Tsvetnye Metally

The articles, published in the 10-th issue (October, 2012) of Tsvetnye Metally (Non-ferrous metals) Journal share the subject area of heavy and light non-ferrous metals, noble metals and alloys, rare and radioactive metals.
This issue shares the questions of theory and practice of ore concentration, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, complex usage of crude ores, and economics and management of production.
This year is the 70-th anniversary of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI». The history of this university began in 1942, when the Moscow Mechanical Institute was founded. In 1953 it was renamed to Moscow Engineering and Physical Institute (MEPhI). Since 2009, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» became one of the first Russian national research universities, and the leader in the training of specialists for one of the most successful Russian technological projects – the nuclear project. This issue publishes the collection of articles about the history of institute, and the directions of its activities. There is pointed the special contribution into the training of engineers and scientists for leading enterprises of nuclear industry.
Only two Russian universities – M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» – are included into the global educational rating Times Higher Education (Great Britain), which presents 400 best educational organizations from all over the world (for the 2012–2013 academic year).
This issue continues the publication of articles by «Russian Copper Company» JSC. The following articles are presented in this collection:
- «Introduction of innovations as an approach of increasing of competitiveness — “Karabashmed”JSC»;
- «Production of sulfuric acid on “Karabashmed” JSC, using wet catalysis»
The article from the «Beneficiation» section tells about the held comparative trials of the shaking and revolving round tables of new constructions. Using the round concentration tables in the concentration of the man-made mixtures and gold-bearing ores, made it possible to increase the extraction of the fine dense minerals.
The article, devoted to the 50-th anniversary of the Laboratory of Vacuum Processes of the “Center of Sciences about Earth, Metallurgy and Concentration” is published in the section «Magnesium, Titanium, Rare Metals, Semiconductors». The article tells about the researches, technologies and equipment, developed by the laboratory.
The article «Improvement of affinage technology on JSC “Uralelectromed”» tells about the developed conditions and methods of more deep purification of silver electrolyte, which is implemented in two stages:
- the sorption of platinum group metals on the ion exchange resins;
- the hydrolytic sedimentation of copper and tellurium.
The flooculants and methods of regular and strictly measured hydrolysis of solutions were used for the purification of the silver-containing electrolyte from non-ferrous metals and tellurium.
This operation made it possible to increase the extraction of silver into the finished products, as well as to increase the quality of marketable products.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant |
Информация об авторе | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant, phone: (495) 787-76-34, e-mail: korneevsi@rao.nornik.ru |
Thе 70-th annivetsary of national research nuclear university “MEPhI” | |
Название | Engineering economics. The way to development of technological business in engineering |
Автор | Putilov A. V. |
Информация об авторе | National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia: A. V. Putilov, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies |
Название | The Chair of Economics of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”. Engineering and economical education in modern conditions |
Авторы | Vorobiev A. G., Myakota E. A., Serebryannaya L. S., Popova G. I. |
Информация об авторах | National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Chair of Economics, Moscow, Russia: A. G. Vorobiev, Head of a Chair |
Название | From Moscow Mechanical Institute to National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”. Creation and development of the sectoral system of high education |
Автор | Shcherbak Yu. P. |
Название | In the run-up to the anniversary: Novouralsk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” |
Автор | Nosyrev N. A. |
Название | Analytical model of metals mining dynamics |
Авторы | Kharitonov V. V., Kabashev K. V. |
Информация об авторах | National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia: V. V. Kharitonov, Professor, Deputy Director of Economical and Analytical Institute, e-mail: VVKharitonov@mephi.ru |
Название | Comparative tests of different types of concentrating tables |
Авторы | Kuskov V. B., Kuskova Ya. V., Ananenko K. E. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Mineral Processing, National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. B. Kuskov, Acting Head of a Chair, e-mail: opikvb@mail.ru
Chair of Mineral Processing, Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and Materials Science, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: |
Название | Research of mattle oxidation rate through the slag layer |
Авторы | Bystrov V. P., Gladyuk I. E. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (MISIS), Moscow, Russia: V. P. Bystrov, Professor, phone: 8 (499) 237-21-17 |
Название | Improvement of the testing procedure of dump slag from Vaniukov’s furnaces at the Copper plant of M&MC “Norilsk nickel” |
Авторы | Glazatov А. N., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Lukashova М. V., Eroshevich S. Yu., Lazarev V. I. |
Информация об авторах | “Gipronickel” Institute LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia: А. N. Glazatov, Leading Researcher, e-mail: angla@nikel.spb.su
S. Yu. Eroshevich, Deputy Director on Technical Policy and Industrial Ecology |
Название | Production of sulfuric acid on “Karabashmed” JSC, using wet catalysis |
Авторы | Altushkin I. A., Korol Yu. A., Zavarin A. S. |
Информация об авторах | “Russian Coper Company” JSC, Ekaterinburg, Russia: I. A. Altushkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors
“Karabashmed” JSC, Karabash, Russia: A. S. Zavarin, Head of Sulfuric Shop, Chief Chemist |
Название | Introduction of innovations as an approach of increasing of competitiveness — “Karabashmed” JSC |
Авторы | Altushkin I. A., Korol Yu. A., Malek T. I., Cherepovitsyn A. E., Vybornov E. N. |
Информация об авторах | “Russian Copper Company” JSC, Ekaterinburg, Russia: I. A. Altushkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors
National Mineral Resources University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. E. Cherepovitsyn, Professor, Head of a Chair of Organization and Management
“Karabashmed” JSC, Karabash, Russia: E. N. Vybornov, Head of Financial and Economic Administration |
Название | Improvement of affinage technology on JSC “Uralelectromed” |
Авторы | Mastyugin S. A., Volkova N. A., Lebed A. B., Usoltsev A. V. |
Информация об авторах | “Uralelectromed” JSC (Ekaterinburg, Russia) and Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin” (Ekaterinburg, Russia): S. A. Mastyugin, Chief Technologist, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Heavy Non-ferrous Metals Metallurgy, e-mail: S.Mastugin@elem.ru
“UMMC-Holding”, (Ekaterinburg, Russia) and Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin” (Ekaterinburg, Russia): N. A. Volkova, Head of Department of Ecological Guaranteeng of Projects, Assistant Professor, Chair of Metallurgy of Heavy Metals
“Uralelectromed” JSC, Ekaterinburg, Russia: A. B. Lebed, Head of Research Center |
Название | Perspectives of capacity increasing of aluminium electrolyzers |
Авторы | Nozhko S. I., Blashkov A. A. |
Информация об авторах | “RUSAL Engineering and Technical Center”, Bratsk, Russia: S. I. Nozhko, Head of Electrolysis Department, e-mail: Semen.Nozhko@rusal.com
Bratsk State University, Bratsk, Russia: A. A. Blashkov, Post-Graduate Student |
Название | Vacuum processing technologies of polymetallic raw materials and metals fining: development and future prospects (To the 50th anniversary of the Laboratory of Vacuum Processes of the “Center of Sciences about Earth, Metallurgy and Concentration” JSC) |
Авторы | Isakova R. A., Khrapunov V. E., Volodin V. N. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Center of Sciences about Earth, Metallurgy and Processing”, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic: R. A. Isakova, Chief Researcher, e-mail: ao.cnzmo@rambler.ru |
Название | New possibility of synthesis high-temperature superconductors materials Ln(Y)Ba2Cu3О7–x with use of the nanostructured powders of rare-earth metals and ittrium oxide |
Авторы | +Titov A. A. , Kartsev V. E., Edrennikova E. E. |
Информация об авторах | JSC “Giredmet” SRC RF, Moscow, Russia: V. E. Kartsev, Head, Research and Production Department “Rare and Precious Metals”; e-mail: nto@giredmet.ru |
Название | Intensification of rhenium desorption from anionite AMP saturated by industruial solution, resulted in underground leaching of uranium-containing polyelement ores |
Авторы | Abisheva Z. S., Zagorodnyaya A. N., Timofeev V. N., Myltykbaeva L. A., Bochevskaya E. G. |
Информация об авторах | “Center of Sciences about Earth, Metallurgy and Processing”, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan Republic: Z. S. Abisheva, President, e-mail: abisheva_z@mail.ru E. G. Bochevskaya, Leading Researcher
“Polymetal” Company, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. N. Timofeev, Deputy Head of Department
“National Scientific and Technological Holding “Parasat” JSC, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan: L. A. Myltykbaeva, Deputy Chairman of Board |
Название | Removal of molybdenum from the tungsten solutions by solvent extraction |
Авторы | Palant A. A., Bryukvin V. A., Palant S. V. |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Moscow, Russia: A. A. Palant, Leading Researcher |
Название | Structure formation in dispersion-hardening composite materials of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in the system Ti – Zr – C – metal binder |
Авторы | Manakova O. S., Levashov E. A., Kurbatkina V. V. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology “MISIS” (MISIS), Moscow, Russia: O. S. Manakova, Post-Graduate Student, e-mail: manakova_ol@mail.ru |
Название | Improving the surface adhesion of aluminum foil by corona discharge |
Автор | Zentsov A. I. |
Информация об авторе | “Avangard” Research and Development Company, Podolsk, Russia: A. I. Zentsov, Head of a Project, e-mail: zentsov@avangardmet.ru |
Название | Development of the obtaining technology of wire, made from the graded hand shovel turning of the ЛС59-1 (LS59-1) brass. |
Авторы | Zagirov N. N., Konstantinov I. L., Ivanov E. V., Arefev A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: N. N. Zagirov, Assistant Professor |
Название | Parameters of dendritic structure of laminated rings` workpieces of nuclear industry |
Авторы | Martyushev N. V., Petrenko Yu. N., Petrenko S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Chair of Materials Science and Process Metallurgy, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia: N. V. Martyushev, Assistant Professor, e-mail: martjushev@tpu.ru
S. A. Petrenko, Head of a Chair |