Tsvetnye Metally

The articles with different directions, elucidated industrial experience and scientific developments of enterprises, companies, research institutes are presented in the issue.
In the paper “Kinetics and selectivity of crushing copper-nickel ores in tumbling mills” it has been shown, that ore is crushed quicker and with lesser overgrinding in rod mill, than in ball mill. Disintegration in rod mill is more selectively.
The theories, explained course of physical processes in zone of electric spark, are considered and analyzed in the paper by R. K. Bairamov. It was shown that experimental and calculated data, obtained during electric-spark dispersion of metals in liquids have been testified in favour of the thermal theory. Basic provisions of the process of metals electric erosion have been formulated on the base of the analysis of the available data.
The paper by A. V. Tarasov is presented to the readers in the section “Magnesium, titanium, rare metals, semiconductors”. The data about raw materials base, technological and quality level of output products by enterprises of tungsten-molybdenum industry at the Russian Federation and countries of Commonwealth of Independent States are adduced in the paper.
The paper about realized researches, devoted to problems of ensuring reliable work and technical excellence of cast part ofpiston of petrol internal combustion engine, is published in “Metal processing” section. The simulation of casting processes using the LVM Flow for cast part of VAZ-21083 piston has been realized. Dislocation of identified casting defects in the piston body in the form of model spheres is shown. Research of the tense state is conducted in the places of dislocation of casting defects. The technique of calculating the fatigue strength of cast part of piston taking into account stationed shrinkage defects has been considered.
Staff and editorial board of “Tsvetnye Metally” congratulate on hero of an anniversary, such as Besser A. D., Glazunov L. A., Dvinin Yu. I., Kuzkin A. S., Tarasov A. V.
The paper about V. K. Zvorykin, who was talented scientist with world-wide reputation, has been published in the “Chronicle” section. The name of television founder was known to experts in gathering till centre of 1980-s in USSR.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Economics and management of production | |
Название | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
Автор | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant |
Информация об авторе | Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgical plant, phone: (495) 787-76-34, e-mail: korneevsi@rao.nornik.ru |
Название | Specificity of the personnel training in economics and control area for the mining industry of the North-West Russia |
Авторы | Dolmatova E. V., Fadeev A. M. |
Информация об авторах | E. V. Dolmatova, Docent, e-mail: evdolmatova@rambler.ru, Non-state Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education Murmansk Academy of Economics and Management; A. M. Fadeev, Senior Researcher, Institute of Economical Problems named after G. P. Luzin, Kola Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Beneficiation | |
Название | Kinetics and selectivity of crushing copper-nickel ores in tumbling mills |
Авторы | Krasnov G. D., Rakaev A. I., Shekhirev D. V., Chikhladze V. V. |
Информация об авторах | G. D. Krasnov, Chief Researches, e-mail: info@ipkonran.ru, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences; A. I. Rakaev, Head of Laboratory, Mining Institute of Kola Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences; D. V. Shekhirev, Head of Department of Enrichment of Non-ferrous, Rare, and Precious Metals Ores; V. V. Chikhladze, Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Название | Investigation of advanced reagents for flotation extraction of zinc and copper (II) ions from mine and waste waters |
Авторы | Chanturiya V. A., Medyanik N. L., Shadrunova I. V. |
Информация об авторах | V. A. Chanturiya, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, e-mail: vchan@mail.ru, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences; N. L. Medyanik, Docent, Head of Chemistry Department, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Magnitogorsk State Technical University; I. V. Shadrunova, Professor, Academic Secretary, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Heavy non-ferrous metals | |
Название | Influence of molecular characteristic of sulphur on its behavior in hydrometallurgical processes (opening a discussion) |
Авторы | Kitay A. G., Bryukvin V. A., Dyachenko V. T., Bolshikh A. O. |
Информация об авторах | A. G. Kitay, Leading Researcher; V. A. Bryukvin, Head of Laboratory, phone: (499) 135-87-30, The Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, Russian Academy of Sciences; V. T. D'yachenko, Head of Industrial-Technical Development Administration, OJSC "MMC "NORILSK NICKEL"; A. O. Bol'shikh, Leading Engineer, The Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Название | Behaviors of copper and impurity elements during expulsion copper melt slags with CO–CO2 gas mixture |
Авторы | Komkov A. A., Kamkin R. I. |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Komkov, Docent of Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous, Rare and Noble Metals, e-mail: akomkov@yandex.ru; R. I. Kamkin, Engineer, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”. |
Questions of chemistry in non-ferrous metallurgy | |
Название | Behaviors of micro-impurities during processing different semi-finished products in processes of pyrometallurgical processing of sulphide copper-nickel raw materials |
Авторы | Popov V. A., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Dyachenko V. T., Besedovskiy S. G., Savinova Ju. A. |
Информация об авторах | V. A. Popov, Researcher; L. Sh. Tsemekhman, Head of Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, e-mail: LST@nikel.spb.su, Gipronickel Institute; V. T. D'yachenko, Head of Industrial-Technical Development Administration, OJSC "MMC "NORILSK NICKEL"; S. G. Besedovskiy, First Deputy General Director of Kola MMC; Yu. A. Savinova, Post-graduate Student, Gipronickel Institute. |
Название | Behavior of the dispersed particles of the metals during their electrical erosion in aqeous and nonaqeous solutions |
Автор | Bairamov R. K. |
Информация об авторе | R. K. Bayramov, Scientific Consultant, e-mail: ramis-bajramov@yandex.ru, “Olympiya”. |
Aluminium, alumina, carbon materials | |
Название | About question of quality control of producible electrolytic alumininum |
Автор | Nozhko S. I. |
Информация об авторе | S. I. Nozhko, Candidate for a Doctor's Degree, e-mail: emen.nozhko@rusal.com, State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education Irkutsk State Technical University. |
Magnesium, titanium, rare metals, semiconductors | |
Название | Indium concentration from the wastes of alloy with membrane electrolysis |
Автор | Dyakov V. E. |
Информация об авторе | V. E. Dyakov, Consultant, e-mail: 106dve@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk Tin Combine. |
Название | Influence of growing medium on the TlBr crystals characteristics. Part 2. Electrophysical characteristics and microcathodoluminescence |
Авторы | Smirnov N. B., Govorkov A. V., Kuznetsov M. S., Zaramenskih K. S., Lisitskiy I. S. |
Информация об авторах | N. B. Smirnov, Senior Researcher; A. V. Govorkov, Senior Researcher; M. S. Kuznetsov, Researcher; K. S. Zaramenskikh, Engineer-technologist of I Category; I. S. Lisitskiy, Senior Researcher, e-mail: gradan@mail.ru, The Federal State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry. |
Название | Mineral raw materials, new technologies and development of refractory rare metals industry in Russia and Countries of Commonwealth of Independent States |
Автор | Tarasov A. V. |
Информация об авторе | A. V. Tarasov, Head of Research, State Research Center of Russian Federation “GINTSVETMET” Institute Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Deputy General Director, “RT-Metallurgy”, e-mail: gin@gintsvet.msk.ru. |
Metal processing | |
Название | Investigation of the additional alloying effect on oxidation during heating of the alloys of aluminum with magnesium |
Авторы | Drits A. M., Rokhlin L. L., Dobatkina T. V., Nikitina N. I., Tarytina I. E. |
Информация об авторах | A. M. Drits, Director of Technologies, Alcoa SMZ, ZAO «Alkoa SMZ»; L. L. Rokhlin, Chief Researcher, e-mail: rokhlin@ultra.imet.ac.ru; T. V. Dobatkina, Leading Researcher; N. I. Nikitina, Senior Researcher; I. E. Tarytina, Researcher, The Baykov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science, Russian Academy of Sciences. |
Название | Calculation of influence of the deployed castings defects of shrinkable character on durability of piston of internal combustion engine |
Авторы | Alyokhin V. I., Belogub A. V., Akimov O. V. |
Информация об авторах | V. I. Alekhin, Post-graduate Student, e-mail: alyohin.vitalik@gmail.com, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute”; A. V. Belogub, Docent of Department of Aircraft Engine Construction, National Aerospace University – Kharkiv Aviation Institute; O. V. Akimov, Docent, Head of Foundry Department, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute”. |
Automation | |
Название | Two-dimensional auto-oscillating processes simulation and study |
Автор | Almukhametov V. F. |
Информация об авторе | V. F. Almukhametov, Docent, e-mail: almval51@mail.ru, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Perm State Agricultural Academy named after D. N. Pryanishnikov. |