Gornyi Zhurnal

“Gornyi Zhurnal” No. 2-2012 came out of press. The volume of journal’s issue is 14,5 press sheets. The material is presented in black-and-white version in accordance with traditional sections. The advertisements of various Russian and foreign enterprises` production is situated on the four cover pages and sixteen colored insert pages.
The first of a planned range of articles about the possible ways of improving the open-cut deposit development method (by authors S. A. Ilin, V. S. Kovalenko, D. V. Pastikhin) is published in the section "Development of Deposits".
The article by B. A. Borzakovskiy, A. Ya. Grinberg, V. N. Tolmachyev (OJSC «Galurgiya», Perm), illustrating the unique experience of earth’s surface hole elimination over the flooded potassium mine of the JSC «Uralkaliy» in Berezniki, is published in the "Environmental Protection" section.
Items of personnel training for mining production are discussed in the article by A. P. Dmitryev and S. A. Goncharov (Moscow State Mining University).
“Mining Enterprises Electrification and Energy Efficiency” Chair of Moscow State Mining University celebrates the 75-year anniversary.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | On the problems about nature of Earth’s inner core and possibilities of the existence of substances harder than diamond |
ArticleAuthor | Zuev V. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | “Mekhanobr Engineering” Company: V. V. Zuev, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: office@mekhanobr.spb.ru |
ArticleName | Lithium-bearing underground water at Irkutsk Region and the Western Yakutia territory |
ArticleAuthors | Alekseev S. V., Alekseeva L. P., Vakhromeev A. G., Shmarov G. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Earth’s Crust Institute (Siberian Branch) of Russian Academy of Science: S. V. Alekseev, Head of Laboratory of Hydrogeology, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: salex@crust.irk.ru L. P. Alekseeva, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Irkutsk Department of “Rosneft burenie”: A. G. Vakhromeev, Major Geologist, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Udachny Mining and Concentration Plant of the “ALROSA” Company: G. P. Shmarov, Major Geologist |
ArticleName | Seismometric study of influence of massive explosions in the quarry at the protected objects of “Internatsionalnyi” mine |
ArticleAuthors | Nikitin R. Ya., Vasilev A. V., Khon V. I., Chernykh E. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”: R. Ya. Nikitin, Researcher of the Rock Destruction Department, e-mail: ron81@mail.ru A. V. Vasilev, Lead Engineer of the Rock Destruction Department V. I. Khon, Manager of the Rock Destruction Department
Earth’s Crust Institute (Siberian Branch) of Russian Academy of Sciences: E. N. Chernykh, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences |
ArticleName | Method of estimation of microdamages of igneous rocks and gravel in terms of water absorption |
ArticleAuthors | Myasnikova O. V., Shekov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Karelian Research Centre): O. V. Myasnikova, Researcher, e-mail: okmyasn@krc.karelia.ru V. A. Shekov, Deputy Director of Scientific Work, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Geological and mathematical simulation in the practice of mining engineering of “Yakutniproalmaz”institute |
ArticleAuthors | Kolganov V. F., Zyryanov I. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”: V. F. Kolganov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director for Science, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ZiryanovIV@alrosa.ru |
ArticleName | The role of institute of ind ependent directors in corporate governance of mining and metallurgical companies in Russia |
ArticleAuthors | Petrov I. M., Grishaev S. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Infomine’’ Company: I. M. Petrov, Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ipetrov@infomine.ru
Ministry of the Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation: S. I. Grishaev, Leading Expert, Candidate of Economic Sciences |
ArticleName | Improving the organization of production is a key area of development at JSC “EVRAZ Kachkanarskiy GOK” |
ArticleAuthors | Napolskikh S. A., Martynov V. A., Sukharev A. G., Yaroslavtsev A. A., Makarov A. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “EVRAZ Kachkanarskiy GOK” Company: S. A. Napolskikh, Managing Director, phone: +7 (34341) 6-46-64 V. A. Martynov, Chief Engineer A. G. Sukharev, Operating Officer A. A. Yaroslavtsev, Personnel Director
Scientific and Technical Center “NIIOGR”: A. M. Makarov, Deputy Director, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
The following employees of the Scientific and Technical Center “NIIOGR” participated in this work: Doctor of Engineering Sciences A. S. Dovzhenok, Doctor of Engineering Sciences T. A. Korkina, Candidate of Economics Sciences S. I. Zakharov. |
ArticleName | Realization of flow-methods of innovative development of oil industry |
ArticleAuthor | Yartiev A. F. |
ArticleAuthorData | Tatar Oil Research and Design Institute of Tatneft Company: A. F. Yartiev, Head of Oil Production Economics Sector, Candidate of Economic Sciences, e-mail: yartiev@tatnipi.ru |
ArticleName | Open method of mining: opportunities and ways |
ArticleAuthors | Ilin S. A., Kovalenko V. S., Pastikhin D. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Editorial of Mining Journal: S. A. Ilin, Mining Consultant, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: gornjournal@rudmet.ru
Moscow State Mining University: V. S. Kovalenko, Head of a Chair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences D. V. Pastikhin, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | New technology and equipment for high-production backfilling of mined-out area during underground mining of deposits |
ArticleAuthors | Caplunov D. R., Rylnikova M. V., Arsentev V. A., Kvitka V. V., Mannanov R. Sh. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences: D. R. Caplunov, Chief of Mine Design Theory Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, phone: +7 (495) 630-08-23 M. V. Rylnikova, Leading Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
“Mekhanobr-tekhnika” Company: V. A. Arsentev, Director for Development and Research, Doctor of Engineering Sciences V. V. Kvitka, Director for Mining and Metallurgy Industry, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
“Uchalinsky GOK” Company: R. Sh. Mannanov, Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | On problems of substantiation of delay intervals during realization of massive explosions in quarries |
ArticleAuthors | Fokin V. A., Togunov M. B., Semkin S. V., Shitov Yu. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Mining University of Kolsky Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences: V. A. Fokin, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: fva666@goi.kolasc.net.ru
Kovdorsky Mining and Concentrating Plant: M. B. Togunov, Leading Specialist of Drilling and Blasting Operations S. V. Semkin, Mine Chief Engeneer Yu. A. Shitov, Deputy Chief Engineer of Drillingand-Blasting Mine |
ArticleName | Separa tion of diamond-bearing raw materials on the base of X-ray fluorescent absorption and simulators usage for process control |
ArticleAuthor | Mironov V. P. |
ArticleAuthorData | Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”: V. P. Mironov, Head of Laboratory (till 1.07.2011), Independent Expert, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, e-mail: Mironov2011@gmail.com |
ArticleName | Experience in ope rating “BelAZ” dump trucks with electromechanical transmission at JSC «Kovdor GOK» |
ArticleAuthors | Parkhomchik P. A., Egorov A. N., Zuenok A. S., Shlyakhovoy I. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Belarusian Autoworks: P. A. Parkhomchik, Chief Executive Officer, e-mail: ppa@belaz.minsk.by A. N. Egorov, Design Project Leader A. S. Zuenok, Chief of Design Department of Science and Technical Centre
Kovdorskiy Mining and Concentrating Plant: I. I. Shlyakhovoy, Chief of Transport Department |
ArticleName | Implementation of mining and geological information system MineScape to “Severnyi” mine at Kola MMC |
ArticleAuthors | Melnik V. B., Sokolov S. V., Uskov A. K. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Kola MMC” Company: V. B. Melnik, Deputy Chief Engineer of Severny Mine, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: MelnikVB@Kola-GMK.ru S. V. Sokolov, Deputy Chief of Mining and Geological Department, Chief Geologist A. K. Uskov, Chief of Project Management Division of Information Technologies Department |
ArticleName | Complex for automated operation of gas analyzers as the most important resource for sec |
ArticleAuthors | Kazakov A. P., Belov A. N., Pervushin I. A., Papchenko A. Yu., Gilev O. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “GALUS” Company: A. P. Kazakov, Chief Executive Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences A. N. Belov, Deputy General Director for Development, e-mail: admin@galus.ru I. A. Pervushin, Head of IT Department
“Silvinit” Company: A. Yu. Papchenko, Deputy Chief Engineer for Automation and Metrology O. A. Gilev, Control Equipment and Instrumentation Repair Section Foremaster
The following specialists participated in this work: Ye. A. Kharitonov, M. V. Zolotov (“GALUS” Company), |
ArticleName | Experiences of liquidation of failure in earth’s surface over a flooded potassium mine |
ArticleAuthors | Borzakovskiy B. A., Grinberg A. Ya., Tolmachev B. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Galurgiya” Company: B. A. Borzakovskiy, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: mail@gallurgy.ru A. Ya. Grinberg, Chief Executive Officer Candidate of Engineering Sciences B. N. Tolmachev, Project Manager |
ArticleName | Tailing dumps of Komsomolsk tin region: opportunities for recycling treatment and ecological problems |
ArticleAuthors | Zvereva V. P., Krupskaya L. T., Kemkina R. A., Kemkin I. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Far Eastern State University, Far Eastern Geological University of Russian Academy of Sciences: V. P. Zvereva, Head of a Chair, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: Zvereva@fegi.ru
Pacific State University: L. T. Krupskaya, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Far Eastern State University: R. A. Kemkina, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Far Eastern Geological University of Russian Academy of Sciences: I. V. Kemkin, Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences |
ArticleName | Development of technology fo r disposal of slightly mineralized water in the range of permafrost |
ArticleAuthors | Trofimova N. A., Bakhteev R. Sh. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute “Yakutniproalmaz”: N. A. Trofimova, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Economical Sciences R. Sh. Bakhteev, Leading Engineer-Hydrogeologist, e-mail: TrofimovaNA@alrosa.ru |
ArticleName | Investigation of corrosion process of metal engineered barriers in a down hole storage of radioactive wastes |
ArticleAuthors | Tkachenko A. V., Penionzhkevich N. P., Litinskiy Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Moscow State Unitary Enterprise ecotechnological and scientific and technical united deactivation centre “Radon”, Research Centre of Geoecology and Territory Rehabilitation: A. V. Tkachenko, First Deputy Chief, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: radonalex@mail.ru N. P. Penionzhkevich, Head of Laborotory, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Yu. V. Litinskiy, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Bioindicational estimation of environment quality changing as a result of the influence of diamond mining companies |
ArticleAuthors | Shadrina E. G., Volpert Ya. L., Alekseeva N. N., Danilov V. A., Pudova T. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov: E. G. Shadrina, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, e-mail: e-shadrina@yandex.ru
Nortnen Institute of Applied Ecology: Ya. L. Volpert, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences
“Vodokanal” Company: N. N. Alekseeva, Industrial Flow Purifying Engineer
Nortnen Institute of Applied Ecology: V. A. Danilov, Head of Laboratory,Candidate of Biological Sciences T. M. Pudova, Researcher |
ArticleName | The state of terrestrial ecologica l systems in the area of mining enterprises of AC “Alrosa” (OJSC |
ArticleAuthors | Volpert Ya. L., Shadrina E. G., Savvinov G. N., Danilov P. P., Poiseeva S. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Northen Institute of applied ecology: Ya. L. Volpert, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, e-mail: ylv52@mail.ru
North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov: E. G. Shadrina, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Northen Institute of applied ecology: G. N. Savvinov, Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Biological Sciences P. P. Danilov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Biological Sciences S. I. Poiseeva, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences |
ArticleName | What is a mining engineer with profession as “Physical processes of mining and oil and gas production”? |
ArticleAuthors | Dmitriev A. P., Goncharov S. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Moscow State Mining University: A. P. Dmitriev, Head of “Physics of Rocks and Prosseses” Chair (1964–1994), Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +7(499) 230-24-60 S. A. Goncharov, Head of “Physics of Rocks and Prosseses” Chair (1994-2009), Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | 75 years of “Electrification and energy efficiency of mining enterprises” department of the Moscow State Mining University |
ArticleAuthors | Lyakhomskiy A. V., Plashchanskiy L. A., Fashchilenko V. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Moscow State Mining University: A. V. Lyakhomskiy, Head of “Electrification and Energy Efficiency of Delfs” Chair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: mggu.eegp@mail.ru L. A. Plashchanskiy, Deputy Head of “Electrification and Energy Efficiency of Delfs” Chair, Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences V. N. Fashchilenko, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |