director of Byelorussian Steel Works - Management Company of "Byelorussian Metallurgical Company" Holding. It includes also two historic publications and 5 scientidic-technical articles.
Iron and steel section is presented by the paper "BOF process model enables stable and optimized performance" by A. Hoffmann, J. Reichel, S. Loginov, S. Das. SMS Siemag AG has examined the effects which operating conditions such as errors in the hot metal weight and in hot metal analysis have on the result of the BOF model at the end of blowing and conducted tests in several steelmaking plants.
R. Milata, P. Bajtec, L. Lacina, D. Bocek, J. Cupek, F. Kawa in their article "New tube mold for continuous casting of blooms at Třinecké Železárny" summarize the three-year operational experience at Třinecké Železárny using this system for a daily industrial production of large blooms on a five-strand bloom caster. Main data of continuous casting machine No. 1 and product mix of steel grades for 300x350 mm section size are presented.
Paul Wurth Italia S.p.A. is realizing a new coke oven and by-product plant for Bhushan Steel, Ltd. at Orissa in India, as described in the paper "State-of-the-art in coke oven gas treatment – a practical example" by E. Proface, S. Pivot, J. Otten, W. Kern. The plant will represent the state of the art in coke making incorporating all the most modern technologies in order to have important energy savings, to achieve the best coke quality and to respect environmental issues.
The historical section contains publications about Fedor Edneral, the famour Soviet steelmaking specialist, and on 150th anniversary of the Byelorussian railroad.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Steel industry of the world |
25th anniversary of Byelorussian steel wire cord | |
Название | The interview with Anatoly N. Savenok, General Director of Byelorussian Steel Worls — Management Company of “Byelorussian Metallurgical Company” Holding |
Название | 25th anniversary of Byelorussian steel wire cord |
Авторы | O. V. Abramenko, T. L. Zaitsev. |
Название | Features of influence of thermomechanical treatment in a stream of 150 rolling mill at the Byelorussian Steel Works on quality characteristics of high-carbon wire rod |
Авторы | V. A. Lutsenko, M. A. Murikov, P. A. Bobkov, O. V. Lutsenko, V. I. Gritsaenko. |
Информация об авторах | Instutute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z. I. Nekrasov, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine: Lutsenko V. A., Senior research fellow of the machine-building metal heat treatment dept., Cand. Eng. Lutsenko O. V., Junior research fellow of the dept. of problems of structure forming and properties of ferrous metals, post-graduate E-mail: Byelorussian Steel Worls - Management Company of Byelorussian Metallurgical Company Holding: Murikov M. A., Нead of technical administration Bobkov P. A., Нead of the section rolling shop Gritsaenko V. I., Нeat of the dept. of scientific and technical information |
Название | Study of usage of additional copper coating for brass-coated steel wire |
Авторы | Yu. L. Bobarikin, M. N. Vereshchagin, S. I. Prach, E. V. Shamanovskaya, A. V. Vengura, A. V. Vedeneev, O. Yu. Vinokurova. |
Информация об авторах | P. O. Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Gomel, Ukraine): Bobarikin Yu. L., Head of the Chair of Metallurgy and Foundry, Cand. Eng. Vereshchagin M. N., Head of the Chair of Machines and Fabricating Technology, Prof., Dr. Eng. Prach S. I., Lecturer of the Chair of Machine Elements
Byelorussian Steel Works — Management Company of Byelorussian Metallurgical Company Holding (Zhlobin, Republic of Belarus): Shamanovskaya E. V., Chief Specialist of the Hardware Production Vengura A. V., Head of the Research Center Vedeneev A. V., Leading Mechanical Engineer, Candi. Eng. Vinokurova O. Yu., Head of the Chemical Laboratory
E-mail (common): |
Название | Structure and properties of patented high-carbon wire |
Авторы | A.Yu. Borisenko, V. A. Lutsenko, O. V. Lutsenko, T. V. Kurenkova, E. S. Seregina, A. S. Demidov. |
Информация об авторах | Instutute of Ferrous Metallurgy named after Z. I. Nekrasov, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine: Borisenko A. Yu., Dept. of problems of structure forming and properties of ferrous metals, Cand. Eng. Lutsenko V. A., Senior research fellow of the machine-building metal heat treatment dept., Cand. Eng. Lutsenko O. V., Junior research fellow of the dept. of problems of structure forming and properties of ferrous metals, post-graduate
Byelorussian Steel Worls — Management Company of Byelorussian Metallurgical Company Holding: Kurenkova T. P., Head of dept. of metal ware production of the Central laboratory Seregina E. S., Head of metallographic laboratory of the Central laboratory Demidov A. V., Leading engineer technologist
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Название | Decrease of breakage of high-strength wire in lay of steel wire cord on double-twisting lines |
Авторы | B. A. Biryukov, Yu. V. Feoktistov, A. V. Vedeneev. |
Информация об авторах | Research Center of Metallurgy of Acad. of Sciences of Republic of Belarus (Zhlobin, Republic of Belarus): Biryukov B. A., Head of the Research Center of Metallurgy of Acad. of Sciences of Republic of Belarus (1998–2000), Cand. Eng.
Byelorussian Steel Works (Zhlobin, Republic of Belarus): Feoktistov Yu. V., CEO (1989–2000), Cand. Eng.
Byelorussian Steel Works — Management Company of Byelorussian Metallurgical Company Holding (Zhlobin, Republic of Belarus): Vedeneev A. V., Leading Mechanical Engineer, Cand. Eng.
E-mail (common): |
Название | Influence of the lay technology via double twisting on forming residual twistings and straightness of steel wire cord |
Авторы | V. P. Fetisov, B. A. Biryukov. |
Информация об авторах | Byelorussian Steel Works (Zhlobin, Republic of Belarus): Fetisov V. P., CEO on science and new technologies (1993–1999), Dr. Eng.
Biryukov B. A., Head of the Research Center of Metallurgy of Acad. of Sciences of Republic of Belarus (1998–2000), Cand. Eng.
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Название | On 75th anniversary of Y. V. Feoktistov. Chosen by Times |
Iron and Steel Making | |
Название | BOF process model enables stable and optimized performance |
Авторы | A. Hoffmann, J. Reichel, S. Loginov, S. Das. |
Информация об авторах | SMS Siemag AG, Düsseldorf, Germany: Hoffmann A., Mag. Phys., Head of Process Simulation in Metallurgy and Continuous Casting, Reichel J., Dr., Technical Referent in Basic Oxygen Steelmaking and Secondary Metallurgy Loginov S., Mag. Sc., Technologist, Electric Arc Fernaces and Converters
SMS India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon, India: Das S., Bach. Eng., General Manager Metallurgy |
Continuous casting | |
Название | New tube mold for continuous casting of blooms at Třinecke Železarny |
Авторы | R. Milata, P. Bajtec, L. Lacina, D. Bocek, J. Cupek, F. Kawa. |
Информация об авторах | Třinecke Železarny a.s., Třinec, Czech Republic: Milata R., Eng., Steel Production Technologist Bajtek P., Eng., Production Manager, Continuous Casting Lacina L., Eng., Head of Continuous Casting Bocek D., Eng., Steel Production Technologist Cupek J., Eng., Senior Steel Production Technologist
SMS Concast AG, Zürich, Switzerland: Kawa F., Dr. Min., Head of Project, Research and Development, |
Power Engineering and Ecology | |
Название | State-of-the-art in coke oven gas treatment — a practical example |
Авторы | E. Proface, S. Pivot, J. Otten, W. Kern. |
Информация об авторах | Paul Wurth Italia S.p.A., Genoa, Italy: Proface E., Chem. Eng., Technologically Responsible for By-products Plants, Pivot S., Mech. Eng., General Manager GKE Plants
DMT GmbH & Co. KG, Cokemaking Technology Division, Essen, Germany: Otten J., Mag. Eng., Project Manager Kern W., Mag. Eng., Head of Sales |
Название | Efficient optimization of steel plant dedusting |
Авторы | K. Marx, S. Rödl |
Информация об авторах | VDEh Industrial Research Institute, Düsseldorf, Germany: Marx K., Mag. Eng., Senior Researcher, Rödl S., Head of Department Fluid Mechanics |
Control, organization and management of production | |
Название | Optimization of melting process by Georgsmarienhütte |
Авторы | L. Eyckmann, U. Duske. |
Economics and Finances | |
Название | Steel as success factor |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff. |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Metallurgical history | |
Название | Hanging bridge, beautiful for all times |
Автор | W. Piersig. |
Название | On 150th anniversary of the Byelorussian railroad |