Gornyi Zhurnal

The 8-th issue of «Gornyi Zhurnal» (Mining Journal) (August, 2012) is timed to Miner's Day. Readers of this issue can find various materials of coal subject area: questions about the efficiency increasing of operation of Russian open pit coal mines; improvement directions of Russian coal-concentrating industry; technical means for coal extraction by underground method; ecological aspects of coal extraction.
This issue also presents an article, which is devoted to the 100-th anniversary of B. F. Bratchenko – Minister of USSR coal industry, outstanding organizer, who made a valuable contribution into the development of Russian coal-mining industry.
This year is the 225-th anniversary of Bakal mines – one of the oldest Russian enterprises on extraction and processing of iron ores. Information about the modern conditions of enterprise and prospects of its development is presented in the article by A. N. Koshkald – acting executive officer of «Bakal mining administration» JSC.
This issue also includes the collection of articles, which are devoted to the 55-th anniversary of Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk, Ukraine). Currently, Donbass State Technical University is a large educational center, which prepares specialists of mining, metallurgical, construction and machine building branches of industry, as well as in the sphere of automatic production, computer technologies, economics, management, law, along with theory and practice of translation of Romanic and Germanic languages. Articles by university's scientists present the operating in and around the projecting, technique and technology of coal mining.
Section «From the operational experience of the mining companies and organizations» contain articles by scientists from «Belgorkhimprom» JSC – one of the institutes of Republic of Belarus, which fulfills all complex of operations: from holding the scientific and research works, fulfillment of investigations and inspection of the existing buildings to the development of design estimation documentation and examination. Articles by the institute`s personnel contain the research results in and around the experience improvement of research and development of potassium deposits of Republic of Belarus.
The rest of articles are divided by the traditional items of a journal. The published articles present the research results of development of deposits, processing and complex usage of mineral resources, economics and organization of production, ecology, etc.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | About the overall perfomance increasing of Russian coal strip mine |
Авторы | Galkin V. A., Kilin A. B., Makarov A. M.,Sokolovskiy A. V., Shapovalenko G. N. |
Информация об авторах | “NTC-NIIOGR” Institute (Chelyabinsk, Russia): Galkin V. A., Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: niiogr@bk.ru Makarov A. M., Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Siberian Coal Energy Company (branch) in Republic of Khakassia (Chernogorsk, Russia): Kilin A. B., Chief Executive Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
“Chernogorsk” Open-cast Mine (Chernogorsk, Russia): Shapovalenko G. N., Executive Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
Название | Improvement of coal-concentrating production in Rissia |
Авторы | Linev B. I., Rubinshteyn Yu. B., Davydov M. V., Sazykin G. P. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Enrichment of Firm Fuel (Lyubertsy, Russia): Linev B. I., Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
“Giprougol” Institute (Novosibirsk, Russia): Sazykin G. P., Dressing Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
Название | Methods of solving the problems of normalization of heat conditions in mine openings of Donbass deep mines |
Авторы | Pivnyak G. G., Boyko V. A. |
Информация об авторах | National Mining University of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine): Pivnyak G. G., Rector, Academican of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, e-mail: recktor@nmu.org.ua |
Название | Analysis of technical and economic indicators of the operation of Russian and foreign mechanized facilities for underground coal mining |
Автор | Linnik V. Yu. |
Информация об авторе | State University of Management (Russia, Moscow): Linnik V. Yu., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: d0c3n7@gmail.com |
Название | System of accounting and analysis of using the cutters of mine combines |
Авторы | Prokopenko S. A., Ludzish V. S. |
Информация об авторах | "Siberian miners" Noncommercial Partner Enterprise (Kemerovo, Russia): Prokopenko S. A., Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: sibgp@mail.ru
Kuzbass Branch of the National Directorate for Liquidation and Restructuring of the Coal Mines and Pits (Kemerovo, Russia): Ludzish V. S., Deputy Administrator, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
Название | Radiation and hygienic quality of coals of urtuysk deposit: environmental problems and methods of their solving |
Автор | Sidorova G. P. |
Информация об авторе | Transbaikalian State University (Chita, Russia): Sidorova G. P., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: druja@inbox.ru |
Название | Сurrent status and development prospects of open cast mining in European part of Russia (To be concluded) |
Авторы | Ilin S. A., Kovalenko V. S., Pastikhin D. V. |
Информация об авторах | Editional Board of “Gornyi Zhurnal” (Moscow, Russia): Ilin S. A., Mining Consultant, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: gornjournal@rudmet.ru
Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia): Kovalenko V. S., Head of a Chair of Open-cast Mining, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
Drilling and blasting operation | |
Название | Trial blasts in the open pit of Olimpiadinskiy ore dressing and processing enterprise with using the VET-700 (ВЭТ-700) emulite, which is based on the solid ammonium nitrate |
Авторы | Kutuzov B. N., Tokarenko A. V., Timofeev I. N., Gulenkov E. V., Skorik L. F. |
Информация об авторах | Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia): Kutuzov B. N., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Tokarenko A. V., Executive Officer of Olimpiadinskiy Ore Dressing and Processing Enterprise
“Polyus” Company (Krasnoyarsk, Russia): Timofeev I. N., Deputy Chief Engineer on Drilling and Blasting Operations, e-mail: sekretar@polyusgold.com
This article has been written with the participation of: |
Название | Substantiation of huge blast parameters in underground mines, by the seismic safety terms for the housing development |
Авторы | Lyashenko V. I., Dudchenko A. Kh. |
Информация об авторах | Ukrainian Scientific R&D Institute for Industrial Technology of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine (Zheltye Vodi, Ukraine): Lyashenko V. I., Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ipt@iptzw.dp.ua |
Название | Conditions and development prospects of geophysical researches in underground openings of Starobin potassium salts deposit |
Авторы | Vagin V. B., Musalev D. N., Prokhorov N. N., Barbikov D. V. |
Информация об авторах | “Belgorkhimprom” Institute (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Vagin V. B., Leading Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: geof@belgorhimprom.by
“Belaruskali” Company (Soligorsk, Republic of Belarus): Barbikov D. V., Chief Geologist |
Название | Geomechanical processes at the reundermining of the rock massif in the conditions of the Starobin deposit |
Авторы | Shvab R. G., Zolnikov N. A., Deshkovskiy V. N., Zeytts V. E., Barbikov D. V. |
Информация об авторах | “Belgorkhimprom” Institute (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Shvab R. G., Head of Department
Zeytts V. E., Chief Surveyor |
Название | Possible geological risks during the exploration of the eastern part of nezhin section of Starobin potassium salt deposit |
Авторы | Grechko A. M., Katsemba S. N., Nevelson I. S., Kutyrlo V. O., Kurlovich D. M. |
Информация об авторах | “Belgorkhimprom” Institute (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Grechko A. M., Deputy Director of Scientific Work, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, phone: +375 (17) 334-74-94
Belarus State University (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Kurlovich D. M., Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Geographic Sciences |
Название | Improving the industrial safety requirements with the design and operation of the potassium mines |
Авторы | Smychnik A. D., Sorokin V. A. |
Информация об авторах | “Belgorkhimprom” Institute (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Smychnik A. D., Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineerig Sciences, e-mail: bmci@bmci.by |
Название | The main trends to set up the technological schemes for sylvinite ores processing at the modern stage |
Авторы | Turko M. R., Shakhnazarov A. A., Miskov E. M. |
Информация об авторах | “Belgorkhimprom” Institute (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Turko M. R., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, phone: +375 (17) 422-13-37 |
Название | The basic directions of slime wastes utilization of Belarus potassium production |
Авторы | Shemet S. F., Stromskiy A. S., Shemyakina M. G. |
Информация об авторах | “Belgorkhimprom” Institute (Minsk, Republic of Belarus): Shemet S. F., Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
Название | Saving the enterprise`s traditions (To the 255-th anniversary of Bakal Mines) |
Автор | Koshkalda A. N. |
Информация об авторе | Bakal Mining Administration (Bakal, Russia): Koshkalda A. N., Acting Executive Officer, e-mail: priemnay-bru@mail.ru |
Название | A 55-th anniversary of Donbass State Technical University |
Автор | Antoshchenko N. I. |
Информация об авторе | Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk, Ukraine): Antoshchenko N. I., Acting Rector, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +380 (6442) 2-31-23 |
Название | New approach of coordinates projection from the surface to the mines` orientation horizon |
Авторы | Larchenko V. G., Denisenko E. A. |
Информация об авторах | Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk, Ukraine): Larchenko V. G., Head of a Chair, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: larchenko2010@rambler.ru |
Название | Physical and mathematical model of the dynamics of methane release from undermined coal seams |
Авторы | Antoshchenko N. I., Kulakova S. I. |
Информация об авторах | Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk, Ukraine): Antoshchenko N. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +380 (6442) 2-31-23 |
Название | The concept of innovative development of technics and technology of underground coal mining |
Автор | Litvinskiy G. G. |
Информация об авторе | Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk, Ukraine): Litvinskiy G. G., Head of a Chair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ligag@ya.ru |
Название | To the question about increase of efficiency of dust control systems |
Автор | Finkelshteyn Z. L. |
Информация об авторе | Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk, Ukraine): Finkelshteyn Z. L., Head of a Chair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: info@dmmi.ru |
Название | A 40-th anniversary of “Galurgiya” Institute |
Автор | Grinberg А. Ya. |
Название | Efficiency evaluation of a stowing operations on the mines of Verkhnekamsk potassium salts deposit |
Авторы | Borzakovskiy B. A., Rusakov M. I., Alymenko D. N. |
Информация об авторах | “Galurgiya” Institute (Perm, Russia): Borzakovskiy B. A., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: onti@gallurgy.ru |
Название | New approaches of support of mine openings and their couplings in salt rocks |
Авторы | Solovev V. A., Aptukov V. N. |
Информация об авторах | “Galurgiya” Institute (Perm, Russia): Solovev V. A., Head of Laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: mail@gallurgy.ru |
Название | Technical characteristics of geomaterials, which are dezintegrated by volume compression method |
Авторы | Krasnov G. D., Chikhladze V. V., Bogdanovich A. V., Kuzmin I. V. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia): Krasnov G. D., Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: hely28@mail.ru
Bogdanovich A. V., Director of Scientific and Research Work, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
Название | Heap biooxidation of goldcontaining ores |
Авторы | Emelyanov Yu. E., Shketova L. E., Gudkov S. S., Kopylova N. V., Verkhozina V. A. |
Информация об авторах | Irkutsk Research Institute of Precious and Rare Metals and Diamonds (Irkutsk, Russia): Emelyanov Yu. E., Leading Researcher, e-mail: emelyaov@irgiredmet.ru
Geochemistry Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk, Russia): Verkhozina V. A., Leading Researcher |
Название | Economic evaluation of innovative solutions of a project development of Miheevskiy copper porphirite ores deposit |
Авторы | Altushkin I. A., Korol Yu. A., Cherepovitsyn A. E. |
Информация об авторах | Russian Copper Company (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Altushkin I. A., Chairman of the Board of Directors
Cherepovitsyn A. E., Head of a Chair, Professor, Doctor of Economics Sciences |
Название | Basic ways of saving the energy costs on copper concentrating plant of Almalyk MMC |
Авторы | Kamalov T. S., Kim D. P., +Korobkin Yu. S., Ishnazarov O. Kh. |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Energetics and Automatics of Uzbekistan Republic Academy of Sciences (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan): Kamalov T. S., Head of an Automatic Drive Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: tkamalov@yandex.ru Ishnazarov O. Kh., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (Almalyk, Republic of Uzbekistan): Kim D. P., Deputy Chief Power Engineering Specialist |
Название | Research of a solid phase of tailing wastes of uranium ores benefication |
Авторы | Karamushka V. P., Kamnev E. N., Tedeev M. N., Kasatkin V. V., Kuzin R. E. |
Информация об авторах | VNIPIpromtechnologii Institute (Moscow, Russia): Karamushka V. P., Head of a Bureau Office of a Complex Projecting and Engineering Ecology, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: karamushka@vnipipt.ru
All-Russian Scientific- Research Institute of Chemical Technology (Moscow, Russia): Kuzin R. E., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
Название | A 50-th anniversary of a Chair of Physics of Rocks and Processes of the Moscow State Mining University |
Автор | Goncharov S. A. |
Информация об авторе | Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia): Goncharov S. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +7 (499) 236-71-12 |