Gornyi Zhurnal

The issue contains articles of various themes, which cover the work experience and engineering efforts of enterprises and organizations of mining profile.
The journal covers issues of exploitation, processing and integrated use of mineral raw materials, modernization of equipment, organization and management of mining production, environmental protection.
According to the editors' opinion, the special attention should be paid to the article by Volfson I. F., Farrakhov E. G., Miletenko N. V., Oderova A. V. “Medical geology: five years in the CIS countries”, published in the section “Environmental protection”. It narrates about activity of the Regional subdivision of the International Medical Geology Association in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: the voluntary association of geologists, geochemists, mineralogists, doctors, biologists, soil scientists and other scientists of the CIS countries, who study impact of geological processes and technogenic objects on human health, animals and plants. The paper calls to draw attention of scientific community to the problem of human health protection and preservation of natural ecosystems in the mining regions.
The current issue is traditionally ended by the annual contents of the journal, which contains a list of all the articles published in the “Gornyi Zhurnal” (“Minig Journal”) in 2011.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Major challenges and opportunities for growth leading Russian mining companies |
ArticleName | Protection of results of intellectual activity in the mining industry |
ArticleAuthors | Vyunnik A. V., Safyannikova T. B., Tripoleva T. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Vyunnik A. V., Research Associate of Intellectual Property Laboratory; Safyannikova T. B., Head of Intellectual Property Laboratory, e-mail: safyannikovatb@alrosa.ru; Tripoleva T. I., Senior Research Associate of Intellectual Property Laboratory, Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”. |
ArticleName | Organization and productivity of geological exploration works at the Zabaikalye Territory |
ArticleAuthors | Bakhramov Kh. S., Dolbak V. P., Petrovsky P. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Bakhramov Kh. S., General Manager, phone: +7 (3022) 354-642; Dolbak V. P., Assistant of General Manager; Petrovsky P. P., Main specialist-expert, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Depatment on using the mineral resources in Zbaikalsky krai — “Zabaykalnedra”. |
ArticleName | Geophysical researches of piles penetrability during heap leaching of gold |
ArticleAuthors | Golishchenko G. N., Khaletskaya O. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Golishchenko G. N., Chief Geophysicist of the Central Mining Department, Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, phone: +998 (79) 227-04-46; Khaletskaya O. V., Category I Geophysicist Experimental Methodical Research Laboratory, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant. |
ArticleName | Complex designing of water protection of underground mines of the “ALROSA” Company and drainage pickles utilization |
ArticleAuthors | Genzel G. N., +Osipenko Yu. S., Pisarev O. I., Kramskov N. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Genzel G. N., Deputy Director on scientific and design work, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail:sekretar@novotek15.ru; +Osipenko Y. S., Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences; Pisarev O. I., Director, “NOVOTEK” Company; Kramskov N. P., Main Research Associate, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”. |
ArticleName | Designing of networks of engineering-geological researches on objects of the mining industry |
ArticleAuthor | Cheskidov V. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Cheskidov V. V., Jounior Research Assistant, e-mail: vcheskidov@yandex.ru, Moscow State Mining University. |
ArticleName | About development of innovation activity and its staffing in the mining industry |
ArticleAuthors | Ganitskiy V. I., Dayanits D. G., Vorobyev A. G., Eyrikh V. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ganitskiy V. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +7 (499) 236-25-82; Dayanits D. G., Professor, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Moscow State Mining University; Vorobyev A. G., Chief-editor, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Publishing House “Ore and Metals”; Eyrikh V. I., General Directo, Doctor of Economics Sciences, “SpezStroy” Company. |
ArticleName | Technical-and-economical audit as the innovation system for management on enterprises of the mining industry |
ArticleAuthor | Prokofeva E. N. |
ArticleAuthorData | Prokofeva E. N., Post Graduate Student, e-mail: kotvasya2@mail.ru, Moscow State Mining University. |
ArticleName | The process approach in a control system of the mountain enterprise |
ArticleAuthor | Kogan P. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Kogan P. A., Engineer on Improvement of Business-Processes, e-mail: kogan@rambler.ru, Ramensky Mining and Concentrating Plant. |
ArticleName | Cyclicaland-continuous technology during development of large deposits of apatite |
ArticleAuthors | Demidov Yu. V., Zvonar A. Yu, Belousov V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Demidov Yu. V., Advisor to General Director, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ydemidov@apatit.com; Zvonar A. Yu., Technical Director — Chief Engineer; Belousov V. V., Deputy Technical Director, Head of Technical Department, Combine “Apatite” |
ArticleName | Features of development of selvedge areas of the Verhnekamsky potash deposits |
ArticleAuthors | Solovyev V. A., Konstantinova S. A., Alymenko D. N., Spekhov L. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Solovyev V. A., Main Research Associate, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: mail@gallurgy.ru; Konstantinova S. A., Head of Laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences; Alymenko D. N., Director of the Scientific Part, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Halurgy Institute Spekhov L. M., Director, Verkhnekamsk Potash Company |
ArticleName | Technical and technological complex of hydro-mechanized extraction and production of fuel and energy peat |
ArticleAuthors | Korchak A. V., Yaltanets I. M., Shtin S. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Korchak A. V., Rector, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ud@msmu.ru; Yaltanets I. M., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Moscow State Mining University; Shtin S. M., Technical Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, “Golfstream” Company. |
ArticleName | Technologies of peat extraction with natural drying |
ArticleAuthors | Chertkova E. Yu., Smirnov V. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Chertkova E. Yu., Post Graduate Student, e-mail: lastochka-w@mail.ru; Smirnov V. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Tver State Technical University. |
ArticleName | X-ray-luminescent separators for beneficiation of diamond-bearing materials |
ArticleAuthors | Vladimirov E. N., Bubyr E. V., Kazakov L. V., Yakovlev V. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Vladimirov E. N., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Vladimirov_EN@bourevestnik.spb.ru; Bubyr E. V., Head of Sorter Department; Kazakov L. V., Director of Research, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, “Bourevestnik” Company; Yakovlev V. N., Head of Radiometric Separation Laboratory, Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”. |
ArticleName | Complex use of brown coals |
ArticleAuthors | +Ruban A. D., Lavrinenko A. A., Perederiy M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ruban A. D., Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Lavrinenko A. A., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: lavrin_a@mail.ru; Perederiy M. A., Senior Research Associate, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences. |
ArticleName | Usage of local materials as a sorbent for uranium extraction from waste mining and process waters of mining enterprices |
ArticleAuthors | Khakimov N., Mirsaidov I. U., Nazarov Kh. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Khakimov N., Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: n.khakimov@mail.ru; Mirsaidov I. U., Chief of Department of Information and International attitude, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Nazarov Kh. M., Main Research Associate, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Branch Agency of Nucleus and radioactive safety Academy of Science of Republic Tajikistan |
ArticleName | Machies and the equipment produced by OJSC "Belarusian Autoworks" for underground mining works |
ArticleAuthors | Semko S. N., Matsukov E. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Semko S. N., Chief Designer of Underground and Building-road Technical, e-mail: moaz-ogk@mail.ru; Matsukov E. A., Chief of Design Office of the General Configurations; Scientific and Technical Center of “Belarusian Autoworks” |
ArticleName | Methodology of quality measure of belt conveyors for the conditions of their operation at “ALROSA” Company |
ArticleAuthors | Monastyrskiy V. F., Vorontsov V. S., Maksyutenko V. Yu., Kiriya R. V., Monastyrskiy S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Monastyrskiy V. F., the Chair of Department of Mineral Resources, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: vfmon@mail.ru; Vorontsov V. S., Senior Lecturer, Mirnyy Polytechnical Institute (branch) of Northern-Eastern Federal University; Maxiutenko V. Yu., Senior Research Associate, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Kiriya R. V., Senior Research Associate, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Monastyrskiy S. V., Senior Research Associate, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Institute of Geo technical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
ArticleName | Perspective equipment for processing of facing stone at the Urals |
ArticleAuthor | +Bychkov G. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | +Bychkov G. V., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Ural State Mountain University. |
ArticleName | The vision of energy future |
ArticleAuthors | Ilkovskiy K. K., Timofeev D. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ilkovskiy K. K., General Director,Candidate of Economics Sciences, e-mail: 703208@mail.ru, “Yakytskoe” Company; Timofeev D. I., Deputy Director of Investment, Far East Energy Management Company. |
ArticleName | Medical geology: five years in the CIS contries |
ArticleAuthors | Volfson I. F., Farrakhov E. G., Miletenko N. W., Oderova A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Volfson I. F., Science Secretary, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: rosgeo@yandex.ru; Farrakhov E. G., First Vice-president ROSGEO, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Russian Geological Society; Miletenko N. V., Deputy Director of the Department of the State regulations in the field of Geology and the usage of the Earth bowels, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russian Federation; Oderova A. V., Leading Engineer, All-Russia scientific research institute of mineral raw materials named after N. M. Fedorovsky. |
ArticleName | Eсological and economical simulation of risks of a damage to environment at closing of collieries |
ArticleAuthor | Stoyanova I. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Stoyanova I. A., Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Economics Sciences, Moscow State Mining University/ |
ArticleName | Once again about modern training of mining engineers |
ArticleAuthor | Arens V. Zh. |
ArticleAuthorData | Arens V. Zh., Vice-president, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Academy of Mining Sciences. |
ArticleName | Modern methods of work and manufacture organization at the coal-mining enterprises of the USA |
ArticleAuthor | Ilyn A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Ilyn A., Chief Surface Engineering, Mechel Bluestone Inc. |