Tsvetnye Metally

A key role in the nuclear industry play non-ferrous metals. Among their applications are the nuclear power resources on the base of uranium and plutonium, zirconium alloys, a framework of constructional materials for fuel elements and fuel assemblies, nuclear reactors control and shielding systems in which the basis is formed by rare-earth metals, and so on. The theme of the issue, “Non-ferrous metals in nuclear industry”, is discussed in the papers prepared by specialists of the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” and the Siberian Chemical Combine of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM.
This year we celebrate the 70 anniversary of the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” formation. The fortune has disposed so that the Moscow Mechanical Institute, founded in the military 1942, then since 1953 - the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), and since 2009 — one of the first in Russia national research universities, the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” became a leader in a professional training for one of the most successful technological projects of our country — the atomic one.
Nowadays the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” is a unique higher school in Russia with a research and education network from more than twenty branches in thirteen subjects of the Federation. An honorable place among separated structural divisions of the University takes the Seversk Technological Institute, adequately representing interests of the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” in the Siberian Federal district and supervising activities of its five colleges. Achievements of scientists of the University are at the cutting edge of domestic science, they have been successfully implemented at enterprises and in organizations of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, in particular, at the Siberian Chemical Combine.
In the current issue of the journal several papers on uranium, ecology and many other aspects of non-ferrous metals usage in the nuclear industry are collected. Prospects of these works is obvious, quality of implementation is at a high level. It should be hoped that in the future employees of the National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” will also bring the worthy contribution into development of the nuclear power generation industry, which is ranked the first in a number of challenging energy technologies. The Seversk Technological Institute should not stop on the results obtained and should to adequately contribute to a personnel training for the atomic industry and development of the Russian science.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Seversk Technological Institute as worthy representative of National Institute of Research and Nuclear Power “MEPhI” in Siberian Federal District |
ArticleAuthors | Zhiganov A. N., Petrenko S. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” A. N. Zhiganov, Head of the Institute, Professor; S. A. Petrenko, Deputy Head of the Institute for Social and Educational Work, e-mail: secretary@ssti.ru |
ArticleName | High-density niclear fuel for dispersive thermionic fuel elements in research reactors, methods of extracting the reverse granules U—Mo from aluminium matrix |
ArticleAuthors | Vasilkov I. V., Pishchulin V. P., Makarov F. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” I. V. Vasilkov, Postgraduate Student V. P. Pishchulin, Professor, e-mail: pischulin@ssti.ru F. V. Makarov, Head of Department |
ArticleName | Technological information system for the control and management of uranium mining enterprise by underground leaching |
ArticleAuthors | Istomin A. D., Babkin A. S., Noskov M. D., Cheglokov A. A., Poponin N. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” A. D. Istomin, Assistant Professor, Physics Department
Close Joint Stock Company “Dalur” A. S. Babkin, Head of Production Department |
ArticleName | Fluoride technology of alloys obtaining on the base of rare-earth metals for high-powered permanent magnet |
ArticleAuthors | Sofronov V. L., Buynovskiy A. S., Zhiganov A. N., Makaseev A. Yu., Makaseev Yu. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” V. L. Sofronov, Professor, Dean of Technological Faculty, e-mail: sofronov@ssti.ru |
ArticleName | Control and regulation of the desublimation process of volatile fluorides metals |
ArticleAuthors | Sofronov V. L., Galata A. A., Smolkin P. A., Buynovskiy A. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” V. L. Sofronov, Professor, Dean of Technological Faculty, e-mail: sofronov@ssti.ru |
ArticleName | Plutonium trichloride clearing of impurities by method of molecular distillation |
ArticleAuthors | Buynovskiy A. S., Marinenko E. P., Sofronov V. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI A. S. Buynovskiy, Professor, Department of Chemistry and Technology of Contemporary Energetics’ Materials, Technological Faculty, e-mail: bas@ssti.ru E. P. Marinenko, Senior Research, Department of Chemistry and Technology of Contemporary Energetics’ Materials, Technological Faculty V. L. Sofronov, Professor, Dean of Technological Faculty |
ArticleName | High-temperature way of synthesis of volatile binary fluorides from different mineral raw materials by inertialess flame reactor |
ArticleAuthors | Trotsenko N. M., Cheltsov A. N., Sosnin L. Yu., Belozerov B. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Institute of Molecular Physics N. M. Trotsenko, Senior Research Officer A. N. Cheltsov, Senior Researcher, e-mail: cheltsov@imp.kiae.ru L. Yu. Sosnin, Researcher
Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” B. P. Belozerov, Professor |
ArticleName | Research of rutile concentrate fluorination process |
ArticleAuthors | Karelin V. A., Mikutskaya E. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” V. A. Karelin, Professor, e-mail: vladimir@seversk.tomsknet.ru E. N. Mikutskaya, Senior Lecturer |
ArticleName | Development and implementation of reprocessing production of the weapon uranium into energetic one at Siberian group of chemical enterprises |
ArticleAuthors | Аkishin V. S., Belozerov B. P., Gushchin А. А., Коrоtkevich V. M., Khandorin G. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” V. S. Аkishin, Scientific Consultant, ph. +7 (3823) 52-79-17
Siberian Chemical Combine
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University |
ArticleName | Special centrifugal equipment for segregation of liquid non-homogenious media |
ArticleAuthors | Kiryakov S. I., Мitrofanov Yu. А. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sverdlovsk Research Institute of Chemical Engineering S. I. Kiryakov, Head of Department of Centrifugal Equipment, ph.: +7 (343) 263-90-91
Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” |
ArticleName | Development of mathematical model of extraction process |
ArticleAuthors | Krivopustov S. I., Pishchulin V. P., Brendakov V. N., Terovsky S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” S. I. Krivopustov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Machinery and Devices of Chemical Production |
ArticleName | Modeling of vortical reactor for fluorination process of uranium oxides and rare-earth ellements |
ArticleAuthors | Svarovsky А. Ya., Pishchulin V. P., Макаrov F. V., Zаripova L. F., Sharifullin S. А. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” А. Ya. Svarovsky, Professor, Department of Machinery and Devices of Chemical Production |
ArticleName | Analysis of the process and apparatus for sublimation of uranium hexafluoride and other volatile fluorides |
ArticleAuthors | Belozerov B. P., Rusakov I. Yu., Andreev G. G., Zhiganov A. N., Kobzar Yu. F. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” B. P. Belozerov, Professor, e-mail: belozerov@ssti.ru I. Yu. Rusakov, Assistant Professor A. N. Zhiganov, Professor
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University G. G. Andreev, Head of the Institute, Professor Tomsk Atomic Center Yu. F. Kobzar, Director |
ArticleName | Technical diagnosis of the process of free flowing products loading into chemical apparatus by means of controlling the feeding screw electric drive |
ArticleAuthors | Kladiev S. N., Terehin V. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” S. N. Kladiev, Assistant Professor, Head of Department of Electrical Drive and Automation, e-mail: kladiev@ssti.ru V. B. Terehin, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Physical Facilities Automation |
ArticleName | Improving the preparation of solutions pre-extraction with providing automated start of centrifuges in apparatus for reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel |
ArticleAuthors | Kladiev S. N., Kolodnikov I. A., Maksimov I. A., Pischulin V. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” S. N. Kladiev, Assistant Professor, Head of Department of Electrical Drive and Automation, e-mail: kladiev@ssti.ru |
ArticleName | Continuous solid-phase synthesis of ultra- and nanopowders of oxide materials for producing high-functional ceramics |
ArticleAuthors | Katznelson L. M., Kerbel B. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Scientific Production Enterprise “Technologika”, Ltd L. M. Katznelson, General Director, e-mail: lk783395@gmail.com
Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” B. M. Kerbel, Head of Information and Analytical Department, Professor |
ArticleName | The installation for continuous synthesis of ultra- and nano powders of oxide materials in real ceramic production |
ArticleAuthors | Katznelson L. M., Kerbel B. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | “Scientific Production Enterprise “Technologika”, Ltd L. M. Katznelson, General Director, e-mail: lk783395@gmail.com
Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” B. M. Kerbel, Head of Information and Analytical Department, Professor |
ArticleName | Defects of centrifugal-cast bronze billets for packing rings of pump component and compressors of chemical industry and ways of their eliminations |
ArticleAuthors | Martyushev N. V., Petrenko Yu. N., Petrenko S. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University N. V. Martyushev, Assistant Professor, е-mail: martjushev@tpu.ru Yu. N. Petrenko, Assistant, Department of Materials Science and Technology
Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” S. A. Petrenko, Head of Department |
ArticleName | Geoinformation ekspertno-modelling complex for preparation of operative decisions at emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere |
ArticleAuthors | Zhiganov A. N., Istomina N. Yu., Noskov M. D., Istomin A. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” A. N. Zhiganov, Head of the Institute, Professor, ph.: +7 (3823)780-201 |