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Tsvetnye Metally →
2009 →
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Tsvetnye Metally →
2009 →
Tsvetnye Metally

Economics of nonferrous metallurgy | |
ArticleName | International rewiew of market of nonferrous metals |
Beneficiation | |
ArticleName | Usage of anode finishing for ore preparation of hard-preparable oxidized ores |
ArticleAuthor | Naguman P. N. |
ArticleAuthorData | Naguman P. N., e-mail: |
Heavy non-ferrous metals | |
ArticleName | Process performances and slag composition of blast smelting of oxidized-ore |
ArticleAuthor | Yakovlev I. I. |
ArticleAuthorData | Yakovlev I. I., phone: (343) 353-00-56 |
ArticleName | Matte smelting of the oxidized nickel ore in Vanyukov furnace |
ArticleAuthors | Bystrov V. P., Bruek V. N., Pichugin O. V., Lozitsky V. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Bystrov V. P., Bruek V. N., Pichugin O. V., Lozitsky V. Yu. |
ArticleName | Exploring of kinetic parameters of cementation process of cobalt and nickel impurities by zinc powder |
ArticleAuthors | Kolesnikov A. V., Shymilin Yu. P., Chernyakov M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kolesnikov A. V., e-mail: |
Noble metals and alloys | |
ArticleName | Extraction of carbonyl-chloride complexes of rhodium, ruthenium and iridium |
ArticleAuthor | Fedoseev I. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Fedoseev I. V., е-mail: |
ArticleName | Research of behaviour of silver at processing of recycled materials |
ArticleAuthors | Strizhko L. S., Lolejt S. I., Novakovskaya I. O. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Strizhko L. S., phone: (495) 237-36-33 |
Aluminium, alumina, carbon materials | |
ArticleName | Mining of bauxites and aliminum silicate production in 2007–2008 |
ArticleAuthor | Polek R. P. |
ArticleAuthorData | Rudolf P. Polek, Le Forum des Alpes Avenue du Rothorn 14 3960 Sierre. Switzerland |
Magnesium, titanium, rare metals, semiconductors | |
ArticleName | Industrial tests of the method of production of standard concentration from germanium-containing ashes |
ArticleAuthors | Tanutrov I. N., Aburkin T. V., Bazhov P. S., Sviridova M. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sviridova M. N., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Kinetics of the processes of crystallization of compound of rare earth metals at inoculating phases |
ArticleAuthor | Cheremisina O. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Cheremisina O. V., phone: (812) 328-84-09 |
ArticleName | Mechanism examination about aluminothermic reduction of oxide calcium and oxide (carbonate) lithium |
ArticleAuthors | Sukharev A. V., Shingarev E. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sukharev A. V., e-mail: |
Composite materials and multi-functional coatings | |
ArticleName | Technology, structure and proprties of coatings, formed by anodic oxidation methods on aliminium and its alloys |
ArticleAuthors | Tchufistov O. E., Tchufistov E. A., Artem'ev V. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tchufistov O. E., e-mail: |
Radioactive elements | |
ArticleName | Research of modes of temperature processing of powder of zinc oxide depleted by the isotope 64Zn received by different methods |
ArticleAuthors | Skorynin G. M., Kononov D. B., Morozov O. A., Timofeev D. V., Guzeeva T. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Timofeev D. V., e-mail:, Guzeeva T. I., e-mail: guzeevа |
Metal processing | |
ArticleName | Annealing effect on electrical resistance and mechanical properties of cold-worked alloy Al–0,6 % (mass) Zr |
ArticleAuthors | Belov N. A., Alabin A. N., Prokhorov A. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Belov N. A., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Formation of aluminium powder at electrospark dispersion of metal in aqua solutions. Process mechanism |
ArticleAuthor | Bairamov R. K. |
ArticleAuthorData | Bairamov R. K., e-mail: |
Automation | |
ArticleName | Mathematical simulation of kinetics of low-temperature of reduction Со3О4 by solid carbon |
ArticleAuthors | Zhukov V. P., Kniss V. A., Avdeev A. S., Kniss S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Zhukov V. P., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Interactive procedure of requirements calculation of initial materials and management of raw stock at production of secondary aluminum alloys |
ArticleAuthors | Belozerov M. N., Kalashnikov E. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Belozerov M. N., e-mail: |