Tsvetnye Metally

The current issue of journal "Tsvetnye Metally” (Non-ferrous metals) covers the problems of a theory and practice of ore benefication, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, complex using of ore raw materials, economics and management of production.
Article by B. A. Kotlyar and A. M. Okunkov shares the necessity of system adaptation of labor remuneration on enterprises to the signal of a production market. There is recommended the monitoring of the differentiation level of labor remuneration, as well as the compliance of increasing of labor productivity to the remuneration of growth rate of workers in key trades. There is given an information of the comparison of wage and living wage. According to the standards, the wage fund formation methodology is proposed as the basis of the effective stimulation of work.
Article by A. A. Abramov is published in the “Benefication” section. This article considers the theoretical basis of creation of new and more selective reagents-collectors. These reagents are imperative for increasing the flotation technological processes` efficiency and completeness of using the mineral raw materials.
Article by E. N. Volkova, A. I. Demidov, V. V. Cherdyntsev and I. V. Shchetinin reports about the developed technology of complex hydrometallurgical processing of oxide-nickel electrodes` active mass of the worked out alkaline accumulators; particularly the nickel-ferrous accumulators. Implementation of the stages of a proposed technological scheme in laboratory conditions allowed to obtain the roentgenographically pure final products, such as hexahydrate of nickel-ammonium sulphate, nickel hydroxide (II) and monocrystall hexahydrate of nickel sulfate (retgersite). Retgersite is free from the organic impurities. It meets the case to the optical production materials. There is obtained the superfine graphite, which meets the requirements of State Standard 10273-79. These requirements are imposed to the materials of the accumulator production. The content of the graphite is 99.9% (ptc.wt), which conforms to the GAC-1 grade. GAC-1 means “the graphite for accumulator products of special purposes”.
The staff members from Central Research Institute of Geological Exploration of Non-Ferrous and Precious Metals (FSUE TsNIGRI) published the article, where is considered the process of vat bacterial leaching of persistent gold and sulphide concentrates. Sulphides` biooxidation was held by using the mesophilic and moderately thermophilic bacterias. There is established that the rate of the sulphides` biooxidation depends on the correlation of the sulphides of metals. There is defined that using the mixed bacterias provides the effective sulphide oxidation and gold extraction from residues of the bioleaching of concentrates in the process of their aeration and cyanidation.
Article by N. A. Belov and V. D. Belov (National Researching and Technological University “MISiS”) considers the calculating of polythermic and isothermic sections of multicomponent systems on the basis of titanium in respect to the grade casting alloys. These calculations were held by using the Thermo-Calc program. It is shown that using the specialized computer programs allows to identify the composition of the phases and their quantity in the given alloy with the given temperature. This could be practically impossible in most cases to solve this problem by graphic approach. Currently, searching the new heat-resistance alloys with high electroconductivity becomes more actual for using these alloys in conductors of transmission facilities. The existing alloys of Al – Mg – Si system are used for conductors production. These alloys have the necessary electroconductivity, but became soften with the high temperatures.
Researchings by M. A. Ryazantseva, A. N. Solonin and V. K. Portnoy (National Researching and Technological University “MISiS”) are directed on the creation and optimization of aluminium alloy structure for application of it in the transmission facilities. Aluminium alloy possesses the high stability of mechanic properties to the heating and high electroconductivity.
In this issue is published the article, which is devoted to the 95-th anniversary of Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant (EZOTsM). This article reports about establishment and development periods of this enterprise. Currently, OJSC EZOTsM presents to the customers the full complex of services on processing, refining and making the products from precious metals. Unique technological processes, equipment and long operational experience of stuff make the enterprise more competitive on the market of production, which is based on precious metals.
80-th anniversary of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) comes in June. Journal “Tsvetnye Metally” published an article, which is devoted to this anniversary. This article reports about the history of establishment and development of VIAM and about it's current activity. Nowadays, VIAM is the largest center of materials science, which has no analogues in the world on variety and complexity of solving problems. It is also the leading scientific-research institute on creating the prospective materials and technologies for aviation complexes, space technique, shipbuilding industry, automobile industry, oil-producing industry, gas-producing industry and other branches of industry.
More details about the issue you can find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
ArticleAuthor | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant |
ArticleAuthorData | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant, phone: (495) 787-76-34, e-mail: korneevsi@rao.nornik.ru |
ArticleName | How to motivate labor: particularities of 2012. Part 1 |
ArticleAuthors | Kotlyar B. A., Okunkov A. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | "TsNOTORGMET" Consulting-Analytical Center B. A. Kotlyar, Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: tsnot@yandex.ru
All-Russian sectoral association of employers “Association of Industrialists of the Mining-Metallurgical Complex of Russia” (AMROS) A. M. Okunkov, Chief Operating Officer |
ArticleName | The economic security of large corporations: modern technologies of internal control and training |
ArticleAuthors | Putilov A. V., Vorobiev A. G., Petrov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (MIFI) A. V. Putilov, Dean of a Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies, e-mail: AVPutilov@mephi.ru A. G. Vorobiev, Head of an Economics Chair V. A. Petrov, Head of a Sectoral Development Administration |
ArticleName | Requirements to the choice and designing of selective reagents-collectors. Part 1. Theoretical principles for the choice of selective reagents-collectors |
ArticleAuthor | Abramov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Moscow State Mining University (MGGU) A. A. Abramov, Professor, e-mail: AbramovAA31@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Complex hydrometallurgical processing of the oxygen-nickel electrodes’ active materials of the fulfilled alkaline Ni–MH batteries |
ArticleAuthors | Volkova E. N., Demidov A. I., Cherdyntsev V. V., Schetinin I. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbGPU) E. N. Volkova, Engineer, e-mail: ezhik82@list.ru A. I. Demidov, Professor of a Chair of Physical Chemistry, Micro- and Nanotechnologies
National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISiS) V. V. Cherdyntsev, Assistant Professor of a Chair of Physical Chemistry I. V. Schetinin, First Category Engineer |
ArticleName | To a problem of copper deposition in presence of elemental sulfur and a reducing agent |
ArticleAuthors | Tsapakh S. L., Lutova L. S., Chetverkin A. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorsData | LLC “Hypronickel Institute” S. L. Tsapakh, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, e-mail: sltsa@nickel.spb.ru L. S. Lutova, Researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy A. Yu. Chetverkin, Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy |
ArticleName | The integrated tests of continuous process of refinement of cadmium with the high maintenance of nickel |
ArticleAuthors | Volodin V. N., Hrapunov V. E., Ruzakhunova G. S., Marki I. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC «Center of Sciences about Earth, metallurgy and processing» V. N. Volodin, Chief Researcher, e-mail: volodin@inp.kz V. E. Hrapunov, Chief Researcher G. S. Ruzakhunova, Leading Engineer I. A. Marki, Leading Researcher |
ArticleName | Gold recovery from refractory high sulfide concentrates with using biohydrometallurgy |
ArticleAuthors | Sedelnikova G. V., Savari E. E., Zaulochniy P. A., Koshel E. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | FSUE Central Research Geological Exploration Institute of Non-ferrous and Noble Metals (FGUP “TSNIGRI”) G. V. Sedelnikova, Deputy Director, e-mail: gsedelnikova@mail.ru E. E. Savari, Head of Laboratory P. A. Zaulochniy, Researcher E. A. Koshel, Senior Researcher |
ArticleName | Thermodynamic basics of aluminothermic zirconium reduction from ZrO2 in chloride-fluoride melts |
ArticleAuthors | Moskvitin V. I., Popov D. A., Makhov S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISiS) V. I. Moskvitin, Professor, e-mail: vmoskvitin@mail.ru D. A. Popov, Post-Graduate Student S. V. Makhov, Senior Researcher of a Chair of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold |
ArticleName | A study into the production of aluminium hydroxide with a pseudoboehmite structure |
ArticleAuthors | Matveev V. A., Zakharov V. I., Mayorov D. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Science Center (IHTREMS KNC RAN) V. A. Matveev, Senior Researcher V. I. Zakharov, Head of Laboratory D. V. Mayorov, Senior Researcher, e-mail: mayorov@chemy.kolasc.net.ru |
ArticleName | The research of dolomite decomposition on the Middle Urals |
ArticleAuthors | Belousov M. V., Rakipov D. F., Nikonenko E. A., Kolesnikova M. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Krasnoturinsk branch of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin» M. V. Belousov, Senior Lecturer, e-mail: MetAlMg@yandex.ru D. F. Rakipov, Assistant Professor E. A. Nikonenko, Assistant Professor M. P. Kolesnikova, Assistant Professor |
ArticleName | Quantitative analysis of phase composition of grade casting alloys on the base of titanium and titanium aluminides |
ArticleAuthors | Belov N. A., Belov V. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISiS) N. A. Belov, Professor, e-mail: nikolay-belov@yandex.ru V. D. Belov, Head of a Chair of Casting Processes Technology (CPT) |
ArticleName | Identification of promising lines of research in the field of aluminum-based alloys using the electron theory of metals |
ArticleAuthors | Abuzin Yu. A., Nikitin N. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Center “Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies”, National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISiS) Yu. A. Abuzin, Leading Researcher, Assistant Professor
National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISiS) N. Yu. Nikitin, Post Graduate Student, e-mail: nikitin5@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | The effect of small addition on softening with heating of the cold rolled sheets of the low-alloyed aluminum alloys |
ArticleAuthors | Ryazantseva M. A., Solonin A. N., Portnoy V. K. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (MISiS) M. A. Ryazantseva, Post-Graduate Student, e-mail: riazantseva@misis.ru A. N. Solonin, Head of a Chair V. K. Portnoy, Professor of a Chair of Metallography of Non-ferrous Metals |