Tsvetnye Metally

The articles with different directions, elucidated industrial experience and scientific developments of enterprises, companies, research institutes are presented in the issue.
Collective of authors from Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources (Russian Academy of Sciences) presents the paper about new methods of platinum group metal concentration from impregnation copper-nickel ores.
Results of conditions researching of heap bacterial leaching of complex copper ore from Udokanskoe deposit, taking into account climatic conditions are presented in the paper by L. N. Krylova, E. V. Adamov, T. A. Pivovarova, T. F. Kondrateva.
About 1.2-2 tonnes and more of red mud are formed during production every tonne of alumina. Hundreds millions tonnes of red mud are collected in the world. In the paper by collective of authors (V. A. Romenets, V. S. Valavin, Yu. V. Pokhvistnev, J. S.Saluja, P. R. Tripathi) the possibility of red mud utilization by Romelt process of liquid-phase reduction with iron extraction and pig iron obtaining is shown.
In the paper by G. S. Makarov it has been reported about metallurgical features of melting and out-of-furnace treatment of molten Al-Mg-Si alloys, the account which reduces metal and energy irrecoverable consumption, and effectively prepares a melt in terms of nonmetallic inclusions, hydrogen and nucleation contents for the operation of continuous billets casting. It empowers to furnish current state of demands to metal quality for extruded section producers.
In the paper by N. A. Belov, A. V. Sannikov, S. S. Mishurov, V. D. Belov the negative influence of silicon on hot-tearing tendency of aluminium alloys as AN2ZhMts (Russian grade) has been experimentally determined. The paper, when the solution of realization of multi-functional multi-operated device for electric actuator control for system of control in chemical and metallurgical industries has been presented by authors, is published in “Automation” section. The device allows to control induction, synchronous andDC motors,(up to 3 simultaneously) and also provides unstressed reversing and dynamic braking, implementation of digital local control loops of various process variables and different kinds of protections and locking systems, possibility of software upgrade, communication with the upper level through USB, RS-485 and Ethernet interfaces. Scientific innovation of the proposed approach lies in elaboration of the universal power part and software for different electric motors control taking into account their special features in the computer-aided control systems.
Staff and editorial board of “Tsvetnye Metally” congratulate on hero of an anniversary, such as Kozyrev V. S., Popov V. A.
The paper about Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” is published in the “Chronicle” section.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Economics and management of production | |
ArticleName | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
ArticleAuthor | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant |
ArticleAuthorData | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant, phone: (495) 787-76-34, e-mail: korneevsi@rao.nornik.ru. |
ArticleName | Feasibility study of the composite with nanoparticles production technology and determination of its market value |
ArticleAuthors | Kiselev B. G., Kozhitov L. V., Kozlov V. V., Eltsina I. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | B. G. Kiselev, General Director, CJSC "SPONK", e-mail: kbg-48@yandex.ru; L. V. Kozhitov, Professor; V. V. Kozlov, Senior Researcher; I. V. Eltsina, Graduate, The Department of Technology of Electronics Materials, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS». |
Beneficiation | |
ArticleName | New methods of platinum group metals concentration from impregnation copper-nickel ores |
ArticleAuthors | Chanturiya V. A., Nedosekina T. V., Getman V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | V. A. Chanturiya, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, e-mail: vchan@mail.ru; T. V. Nedosekina, Senior Researcher; V. V. Getman, Researcher, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
ArticleName | Conditions of heap bacterial and chemical leaching of copper ore from Udokanskoe deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Krylova L. N., Adamov E. V., Pivovarova T. A., Kondrateva T. F. |
ArticleAuthorsData | L. N. Krylova, Leading Researcher, e-mail: krulov@yandex.ru; E. V. Adamov, Professor, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»; T. A. Pivovarova, Senior Researcher; T. F. Kondrateva, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Microbiology named after S. N. Vinogradskiy, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Heavy non-ferrous metals | |
ArticleName | Research of high-lead slags viscosity |
ArticleAuthors | Fedorov A. N., Khabiev M. P., Khabiev R. P., Lukavyi S. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | A. N. Fedorov, Professor, The Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous, Rare and Precious Metals; M. P. Khabiev, Post-graduate Student, Engineer, Interdepartmental Laboratory of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals, e-mail: khabievmp@misis.ru; R. P. Khabiev, Assistant, The Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous, Rare and Precious Metals; S. L. Lukavyy, Engineer, Interdepartmental Laboratory of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS». |
ArticleName | HydroCopper® — improvement of technology of copper production |
ArticleAuthors | Haavanlammi L., Karonen Ya., Rodriguez K. |
ArticleAuthorsData | L. Haavanlammi, Direction's Manager, e-mail: liisa.haavanlammi@outotec.com, Outotec Oyj, Espoo, Finland; Ya. Karonen, Direction's Development Manager, Outotec Research Oyj, Pori, Finland; K. Rodriguez, Engineer-Researcher, Outotec Chile Ltd., Santiago, Chile. |
Noble metals and alloys | |
ArticleName | Behavior of gold in tailing dumps |
ArticleAuthors | Meretukov M. A., Gurin K. K. |
ArticleAuthorsData | M. A. Meretukov, Scientific Consultant, e-mail: mamer@inbox.ru; K. K. Gurin, aspirant, Post-graduate Student, The Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous, Rare and Precious Metals, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS». |
Aluminium, alumina, carbon materials | |
ArticleName | Research of properties of different type of alumina as applied to Kazakhstan electrolysis plant |
ArticleAuthors | Kamzin Zh. Zh., Senin V. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kamzin Zh. Zh., Vice-president of HR and General Problems, Kazakhstan Electrolysis Plant; Senin V. N. Senior Researcher, Consultant, e-mail: expertall@mail.linel.ru, «Ekspert-Al» LLC. |
ArticleName | Research of thermal regeneration of fluorine from coal foam (wastes of aluminium industry) |
ArticleAuthors | Kondratev V. V., Afanasev A. D., Bogdanov Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | V. V. Kondratev, Head of Department of Innovation Technologies, e-mail: kvv@istu.edu; A. D. Afanasev, Provost for Research; Yu. V. Bogdanov, Candidate for a Doctor's Degree, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Irkutsk State Technical Universary. |
ArticleName | Recycling of red mud of the aluminium industry using Romelt process |
ArticleAuthors | Romenets V. A.,Valavin V. S., Pokhvisnev Yu. V., Saluja J. S.,Tripathi P. R. |
ArticleAuthorsData | V. A. Romenets, Director, Institute of Economics and Management of Industrial Enterprises; V. S. Valavin, Director, Romelt Centre, e-mail: romelt@misis.ru; Yu. V. Pokhvisnev, Deputy Director, Romelt Centre, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”; J. S. Saluja, Executive Director, Sherakunj Consultants Private Ltd., Formerly, Executive Director, Romelt— SAIL, Delhi, India; P. R. Tripati, Chairman and Executive Director, Minman Consultancy Services (Pvt) Ltd., Formerly, Chairman and Executive Director, National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad, India. |
ArticleName | Modernization of electrolysis production with Soderberg anodes |
ArticleAuthors | Begunov A. I., Begunov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | A. I. Begunov, Head of Chemistry Department, Professor; A. A. Begunov, Candidate for a Doctor's Degree, Department of Industrial Enterprises Management, e-mail: begunov75@inbox.ru, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Irkutsk State Technical Universary, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. |
Magnesium, titanium, rare metals, semiconductors | |
ArticleName | Carbothermal reduction of polymetallic titanium-bearing oxide ores |
ArticleAuthors | Averin V. V., Bidylo A. P., Kulifeev V. K., Kropachev A. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | V. V. Averin, Senior Researcher, e-mail: imet@ultra.imet.ac.ru, The Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, Russian Academy of Sciences; A. P. Bidylo, Engineer; V. K. Kulifeev, Professor, Consultant; A. N. Kropachev, Docent, The Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous, Rare and Precious Metals, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”. |
ArticleName | About niobium alkali solutions obtaining |
ArticleAuthors | Nikolaev A. I., Maiorov V. G., Kopkov V. K., Shchyur T. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | A. I. Nikolaev, Deputy Director of Scientific Work, e-mail: nikol_ai@hemy.kolasc.net.ru; V. G. Mayorov, Senior Researcher; V. K. Kopkov, Engineer; T. E. Shchur, Leading Technologist, I. V. Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Mineral Raw Materials, Kola Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Metal processing | |
ArticleName | Modern technology of Al–Mg–Si-alloy extrusion billets manufacturing. Part 1 |
ArticleAuthor | Makarov G. S. |
ArticleAuthorData | G. S. Makarov, Scientific Consultant, e-mail: macarovgs@rambler.ru. |
ArticleName | Complexes tableted alloying elements |
ArticleAuthors | Ulyanov D. S., Piskarev D. V., Shevtsov M. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | D. S. Ulyanov, Technical Director; D. V. Piskarev, Director of Science and Technology, phone.: (926) 223-47-26; M. G. Shevtsov, Development Director, «Stroibis» Ltd. |
ArticleName | Silicon influence on crystallization character and hot-tearing tendency of hot-resistant casting aluminium alloy as AN2ZhMts |
ArticleAuthors | Belov N. A., Sannikov A. V., Mishurov S. S., Belov V. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | N. A. Belov, Professor, e-mail: nikolay-belov@yandex.ru; A. V. Sannikov, Candidate for a Master's Degree; S. S. Mishurov, Deputy Head of Department, Engineering Centre “Innovation casting technologies and materials”; V. D. Belov, Head of Technologies of Casting Processes Department, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”. |
Automation | |
ArticleName | Multifunctional universal electric drive control device |
ArticleAuthors | Gorunov A. G., Kurochkin V. A., Baidali S. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | A. G. Goryunov, Docent, e-mail: alex79@phtd.tpu.ru; V. A. Kurochkin, Post-graduate Student, Tomsk Polytechnic Institute; S. A. Baydali, Director, "OSTom" LLC. |