Tsvetnye Metally

The seventh issue of a journal “Tsvetnye metally” is started with a congratulation with a Metallurgist`s Day from a president of Russian ecological fund “TECHECO”, professor, multiple World Chess Champion, good will ambassador of UNICEF, Anatoliy Evgenevich Karpov.
Articles of this issue cover the thematics of hard and light non-ferrous metals, noble metals and alloys, rare metals. The questions of theory and practice of ore beneficiation, are considered along with the questions of production and processing of non-ferrous metals, complex usage of ore raw materials, economics and production management.
Article by A. A. Loktev and P. V. Malinovskiy is published in the section “ Economics and Management of Production”. This article considers, that the system of internal control should be founded on the basis of the open principle, due to the analysis of the standard models of internal control system, which are typical for the organizations of various organizational and legal forms. The open principle allows to involve the important interested parties into the control operations. These interested parties lie outside the inner circle of the control subjects. According to this, the reliability and efficiency of the internal control system functioning may be increased.
Article by I. S. Ratkevich and G. D. Belyaev considers the questions and prospects of the participation of Sarov Physical and Technical University in the project of innovation scientific and industrial cluster Skolkovo.
Article by A. G. Kasikov shares the example of processing of intermediate products and wastes of Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, as the basis of efficiency of the liquid extraction usage, during the obtaining of high purity cobalt, cobalt salts for the purification of the nickel solutions from zinc and copper, regeneration of sulfuric acid, as well as for extraction of some rare elements with obtaining their pure compounds. It is shown that in most developed extraction processes, solving the problem of dividing the non-ferrous metals and purification of solutions from the impurities could be reached by using the extractants on the basis of the tertiary amines.
Article by the team of authors (I. P. Kremenetskaya, V. V. Lashchuk, E. Yu. Volochkovskaya, S. V. Drogobuzhskaya, T. A. Morozova) consideres the possibility of application of magnesia-silicate reagent on the basis of the serpentine minerals in the detoxication technology of natural-anthropogenic water objects of Monchegorsk anthropogenic waste ground. It is concluded that the properties of reagent (low price, availability, absence of xenobiotics, possibility of water purification to the normative level) allow to use it in the “passive” technologies of water purification.
Another article by the team of authors (Z. S. Abisheva, A. N. Zagorodnyaya, N. S. Bekturganov, E. A. Ospanov, N. A. Ospanov) reports about a research of rhenium sorption from the industrial solutions of the wash sulfuric acid of Balkhash Copper-smelting Plant on anionite A170.
It is established that the sorption indices of anionite are high. The received data indicate about a necessity of a restart of rhenium extraction sorption technology from the solutions of the washed sulfuric acid of Balkhash Copper-smelting Plant.
Article by V. S. Kaskov considers the obtaining technology of the thin close grained beryllium foils (10-150 millimeters) with the protective coat. There is established the fact that the smaller is the contain of BeO in metal, the greater is the possibility of obtaining the thin close grained beryllium foils.
24 July 2012 is the anniversary of “Wolfram” Company. This company was founded by some leading workers of the former Ministry of non-ferrous metallurgy of USSR for the purpose of production organization and sales of products from tungsten, molibdenium and other non-ferrous metals in Russia and abroad. For the 15 years of activity, “Wolfram” JSC has formed from the small trade organization to one of the world's largest independent suppliers of tungsten production. An article “15-th anniversary of “Wolfram” JSC” gives more detail description of the company's activity.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
ArticleAuthor | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant |
ArticleAuthorData | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant, phone: (495) 787-76-34, e-mail: korneevsi@rao.nornik.ru |
ArticleName | Formation of new appearance of internal control system in the state atomic energy corporation “Rosatom” |
ArticleAuthors | Loktev A. A., Malinovskiy P. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | State Atomic Energy Corporation “ROSATOM”, Moscow, Russia: A. A. Loktev, Executive Officer of a Department of Internal Control and Audit, e-mail: AALoktev@rosatom.ru |
ArticleName | Opportunities and prospects for participation of Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute in the project of scientific innovation and industrial cluster Skolkovo |
ArticleAuthors | Ratkevich I. S., Belayeva G. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (National Research Nuclear University) (SarPhTI NRNU MEPHI), Sarov, Russia: I. S. Ratkevich, Post-Graduate Student, e-mail: Irina_Ratkevich@xakep.ru |
ArticleName | Behavior of water-soluble copper during the processing of the oxidized copper ores |
ArticleAuthors | Zubkov A. A., Abramov A. A., Shulenina Z. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | OJSC “Ecomet Plus”, Moscow, Russia: A. A. Zubkov, Chief Technologist, e-mail: trbusiness7@mail.ru
Moscow State Mining University (MGGU), Moscow, Russia: A. A. Abramov, Professor |
ArticleName | Processing of the bronze fusion slag with obtaining the metallic alloy and glassy-shape waste |
ArticleAuthors | Ten E. B., Shangin E. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” (MISIS), Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Density and liquidus temperature of high-copper slag fusion |
ArticleAuthors | Lukavyy S. L., Fedorov A. N., Khabiev M. P., Khabiev P. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” (MISIS), Moscow, Russia: S. L. Lukavyy, Assistant, e-mail: lukavyy@gmail.com |
ArticleName | Application of the liquid extraction in new hydrometallurgical processes of copper-nickel raw materials processing at the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company |
ArticleAuthor | Kasikov A. G. |
ArticleAuthorData | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Science Center (ICTREMRM KSC RAS), Apatity, Russia. A. G. Kasikov, Head of Division of Hydrometallurgy of Cobalt, Nickel and Noble Metals, e-mail: kasikov@chemy.kolasc.net.ru |
ArticleName | A magnesia-silicate reagent for treating natural water from heavy metals emitted from the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company (Monchegorsk area) |
ArticleAuthors | Kremenetskaya I. P., Lashchuk V. V., Volochkovskaya E. Yu., Drogobuzhskaya S. V., Morozova T. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Science Center (ICTREMRM KSC RAS), Apatity, Russia: I. P. Kremenetskaya, Senior Researcher, e-mail: kremen@chemy.kolasc.net.ru S. V. Drogobuzhskaya, Senior Laboratory Assistant Researcher
OJSC “Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company”, Monchegorsk, Russia: E. Yu. Volochkovskaya, Leading Specialist
Mining Institute of Kola Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia: T. A. Morozova, Researcher |
ArticleName | Research of technology development for the gold recovery from oxidized ores on one of the greatest deposits of the republic of Tajikistan |
ArticleAuthors | Strizhko L. S., Bobokhonov B., Boboev I. R. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” (MISIS), Moscow, Russia: L. S. Strizhko, Professor of a Chair of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, e-mail: sls_2007.47@mail.ru I. R. Boboev, Post-Graduate Student, Chair of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold
Joint Enterprise “Zarafshon”, Pаnjakent, Tadjikistan Republic: B. Bobokhonov, First Deputy Chief Executive Officer |
ArticleName | Improved efficiency of autoclaves digesting for processing of hard bauxites |
ArticleAuthors | Domanskiy I. V., Davydov I. V., Borovinskiy V. P., Malofeev M. N., Morozov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | OJSC RUSAL All-Russian Aluminium-Magnesium Institute (RUSAL VAMI), Saint Petersburg, Russia: I. V. Domanskiy, Senior Researcher |
ArticleName | Utilization of silica in wastes of silicon semiconductor |
ArticleAuthors | Pochtaryev A. N., Kozhemyakin V. A., Antipova N. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | OJSC “Giredmet”, Moscow, Russia: A. N. Pochtarуev, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: ANP1945@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Researchings of rhenium sorption from the industrial solutions of the wash sulfuric acid of the Balkhash Copper-smelting Plant on anionite A107 |
ArticleAuthors | Abisheva Z. S., Zagorodnyaya A. N., Becturganov N. S., Ospanov Ye. А., Ospanov N. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “The Center of Earth Sciences, Metallurgy and Ore Benefication”, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic: Z. S. Abisheva, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: abisheva_z@mail.ru
JSC “National Scientific and Technological Holding “Parasat”, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic:
LLP “Kazakhmis Corporation”, Balkhash, Kazakhstan Republic: |
ArticleName | The effect of pressure on the ratio of trichlorosilane and silicon tetrachloride in the steam-gas mixture, which is formed in process of the direct synthesis of trichlorosilane |
ArticleAuthors | Arkadyev A. A., Nazarov Yu. N., Kokh A. A., Chapygin A. M., Novikov A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | OJSC “Giredmet”, Moscow, Russia: A. A. Arkadyev, Leading Researcher, e-mail: aaa560804@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | Industrial experience of sorptive extraction of rhenium from the circulating leach solutions of uranium |
ArticleAuthors | Volkov V. P., Meshcheryakov N. M., Nikitin N. V., Mikhaylenko M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | CJSC Scientific Development and Production Center “Advanced Processing of Raw Materials”, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Volkov, Chief Engineer, e-mail: npogps@mail.ru
Representation of a Purolite International Limited Company in Russia and CIS, Moscow, Russia: N. V. Nikitin, Executive Officer of Representative |
ArticleName | Synthesis of high-purity titanium powders by electrolytic method from fluoride melts |
ArticleAuthors | Karelin V. A., Mikutskaya E. N., Dubrovin A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (NI TPU): V. A. Karelin, Professor of a Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements, e-mail: vladimir@seversk.tomsknet.ru A. V. Dubrovin, Senior Lecturer of a Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements
Seversk Technological Institute – subsidiary of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute National Nuclear Research University (MEPHI): E. N. Mikutskaya, Senior Lecturer of a Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Modern Energetics' Materials |
ArticleName | Thin vacuum-tight berylliym foils, providing corrosion and ecological safety of products |
ArticleAuthor | Kaskov V. S. |
ArticleAuthorData | Voskresensk Experimental and Technological Center on Special Materials, Belozersky settlement, Moscow Region, Russia: V. S. Kaskov, Deputy Chief on Science |
ArticleName | Analysis of oxygen containing copper rod rolling with the account nonmonotonicity of hardening haracteristics |
ArticleAuthors | Loginov Yu. N., Zuev A. Yu., Inatovich Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin», Yekaterinburg, Russia: Yu. N. Loginov, Professor, e-mail: unl@mtf.ustu.ru Yu. V. Inatovich, Assistant Professor
Joint Enterprise «Katur-Invest» LLC, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: |
ArticleName | A computer model of the failure and recovery processes of ore grinding system equipment |
ArticleAuthor | Balasanyan S. Sh. |
ArticleAuthorData | State Engineering University of Armenia, Kapan Branch, Kapan, Republic of Armenia: S. Sh. Balasanyan, Director, e-mail: suni-com@syunik.am |