Gornyi Zhurnal

The paper by K. N. Trubetskoy (Editorial Board Member of “Gorniy Zhurnal”, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences) is published in the “Science and industry” section. The paper describes the problems of development of mining sciences and educational processes during training of engineering, scientific and pedagogic personnel for modernization existent and creation of new geotechnologies of Earth sources development.
The journal continues to acquaint readers with working experience of designing institutes. The “Uralgiproruda” Institute celebrates the 80-years anniversary in august 2011. About 100 enterprises of mineral resources extraction and processing at Russia and the Kazakhstan Republic have been built and reconstructed on the base of project by the “Uralgiproruda” Institute.
The paper by E. M. Titievskiy, which presents analysis of mechanical-engineering companies proposals in the area of technology and equipage of crushing division of iron-ore plants, is presented in “Equipment and Materials” section and is worthed noticing.
The results of two international conferences: “Modern technologies of ore deposits development”, taken place in April at Krivoy Rog and “Problems and ways of efficient development of diamond-bearing deposits”, which was taken place in the frames of anniversary event, devoted to the 50-years anniversary since establishment of the “Yakutniproalmaz” institute.
In subhead “New literature” the review of three books, published in 2009 and 2010, named “Mining industrial geology of solid subhead minerals”, “Technological basis of crushed stones production from rocky mining materials” and “Physical and Chemical geotechnology”, is presented.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Mining science and training of engineering, scientific and pedagogic personnel in the area of exploration the Earth mineral resources |
ArticleAuthor | Trubetskoy K. N. |
ArticleAuthorData | Trubetskoy K. N., Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, e-mail: trubetsk@ipkonran.ru, Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences. |
OJSC “Uralgiproruda” Institute | |
ArticleName | 80 years of the “Uralgiproruda” Institute |
ArticleAuthors | Pol V. G., Drachev V. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Pol V. G., General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Drachev V. G., Deputy Director of Quality, e-mail: ruda@mail.utnet.ru, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | Participation of the “Uralgiproruda” Institute in formation of manganesian ore base of Russia |
ArticleAuthor | Primak V. S. |
ArticleAuthorData | Primak V. S., Head of Department of Mining Transport, ph.: +7 (343) 350-53-54, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | Economical approaches to substantiation of conditions of solid useful minerals deposits |
ArticleAuthor | Spiridonova E. L. |
ArticleAuthorData | Spiridonova E. L., Head of Economic Division, e-mail: spiridonova.e@mail.ru, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | Hydrogeological substantiation of opening and development of Techenskoe deposit of iron ore |
ArticleAuthor | Chibireva E. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Chibireva Е. А., Chief Specialist-Hydrogeologist, ph.: +7 (343) 350-53-54, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | Reconstruction of working and designing of new pit underground devices |
ArticleAuthors | Pyrkov V. I., Chebkasova S. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Pyrkov V. I., Chief Engineer, ph.: +7 (343) 350-93-61; Chebkasova S. B., Chief Specialist of Mining and Mechanical Division, ph.: +7 (343) 216-53-87, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | Usage of modern program-information complex during development of nonstandardized equipment for industrial enterprises |
ArticleAuthors | Valiullov L. R., Merkurev N. N., Pol E. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Valliulov L. R., First Category Engineer; Merkuryev N. N., First Category Engineer; Pol E. V., First Category Engineer, e-mail: ruda@mail.utnet.ru, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | Widening of Northern copper-zinc mine with protection of fragile nature of Nothern Ural |
ArticleAuthors | Ovchnnikova T. V., Uflyand G. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ovchinnikova T. V., Head of Ecological Department; Uflyand G. S., Chief Specialist of Ecological Department, ph.: +7 (343) 228-11-90, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | Young professionals is the staff core of future projects |
ArticleAuthor | Kurbatova K. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Kurbatova K. A., Second Category Engineer of Ecological Department, ph. +7 (343) 228-11-90, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company. |
ArticleName | About the substantiation methodology for standards’ parameters at the polycomponent ores deposits and the ways of their overcoming. Analysis of normative-methodical documentation |
ArticleAuthors | Larichkin F. D., Azim Ibrokhim, Glushchenko Yu. G., Perein V. N., Khamzin B. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Larychkin F. D., Director, Doctor of Economic Sciences, e-mail: lfd@iep.kolasc.net.ru, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science G. P. Luzin Institute of Economic Problems, Kola Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences; Azim Ibrokhim, Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: geo_tj@mail.ru, General Directorate for Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan; Glushchenko Yu. G., General Director, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, e-mail: zavod@rosredmet.ru, Research and Production Company “Russian rare metals”; Perein V. N., General Director, e-mail: mgrexp@com.mels.ru, “Murmansk Geological Exploration Expedition” Public Company; Khamzin B. S., Head of Department, e-mail: bshamzin@mail.krg.kz, State Institution “Central Kazakh Inter-regional Territorial Department of Geology and Subsoil Use of Ministry of Energetic and Mineral Resources of Republic of Kazakhstan”. |
ArticleName | Forecast of rock-bump hazard and estimation stress state of massive of ore deposits, using method of acoustic emission |
ArticleAuthors | Aksenov A. A., Ozhiganov I. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Aksenov А. А., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Ozhiganov I. A., Researcher, e-mail: gurvnimi@yandex.ru, Ural Branch of Research Institution of Mining Mechanical Engineering and Mine Survey. |
ArticleName | Installation and calculation scheme in relieved stresses for geomechanical calculations of underground excavation |
ArticleAuthors | Khloptsov V. G., Tsyplukhina Yu. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Khloptsov V. G., General Director, e-mail: mail@podzemgazprom.ru, “Podzemgazprom”, Ltd; Tsyplukhina Yu. A., Postgraduate Student, ph.: (926) 885-80-51, Moscow State Mining University. |
ArticleName | About approaches to forecasting dynamical occurrences in mining excavations |
ArticleAuthors | Antsiferev A. V., Dovbnihc M. M., Tyapkin K. F., Tirkel M. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Antsiferov A. V., Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ukrnimi@ukrnimi.donetsk.ua, Ukranian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Geomechanics and Mine Survey of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Dovbnihc M. M., Head of Geophysical Methods of Exploration Department, Doctor of Geological Sciences, e-mail: dovbnich@mail.ru; Tyapkin K. F., Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, ph.: +38 (056) 247-23-80, National Mining University of Ukraine; Tirkel M. G., Deputy Director for Research, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: ukrnimi@ukrnimi.donetsk.ua, Ukranian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Geomechanics and Mine Survey of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. |
ArticleName | Research of influence of pulse electromagnetic treatment of cement on adhesion of solution, produced on its base |
ArticleAuthor | Goncharov A. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Goncharov A. V., Postgraduate Student, e-mail: An.Goncharov@gmail.com, Moscow State Mining University. |
ArticleName | The technique of expenses minimization and determination of production cost in condition of its obtaining |
ArticleAuthors | Nikonova A. P., Panychev A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Nikonova A. P., Student of International Higher School of Management (Department of International Economics), e-mail: alena-nikonova@mail.ru, National Research University “St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University”; Panychev А. А., Senior Specialist for Natural Resources, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: a.panychev@uralsteel.com, Joint Stock Company Ural Steel. |
ArticleName | Improvement of technology of stowing operations at the mines of ALROSA Executive Committee |
ArticleAuthors | Doynikov Yu. A, Montyanova A. N., Borodin A. A., Latynin V. V., Timofeev A. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Doynikov Yu. A., First Vice President — Executive Director, ph.: +7 (41136) 9-00-03, Joint Stock Company ALROSA; Montyanova A. N., General Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: 22fill56@bk.ru, “Technologies of waste fill”, Ltd; Borodin А. А., Head of Subsurface Mining Exploration Department, e-mail: BorodinAA@alrosa.ru; Latynin V. V., Head of Mine Group of Mirny Mining & Processing Division, e-mail: v.latynin@mgok.alrosa-mir.ru; Timofeev A. N., Deputy Chief Engineer of Aikhal Mining & Processing Division, e-mail: timofeevan@agok.alrosa-mir.ru, Joint Stock Company ALROSA. |
ArticleName | Evaluation of technology of automobile-logging blades development |
ArticleAuthors | Nechunaev V. N., Tsvetova E. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Nechunaev V. N., Senior Researcher, Joint Stock Company “Scientific and Technical Center of Mining Industry on Quarries – Research and Desing Institute on Open-Pit Mining Operations”; Tsvetova E. A., Engineer-Ecologist, e-mail: info@ustup.ru, “Scientific and Technical Center Geotechnology”, Ltd. |
ArticleName | Choosing of parameters of microprocessor-based system of operational control of quality and weight of rock mass of iron-bearing raw materials at conveyer |
ArticleAuthors | Azaryan A. A., Azaryan V. A., Trachuk A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Azaryan A. A., Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: aza1207@ya.ru; Azaryan V. A., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: post_65@mail.ru; Trachuk A. A., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: azar.ru@rambler.ru, Krivorozhskiy Technical University. |
ArticleName | Sedimentological occurrences during heap leaching of gold |
ArticleAuthors | Petrov S. V., Petrov V. F. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Petrov S. V., Senior Research Officer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: svpetrov@mail.ru; Petrov V. F., Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, ph.: +7 (3952) 33-07-71, Joint Stock Company “Irkutsk Research Institute of Precious and Rare Metals and Diamonds” (Irgiredmet). |
ArticleName | Selective concentrates obtaining from mines of collective Pb-Zn-concentrate with ore |
ArticleAuthors | Panshin A. M., Evdokimov S. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Panshin A. M., Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, ph. +7 (867) 259-32-94, Joint Stock Company “Electrozink”; Evdokimov S. I., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, ph. +7 (867) 240-73-34, North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. |
ArticleName | Prospective of usage of mining rocks of North Ossetia in basalt fibers production |
ArticleAuthors | Tatarintseva O. S., Khodakova N. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tatarintseva O. S., Head of Laboratory; Khodakova N. N., Senior Researcher, e-mail: labmineral@mail.ru, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. |
ArticleName | About new ejector for aeration of excavation |
ArticleAuthor | Volobuev A. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Volobuev A. V., Laboratory Assistant, e-mail: starosta_61@bk.ru, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science S. S. Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. |
ArticleName | Analysis of machine manufacturing companies proposals of technoogies and equipage of crushing divisions of iron-ore plants |
ArticleAuthor | Titievskiy E. M. |
ArticleAuthorData | Titievskiy E. M., Chief Mechanic, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Titievskiy-E@petropavlovsk-io.ru, “Petropavlovsk - Ferrous Metallurgy”, Ltd. |
ArticleName | Improvement of reliability of spatial positioning in conditions of large quarries |
ArticleAuthor | Panzhin A. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | Panzhin A. A., Academic Secretary, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: panzhin@igd.uran.ru, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science N. A. Chinakala Institute of Mining of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. |
ArticleName | Implementation of “Karyer” dispatching control system at Vorontsovskoe deposit of Gold of North Urals Company |
ArticleAuthors | Borbolin D. M., Rylnikov A. G., Pudov A. A., Novikov A. V., Volgina N. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Borbolin D. M., Deputy Managing Director — Head of Motor Workshop, e-mail: Borbolin@zsu.polymetal.ru, Close Joint Stock Company “Gold of Northern Urals”; Rylnikov A. G., Projects Leader, e-mail: rylnikov@vistgroup.ru, “VIST Group”, Ltd; Pudov A. A., Chief of Industrial Control Sector, e-mail: Pudov@zsu.polymetal.ru; Novikov A. V., Managing Director, e-mail: novikov@zsu.polymetal.ru; Volgina N. V., Public Relations Manager, e-mail: Volgina@zsu.polymetal.ru, Close Joint Stock Company “Gold of Northern Urals”. |
ArticleName | Simulation of thermal physics processes in mining excavations and its influence on air distribution |
ArticleAuthors | Kazakov B. P., Shalimov A. V., Grishin E. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kazakov B. P., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: aero_kaz@mail.ru; Shalimov A. V., Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: shalimova@mail.ru; Grishin E. L., Junior Researcher, e-mail: traph@rambler.ru, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Mining Institute of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. |
ArticleName | Simulation of pits ventilation processes for methane-safety providing during mining works |
ArticleAuthors | Kaledina N. O., Kobylkin S. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kaledina N. O., Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: nok52@mail.ru; Kobylkin S. S., Postgraduate Student, e-mail: sergey@kobylkin.ru, Moscow State Mining University. |
ArticleName | Ecological requirement of organization ore mining activity: Russian and international approaches |
ArticleAuthors | Vershinina E. Yu., Kuznetsova A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Vershinina E. Yu., Senior Consultant-Ecologist, e-mail: evershinina@srk.ru.com; Kuznetsova A. V., Consultant-Ecologist, e-mail: akuznetsova.home@gmail.com, SRK Consulting Company (Russia), Ltd. |
ArticleName | Express method for determination basic parameters of quarry in educational designing |
ArticleAuthor | Runova S. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Runova S. V., Postgraduate Student, e-mail: runova.s.v@gmail.com, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education Sergo Ordzhonikidzе Russian State Geological Prospecting University. |
ArticleName | About attainments and new directions of mining science development in area of physical-chemical geotechnology of uranium extraction |
ArticleAuthor | Nebera V. P. |
ArticleAuthorData | Nebera V. P., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: geoteh@ultranet.ru, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education Sergo Ordzhonikidzе Russian State Geological Prospecting University. |