Gornyi Zhurnal

7-th issue of «Gornyi Zhurnal» is devoted to the 20-th anniversary of «Severalmaz» JSC. This enterprise holds a development of a diamond deposit, which is named by Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov. This deposit is situated in Arkhangelsk region.
The published articles share the status of mineral and raw materials base of a deposit; processing technology of kimberlite ores on the processing plant of Lomonosov ore dressing and processing enterprise; operation of transport and repair services.
Due to the hard hydrogeological conditions of Lomonosov diamond deposit development, the special attention is paid to the problems of draining system and hydromechanical monitoring.
There are also concidered the questions about the securing of industrial and ecological safety, personnel and social policy.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | History of establishment and modern status of “Severalmaz” Company |
ArticleAuthors | Ivanov I. N., Belyy S. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | «Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Ivanov I. N., Executive Officer of Lomonosov Ore-dressing and Processing Enterprise, e-mail: sevalmaz@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | From the history of opening the diamond deposits of Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province |
ArticleAuthors | Fortygin V. S., Larchenko V. A, Pylaev N. F. |
ArticleAuthorsData | «Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Fortygin V. S., Members of a Board of Directors, e-mail: fortygin@aosd.ru |
ArticleName | Prospects of M. V. Lomonosov deposit development and new technologies of diamond deposit exploration in Zimneberezhny diamondiferous area |
ArticleAuthors | Galkin A. S., Zezin I. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | «Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Galkin A. S., Chief Geologist, e-mail: AGalkin@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | M. V. Lomonosov deposit: preconditions of diamond containing and geological structure |
ArticleAuthors | Ustinov V. N., Mityukhin S. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | «ALROSA» Company, Moscow, Russia: Ustinov V. N., Head of Department of New Territories Productivity Valuation, e-mail: ustinovv@alrosa.ru |
ArticleName | Geological peculiarities of Arkhangelskaya kimberlite pipe |
ArticleAuthor | Fomin A. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | «Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Fomin A. A., Chief Geologist of Lomonosov Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise, e-mail: AFomin@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Technical aspects of a construction and exploitation of dewatering systems on Lomonosov diamond deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Davydov A. S., Kostylev A. A., Shkil I. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | «TehnoWELL» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Davydov A. S., Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: davydov@geo29.ru «Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Kostylev A. A., Head of Dewatering Area |
ArticleName | Optimization of a dewatering system during the open cast mining of a south group of pipes on Lomonosov deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Atroshchenko F. G., Filin R. A., Shkil I. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying (VNIMI), Saint Petersburg, Russia: Atroshchenko F. G., Leading Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: fatroschenko@mail.ru
Saint Petersburg State University (SPBGU), Saint Petersburg, Russia: Filin R. A., Senior Researcher
«Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Shkil I. E., Chief Hydrogeologist |
ArticleName | Organization of a system of hydromechanical monitoring on Lomonosov diamond deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Kharkhordin I. L., Gurin A. N., Nazima V. V., Ivanov I. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Research Institute of Mining Geomechanics and Mine Surveying «VNIMI», Saint Petersburg, Russia: Kharkhordin I. L., Divisional Manager of Hydrogeological Researchings, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: labust@mail.ru
«Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Ivanov I. N., Executive Officer of Lomonosov Ore Mining and Processing Enteerprise |
ArticleName | Construction of the temporary in-pit roads from the carbonate rocks of Lomonosov deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Chashev A. P., Ivko V. R. |
ArticleAuthorsData | «Severalmaz» Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Chashev A. P., Head of a Maintenance Center of Lomonosov Ore-dressing and Processing Enterprise, e-mail: achashev@severalmaz.ru Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Ivko V. R., Head of a Chair, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Peculiarities of mining projecting on development of Lomonosov diamond deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Serdyukov A. L., Nalivayko V. A., Bogdanov V. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Giproruda” Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Serdyukov A. L., Chief Engineer, e-mail: info@giproruda.ru |
ArticleName | Optimization of the project development parameters of Lomonosov diamond deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Akishev A. N., Kolganov V. F., Drozdov A. V., Babaskin S. L., Kalashnikov V. Ya. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”, Mirnyy, Russia: Akishev A. N., Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: AkishevAN@alrosa.ru
“Severalmaz” Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Kalashnikov V. Ya., Chief Engineer |
ArticleName | Development of enrichment technologies of diamond bearing ores of Lomonosov deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Shenderovich E. M., Belevich I. V., Kostrov A. M., Samofalov Yu. L., Makhrachev A. F. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Mekhanobr Engineering” Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia: Shenderovich E. M., Chief Operating Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: office@mekhanobr.spb.ru
“Severalmaz” Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Samofalov Yu. L., Chief Dresser |
ArticleName | Researchings of “Irgiredmet” Institute in and around the beneficating of diamondiferous ores of Lomonosov ore dressing and processing enterprise |
ArticleAuthors | Prokopenko A. V., Baranova T. V., Kolenchenko V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Irgiredmet” Institute, Irkutsk, Russia: Prokopenko A. V., Head of Laboratory, prok@irkutsk.ru
“Severalmaz” Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Kolenchenko V. V., Head of a Industrial Management |
ArticleName | Organization of schemes of testing and control of technological processes on the projectible processing plant No.1 of Lomonosov ore-dressing and processing enterprise |
ArticleAuthors | Melnichenko L. V., Samofalov Yu. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Severalmaz” Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Melnichenko L. V., Head of Technological Control Department, e-mail: LMelnichenko@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Organization of research efforts on kimberlite ores beneficating of Arkhangelskaya pipe |
ArticleAuthors | Zaykov P. P., Samofalov Yu. L., Godun K. V., Olkhovskiy A. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Severalmaz” Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Zaykov P. P., Head of Processing Plant No. 1 of Lomonosov Ore Dressing and Processing Enterprise
“Almazintech – consultations and engineering” Company, Moscow, Russia: Godun K. V., Deputy Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: godun@almazintech.ru |
ArticleName | Qualitative ore preparation is the basis of the productiveness increasing of processing production area |
ArticleAuthor | Gerasimov S. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | “Severalmaz” Company, Arkhangelsk, Russia: Gerasimov S. A., Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: SGerasimov@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Peculiarities of diamonds of Arkhangelskaya pipe |
ArticleAuthor | Grib P. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Grib P. V., Head of a Diamond Sorting Shop, e-mail: PGrib@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Experience of industrial diamonds cutting on "Kristall" Production Corporation |
ArticleAuthor | Romankov A. V. |
ArticleName | Transport and repair service of “Severalmaz” Company |
ArticleAuthors | Mezhevykh V. V., Balysh A. I., Yalyshev S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Mezhevykh V. V., Head of a Transport Department, e-mail: VMejevih@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Application of frequency converters in the dehumidifying systems of Lomonosov ore-dressing and processing enterprise |
ArticleAuthors | Prigodin V. A., Galyshev V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Prigodin V. A., Chief Power Engineering Specialist of Lomonosov Ore-dressing and Processing Enterprise |
ArticleName | Application of geosynthetic materials for the enchancement of the constructions of road pavements on Lomonosov ore dressing and processing enterprise |
ArticleAuthors | Abrosimova G. G., Shakhnovskiy A. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Giproruda” Institute (Saint Petersburg, Russia): Abrosimova G. G., Head of Department, e-mail: info@giproruda.ru |
ArticleName | System of labor protection and industrial safety in “Severalmaz” Company |
ArticleAuthors | Belyy V. N., Masloborodov S. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Belyy V. N., Deputy Director on Production, e-mail: VBeliy@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Results of ecological monitoring on M. V. Lomonosov diamond deposit |
ArticleAuthor | Ivanov A. K. |
ArticleAuthorData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Ivanov A. K., Chief Ecologist, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, e-mail: aivanov@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Researching of an agrophysical properties of a substratum on the basis of peat and benefication tailings of kimberlite ores on Lomonosov deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Ivanov A. K., Denisova A. I., Nakvasina E. N., Ivko V. R. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia) Ivanov A. K., Chief Ecologist, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, e-mail: aivanov@severalmaz.ru
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Denisova A. I., Assistant of an Open-Cast Mining Chair |
ArticleName | Professional growth of personnel is a guarantee of a succesful development of “Severalmaz” Company |
ArticleAuthors | Ivanova M. A., Nazarova O. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Ivanova M. A., Head of an Educational Center, e-mail: MIvanova@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | With the name of M. V. Lomonosov |
ArticleAuthor | Antipina S. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | “Severalmaz” Company (Arkhangelsk, Russia): Antipina S. V., Assistant Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: SAntipina@severalmaz.ru |
ArticleName | Bandy is a most favourite sport of north inhabitans |
ArticleAuthor | Antufev V. F. |