Gornyi Zhurnal

«Gorniy Zhurnal» № 9/2011 is full-color thematic issue, illustrated conditions of mineral raw material base and prospects of development of mining complex of Central Asia countries. This region includes five countries of CIS, such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and three country outside the Commonwealth, such as Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan.
The idea of issue in this format suggested by the Intergovernmental Council of CIS for the exploration, usage and protection of resources, whose base publishing facility is “Gorniy Zhurnal”. Since the Council's powers are restricted by the Commonwealth frames, the question about the format of the publication of materials from countries outside the CIS is arisen. It was decided to select articles of these countries in a separate block of this issue - in the format of the "Gorniy Mir" journal, also produced by the publishing house "Ore and Metals" and representing the abstract-review journal of foreign publications about mining practice.
Every country in the issue is presented by overview paper about mineral raw materials base of nations. In some cases the paper is supplemented by materials about activity of large mining and metallurgical enterprises of the country. The countries are disposed in alphabetical order.
General partner of the issue is Gasprom International Company.
Suggested to readers special issue of “Gorniy Mir”journal includes papers about mineral resources of three countries of Central Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan. Current information about described countries is poor, and data, contained in Mining Encyclopedia (1984-1987), is outdated (there was no information on Pakistan). Published papersin the issue in some extent fill this gap. The papers are written by leading staff of state geological service of countries with usage of the newest static and research data.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Mineral raw material base of the Сentral Asia and problem of its reproduction |
Автор | Azim Ibrohim |
Информация об авторе | Azim Ibrohim, Chief of Central Administrative Board of Geology at the Government of Republic Tajikistan, Associate Editor of "Mountain magazine»,Coordinator of number, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: geo_tj@mail.ru |
Название | Mineral raw materials base of the Republic of Kazakhstan : condition, prospects of exploration |
Автор | Uzhkenov B. S. |
Информация об авторе | Uzhkenov B. S., Committee of Geology and Subsurface Management of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee Chairman, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, phone: +73 (172) 74-29-04 |
Название | The active innovation policy is the base of success of Eurasian Nature Resources Corporation |
Авторы | Edilbaev I. B., Zaurbekova Z. G., Til' V. V., Turdakhunov M. M. |
Информация об авторах | Edilbaev I. B., Top Advisor of President, Doctor of Engineering Science, Top Advisor of President, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: iedilbayev@kz.enrc.com, “ENRC Kazakhstan” Limited Partnership, Zaurbekova Z. G., Chief Financial Director, Candidate of Economical Science, e-mail: zaurbekova@kz.enrc.com, ENRC Plc., Til' V. V., President of Company, e-mail: sec4@kazchrome.enrc.com, "Transnational company "Kazchrome", Turdakhunov M. M., President of Company, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: president@ssgpo.enrc.com, «Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye mining production association» |
Название | “Kazzinc” Limited Partnership: widening, modernization, innovation development |
Автор | Gusev Yu. P. |
Информация об авторе | Gusev Yu. P., Vice-president of Production, e-mail: YGusev@kazzinс.com, “Kazzinc” Limited Partnership |
Название | “Kazakhmys” Corporation looks to the future with decision |
Автор | Lavetskiy V. I. |
Информация об авторе | Lavetskiy V. I., Head of Technical Service, e-mail: viktorl@kazakhmys.kz, “Kazakhmys” Corporation, Limited Partnership |
Название | Condition and prospects of Kyrgyz’s mining industrial complexes development |
Автор | Esenamanov Z. S. |
Информация об авторе | Esenamanov Z. S., Minister, e-mail: mprkr@mail.ru, Natural Resources Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Название | Problems and prospects of gold extraction at Kumtor deposit |
Авторы | Chunuev I. K., Duyshenaliev Zh. M. |
Информация об авторах | Chunuev I. K., Manager of “Kumtor” Underground Mine, Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Ishimbay_Chunuev@kumtor.com, Duyshenaliev Zh. M., Manager of “Kumtor” Underground Mine, Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Joldosh_Dyshenaliev@kumtor.com, Kumtor Operating Company |
Название | Mineral raw material base and prospects of mining and metallurgical industry development in the Tajikistan Republic |
Авторы | Azim Ibrokhim, Zinchenko Z. A. |
Информация об авторах | Azim Ibrokhim, Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: geo_tj@mail.ru, Main Directorate of Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Zinchenko Z. A., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Science, phone: +992 (37) 221-95-75, Institute of Chemistry named after V. I. Nikitin, Academy of Science of the Tajikistan Republic |
Название | TALCO State Unitary Enterprise is flagman of Tajikistan non-ferrous metallurgy |
Авторы | Sharipov S. F., Toshmatov B. E., Valiev Yu. Ya. |
Информация об авторах | Sharipov S. F., Managing Director, phone:+992 (3130) 2-63-53, B. E. Toshmatov, Technical Director, phone: +992 (3130) 3-66-50, Valiev Yu. Ya., Head of Geological Surveying Service, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, phone: +992 (3130) 3-76-90, TALCO State Unitary Enterprise |
Название | MineraL resources of Turkmenistan and prospects of their development |
Авторы | Odekov O. A., Krasilnikov B. A., Mukhamedov N. D. |
Информация об авторах | Odekov O. A., Director, Member of Turkmenistan Academia of Science, phone: +993 (12) 39–14–85, Science and Research Geological Prospecting Institute, Krasilnikov B. A., Chief Geologist, N. D. , e-mail: tgre0242@online.tm, Mukhamedov N. D., Chief of Expedition, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, phone: +993 (12) 35–35–62, Turkmenian Geological Prospecting Expedition “Turkmenologiya” State Corporation |
Название | Potential of mineral raw material base of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Авторы | Turamuratov I. B., Mavlonolv A. A., Isokov M. U., Rakhimov V. R., Islamov B. F. |
Информация об авторах | Turamuratov I. B., Fulfilling Duties of the Chairman, Mavlonolv A. A., the Vice-President, the Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,е-mail: geolcom@bcc.com.uz, State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (on Geology and Mineral Resources), Isokov M. U., the Director, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, е-mail: gpniimr@evo.uz, NIIMR State Enterprise, Rakhimov V. R., Head of Department, the Academician of Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan, phone:+998 (71) 246-54-51, Tashkent State Technological University, Islamov B. F., the Director, e-mail: gicenter@bcc.com.uz, State Geological Information Centre |
Название | Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat as multidisciplinary industrial social complex of world scale |
Автор | Sanakulov K. S. |
Информация об авторе | Sanakulov K. S. General Director, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: info@ngmk.uz, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat State Company |
MINING WORLD. Special issue (supplement) | |
Название | Mineral raw material resources of Afghanistan |
Авторы | Kaim Kutbuddin, Abdul Qudoos Hamidi, Abdul Qadier Akhund Zadah, Mamadvafoev M. M., Dzhanobilov M. D. |
Информация об авторах | Kaim Kutbuddin, the Adviser of the Minister, Candidate of Engineering Science, Abdul Qudoos Hamidi, Master Degree of Science, Abdul Qadier Akhund Zadah, Master Degree of Science, Mamadvafoev M. M.,Chief Specialist of Geology Branch, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Dzhanobilov M. D., Chief Specialist of Science and Normative Documents Department, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Main Directorate of Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan |
IRAN | |
Название | Solid mineral resource of Iran: exploration and extraction |
Автор | Ali Najafi |
Информация об авторе | Ali Najafi, the Manager of Sector of Resources and Reserve, National Geoscience Database of Iran |
Название | Mineral sources of Pakistan |
Авторы | Nazar Ul Islam, Mohsin Anwar Kazim |
Информация об авторах | Nazar Ul Islam, Mohsin Anwar Kazim, Geological Survey of Pakistan |