Gornyi Zhurnal

5-th issue of "Gornyi Zhurnal" (Mining Journal) is published in full color. It is a thematic issue, with materials, which share the potential, operational experience and development options of mining complex of Karelian Republic.
Various mineral resources are exploited on the territory of Republic, such as: iron ores, chrome ores, aluminium ores, uranium ores, tin-polymetallic ores, noble metal ores, diamonds, feldspar ores, muscovite, graphite, garnet, kyanite, talc, asbestos, schungite rocks, quartz, quartzite, carbonate raw materials, building stone, sand and gravel materials, clays, peat etc.
Along with mineral raw materials, Karelia has large volume of water resources. Government`s balance of Republic includes reserves of 12 deposits of ground waters for household purposes and 3 deposits of mineral waters.
Karelia has a great scientific potential. Over a number of years, many scientists make investigations on researching of mineral resources, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of economics of Karelian Republic and diversification of production.
This issue tells about the current status in mining and geological branch of Karelia. There is shown a level of scientific investigations. Questions about problems of achievements of enterprises and organizations are considered.
Current issue also shares the problems, which are conditioned by imperfection of legislation and infrastructure. There are given basic directions of training for mining complex in Petrozavodsk State University.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | The Republic of Karelia: potential possibilities of the nortern region |
ArticleAuthor | Shekov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences: |
ArticleName | Economical and geographical position of Karelia |
ArticleAuthors | Nemkovich E. G., Kurilo A. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Economics of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Nemkovich E. G., Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: enemkovich@mail.ru Kurilo А. E., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences |
ArticleName | About the concept of development of mineral raw materials base of the Karelian Republic |
ArticleAuthors | Shchiptsov V. V., Shekov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Center of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Shchiptsov V. V., Director, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: shchipts@krc.karelia.ru Shekov V. A., Deputy Director on Research Work, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | The resource base of the Republic of Karelia |
ArticleName | Resources of gold and platinoids in the Karelian territory |
ArticleAuthors | Ivashchenko V. I., Golubev A. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Ivashchenko V. I., Leading Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: ivashche@krc.karelia.ru Golubev A. I., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences |
ArticleName | Potential of the Republic of Karelia in developing of quartz raw materials` resources |
ArticleAuthor | Danilevskaya L. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Danilevskaya L. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: danilevs@krc.karelia.ru |
ArticleName | Feldspathic raw materials of Karelian Republic: current status and prospects of development |
ArticleAuthors | Skamnitskaya L. S., Bubnova T. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Skamnitskaya L. S., Senior Researcher, e-mail: skamnitsk@krc.karelia.ru Bubnova T. P., Researcher |
ArticleName | Shungite-bearing shales of Karelia as valuable mineral raw materials for Russian construction industry |
ArticleAuthor | Filippov M. M. |
ArticleAuthorData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Filippov М. М., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: filipov@krc.karelia.ru |
ArticleName | Resources of a surface waters of Karelia |
ArticleAuthors | Litvinenko A. V., Filatov N. N., Bogdanova M. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Northern Water Problems of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Litvinenko A. V., Senior Researcher, e-mail: aleks_litvinenko@mail.ru Filatov N. N., Director, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Bogdanova M. S., Junior Researcher |
ArticleName | Groundwater of Karelia |
ArticleAuthors | Borodulina G. S., Igonin A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Northern Water Problems of Karelian Research Centre of RAS 1 (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Borodulina G. S., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: bor6805@yandex.ru Karelian subsidiary of the Federal Budgetary Public University “Territorial fund of geological information on the North-West Federal district” (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Igonin A. V., Head of Department |
ArticleName | "Karelsky Okatysh" Company: the leading enterprise in mining and processing of iron ore |
ArticleName | Quarries on the extraction of a block stone in the north of Karelia |
ArticleAuthors | Bukharov A. A., Seleznyov M. Y. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Mining management of production association “Vozrozhdenie” Managing Company (Vyborg, Russia): Bukharov A. A., Chief Engineer, e-mail: aabuh@karier.ru Seleznev M. Yu., Marketing Director |
ArticleName | “Quarry-Service” Company: the experience of sub-contract crushing in Karelian region |
ArticleAuthor | Balagurov M. S. |
ArticleAuthorData | “Quarry-Service” LLC (Saint Petersburg, Russia): Balagurov M. S., Sales Executive Officer, e-mail: info@qsspb.ru |
ArticleName | The forecast of geological risks for deposits of a non-metallic mineral resources in Karelia |
ArticleAuthors | Ryazantsev P. A., Nilov M. Yu., Klimovskiy A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Center of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Ryazantsev P. A., Post-Graduate Student, e-mail: chthonian@yandex.ru Nilov M. Yu., Junior Researcher Klimovskiy A.V., Junior Researcher |
ArticleName | Methodological bases of the evaluation of the deposits of a block stone |
ArticleAuthors | Ivanov A. A., Shekov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Center of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Ivanov A. A., Researcher, e-mail: ivanov@krc.karelia.ru Shekov V. A., Deputy Director of Scientific Work, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Monitoring of seismic activities in the territory of Karelia |
ArticleAuthors | Sharov N. V., Shekov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Center of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Sharov N. V., Head of Laboratory of Geophysics, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: sharov@krc.karelia.ru Shekov V. A., Deputy Director of Scientific Work, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Possibilities of multipurpose usage of Karelian garnet amphibolites |
ArticleAuthors | Bubnova T. P., Skamnitskaya L. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Bubnova T. P., Researcher, e-mail: bubnova@krc.karelia.ru Skamnitskaya L. S., Senior Researcher |
ArticleName | Application of Karelian soapstone for increasing of the strength of ceramic tile |
ArticleAuthors | Frolov P. V., Ilyina V. P., Klimovskaya Е. Е. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Center of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Frolov P. V., Researcher, e-mail: pf@sampo.ru Ilina V. P., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences Klimovskaya Е. Е., Junior Researcher |
ArticleName | Facing ceramics based on local clays and feldspar raw material from the Chupinsk mining concentration plant. |
ArticleAuthors | Ilyina V. P., Popova T. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Center of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Ilina V. P., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ivp@krc.karelia.ru Popova Т. V., Researcher |
ArticleName | Shungite as a unique Karelian natural material for multipurpose application |
ArticleAuthor | Kalinin Yu. K. |
ArticleAuthorData | Research-and-production enterprise "Carbon-Shungite" (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Kalinin Yu. K., Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: shungitnpk@onego.ru |
ArticleName | About the geoenvironmental assessment of the condition of Karelian nonmetalliferous mining areas |
ArticleAuthors | Krutskikh N. V., Svetov S. А., Krichevtsova М. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Center of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Krutskikh N. V., Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: natkrut@gmail.com Svetov S. А., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Krichevtsova S. V., Senior Laboratory Assistant-Researcher |
ArticleName | About the possibility of application of Karelian shungite rocks of in water conditioning |
ArticleAuthors | Rozhkova V. S., Kovalevskiy V. V., Kochneva I. V., Lozovik P. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Rozhkova V. S., Junior Researcher, e-mail: vrozhk@krc.karelia.ru Kovalevskiy V. V., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Kochneva I. V., Leading Engineer-Technologist Institute of Northern Water Problems of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Lozovik P. A., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Chemical Sciences |
ArticleName | Mining and geological education at Petrozavodsk State University |
ArticleName | Monuments of history of mining crafts of Central Karelia and Zaonezhye |
ArticleAuthor | Lavrov O. B. |
ArticleAuthorData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Lavrov O. B., Researcher, Head of a Museum of the Institute of Geology, e-mail: petrlavrov@list.ru |
ArticleName | History of mining craft of Northern Ladoga |
ArticleAuthor | Borisov I. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Regional Museum of Northern Ladoga: Borisov I. V., Head of the Excursion and Tourism Department, Candidate of Geographic Sciences, e-mail: aldoga@bk.ru |
ArticleName | Tourism development on objects of Karelian mining |
ArticleAuthor | Gribushin A. I. |
ArticleAuthorData | Institute of Geology of Karelian Research Centre of RAS (Petrozavodsk, Russia): Gribushin А. I., Leading Expert of the “Mining Road” Project, e-mail: apis51@yandex.ru |