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Tsvetnye Metally →
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Tsvetnye Metally →
2009 →
Tsvetnye Metally

ArticleName | Monitoring of market non-ferrous metals |
ArticleName | Comparative estimation of efficiency of credit and leasing sources of financing of the investment project of mini-production facilities |
ArticleAuthors | Rytikov A. M., Fityukova M. S., Rytikov S. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Rytikov S. A., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Influence of features of structure of minerals of fahl ore on technology of their processing |
ArticleAuthor | Dobrotsvetov B. L. |
ArticleAuthorData | Dobrotsvetov B. L., phone: 615-53-69. |
ArticleName | Express-method of strengthening of waterproofing for operating cleaning facilities |
ArticleAuthor | Zubchenko G. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Zubchenko G. V., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Technology of complex processing of chrysotile asbestios ores with reception of gold-bearing flotation concentrate |
ArticleAuthors | Kobzhasov A. K., Abdrakhmanova D. K., Punenkov S. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Punenkov S. E., e-mail: |
ArticleName | The thermodynamic analysis of equilibrium between slag and blister copper in Vaniukov two-zone converter |
ArticleAuthors | Tsymbulov L. B., Kolosova E. Yu., Knyazev M. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tsymbulov L. B., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Modern situation and perspectives of waelz-process usage for zinc extraction from dust of electric arc furnaces |
ArticleAuthors | Kozlov P. A., Povysheva E. V., Zolkina A. V., Vorobiev A. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kozlov P. A., e-mail: |
ArticleName | 80 years in projecting |
ArticleAuthor | Ptitsyn A. M. |
ArticleAuthorData | Ptitsyn A. M., phone: (495)615-01-10. |
ArticleName | Testing of concentration technology for ores from “Kyzyk-Chadyr” deposit in Tuva |
ArticleAuthors | Burdin N. V., Lebedev V. I., Lebedev N. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Burdin N. V., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Research of direct photometrical determination of copper in nitrate solutions in the presence of silver |
ArticleAuthors | Sizyakov V. M., Zajtsev Yu. A., Kukolevsky A. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sizyakov V. M., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Codeposition of noble metals in lead sulphate |
ArticleAuthors | Mironkina N. V., Ryumin A. I. , Sorkinova G. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Mironkina N. V., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Study of structural formin in aqueous solutions of vanadium (V) oxide |
ArticleAuthors | Islamov R. S., Suleimenov I. E., Romanteev Yu. P., Suleimenov E. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Islamov R. S., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Recovery of rhenium from molybdenum containing sulfuric acid solutions |
ArticleAuthors | Blokhin A. A., Maltseva E. E., Panchishina L. B., Murashkin Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Blokhin A. A., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Influence of technological factors on structure and properties of ingots and semiproducts from aluminium alloy В96ts-3pch |
ArticleAuthors | Efremov V. P., Sukhikh A. Yu., Zamyatin V. M., Suslov G. A., Ivanov V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Suslov G. A., e-mail: |
ArticleName | To the question on the theory of extrusion of non-ferrous metals with one-two strain centers |
ArticleAuthor | Zolkin V. N. |
ArticleAuthorData | Zolkin V. N., e-mail: |
ArticleName | Improvement of technology of production of collector shapes from electrotechnical bronze |
ArticleAuthors | Arsentieva N. S., Dashkevich O. N., Bokov N. F., Zheleznyak L. M. , Glukhova O. L. |
ArticleName | Mathematical model of the siemens-reactor as the object of management |
ArticleAuthors | Goryunov A. G., Kozin K. A., Liventsov S. N.,Gavrilov P. M., Revenko Yu. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Goryunov A. G., e-mail: |