Gornyi Zhurnal

The issue contains the articles of various themes, which cover the work experience and engineering efforts of enterprises and organizations of mining profile.
The issue is opened by the section "From the experience of mining enterprises and organizations," which includes materials of "Irgiredmet" JSC and "Giproruda" OJSC specialists to mark the jubilees of these organizations. In the articles readers will find information on results and perspective planning of the institution’s activities.
Articles in traditional sections of the journal are of the special nature and covers specific achievements in various fields of mining industry.
Published in the “Prominent figures of mining science and production” section material dedicated to the anniversary of the Kazakh National Technical University after K. I. Satpayev is noteworthy. It narrates about eminent personalities of the higher mining school of Kazakhstan, who made an invaluable contribution to the mining engineers training and mining industry formation in the republic.“Gornyi Zhurnal” (“Minig Journal”) continues to inform the mine technical community about the past and upcoming scientific and technical conferences, workshops, forums and exhibitions. In particular, publications of the issue summarize meeting of the Supreme Mining Council held in Saint Petersburg in April and 10th Exhibition and Forum “Industry. Investment. Technology” taken place in Krivoy Rog. There also is given information on the forthcoming VI International Conference “Combined geotechnology: theory and practice of realization of multipurpose subsoil exploration complete cycle”, which will be held in Magnitogorsk at the end of May, 2011.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | 140 years of Irkutsk scienceresearching center of noble and rare metal and diamonds |
Автор | Dement'ev V. E. |
Информация об авторе | Dement'ev V. E., General Director, e-mail: gold@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET |
Название | Irgiredmet Testing analytical centre |
Авторы | Gornostaeva T. D., Prokop'eva S. V., Benedyuk A. V. |
Информация об авторах | Gornostaeva T. D., Head of Analytical Centre; Prokop'eva S. V., Deputy Head of Analytical Centre, Seniour Researcher; Benedyuk A. V., Seniour Researcher, e-mail: analytic01@inbox.ru, IRGIREDMET. |
Название | Experience of designing of underground mines at “Irgiredmet” public corporation |
Авторы | Neganov V. P., Sosnovskij L. I., Sosnovskaya E. L., Davidenko A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Neganov V. P., Head of Department, Seniour Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: expert@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET; Sosnovskij L. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: v10@istu.edu; Sosnovskaya E. L., Assistant Professor, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: 1.gor@istu.edu, Irkutsk State Technical University; Davidenko A. A., Head of Department, e-mail: dav@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET. |
Название | Elaborations of Irgiredmet institute in area of equipment and technology of gold extraction |
Авторы | Dement'ev V. E., Vojloshnikov G. I. |
Информация об авторах | Dement'ev V. E., General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: gold@irgiredmet.ru; Vojloshnikov G. I., Deputy General Director of Scientific Work and Innovations, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: greg@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET. |
Название | Fine gold alluvial deposits: problems of estimation and extraction |
Авторы | Zamyatin O. V., Man'kov V. M. |
Информация об авторах | Zamyatin O. V., Member of Science and Engineering Board, Candidate of Engineering Sciences; Man'kov V. M., Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: L2@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET |
Название | Bacterial leaching of refractory ores and concentrates |
Авторы | Gudkov S. S., Shketova L. E., Mikhajlova A. N. |
Информация об авторах | Gudkov S. S., Head of Laboratory; Shketova L. E., Researcher; Mikhajlova A. N., Engineer, e-mail: emelyanov@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET. |
Название | Industrial usage of columns with shutter checker fillings in coal-sorption technology of gold extraction |
Авторы | Mullov V. M., Rashenko A. F., Sinichkin A. G. |
Информация об авторах | Mullov V. M., Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: gold@irgiredmet.ru; Rashenko A. F., Leading Researcher, e-mail: gold@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET; Sinichkin A. G., Deputy General Director of Production Development, phone: (903)988-34-68, "Vasilevskiy rudnik" Company. |
Название | Complex designing of mine-beneficiation manufactures |
Автор | Krut'ko A. N. |
Информация об авторе | Krut'ko A. N., Chief Engineer, e-mail:krut@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET. |
Название | “Irgiredmet” Commercial centre : deliveries of technological equipments and reagents for ore processing |
Авторы | Gorbunov P. D., Semenkov D. A., +Musin D. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Gorbunov P. D., Director of Commercial Centre; Semenkov D. A., Deputy Director of Commercial Centre; +Musin D. Yu., Leading Manager, e-mail: CC@irgiredmet.ru, IRGIREDMET. |
Название | 80 years of “Giproruda” institute: proud of the past, building the future |
Авторы | Cherevko N. V., Serdyukov A. L. |
Информация об авторах | Cherevko N. V., General Director; Serdyukov A. L., The First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer, e-mail: info@giproruda.ru, "Giproruda" Company. |
Название | Giproruda and Apatit — from century to century |
Авторы | Okunovich A. V., Zvonar' A. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Okunovich A. V., Chief Engineer of Projects, e-mail: aokunovich@giproruda.ru, "Giproruda" Company; Zvonar' A. Yu., Technical Director - Chief Engineer, e-mail:AZvonar@apatit.com, "Apatit" Company. |
Название | Giproruda experience in 3D pit design |
Авторы | Serdyukov A. L., Cherepanov A. V., Levin E. L. |
Информация об авторах | Serdyukov A. L., The First Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer; Cherepanov A. V., Head of Open Mining Works, Transport and General Plan Department, e-mail:info@giproruda.ru; Levin E. L., Chief Expert of Open Mining Works, Transport and General Plan Department, e-mail: elevin@giproruda.ru, "Giproruda" Company. |
Название | New approaches to strategy of mining Garinsky iron ore deposit |
Авторы | Nalivayko V. A., Lyashchenko A. M. |
Информация об авторах | Nalivayko V. A., Chief Engineer of Projects, e-mail: vnalivayko@giproruda.ru, "Giproruda" Company; Lyashchenko A. M., Deputy General Director of Garinskiy MMC, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: Lashenko@pokrmine.ru, "Petropavlovsk – Ferrous Metallurgy" Group of Companies. |
Название | Transfer hopper point in open pit truckrailway haulage layouts |
Авторы | Draya M. I., Bogdanov V. L., Blyumin M. I., Timofeev I. K. |
Информация об авторах | Draya M. I., Technical Adviser; Bogdanov V. L., Chief Miner of Open Works; Blyumin M. I., Head of Building Department, e-mail: info@giproruda.ru; Timofeev I. K., Leading Engineer of Mining Mechanical Department, e-mail:itimofeev@giproruda.ru, "Giproruda" Company. |
Название | Operational practice of conveyor systems introduced in deep open pits of Russia and Kazakhstan |
Авторы | Babenko I. V., Veretel'nik I. P., Timofeev I. K. |
Информация об авторах | Babenko I. V., Chief Engineer of Projects, e-mail: ibabenko@giproruda.ru; Veretel'nik I. P., Head of Mining Mechanical Department, e-mail: iveretelnik@giproruda.ru; Timofeev I. K., Leading Engineer of Mining Mechanical Department, e-mail: itimofeev@giproruda.ru, "Giproruda" Company. |
Название | Prerequisites of using conveyors in open pit integrated haulage systems during stripping and mining of deep pit levels |
Авторы | Ivanov V. A., Draya M. I. |
Информация об авторах | Ivanov V. A., Head of Electrical Engineering Department, e-mail: ivanov@giproruda.ru; Draya M. I., Technical Adviser, e-mail:info@giproruda.ru, "Giproruda" Company. |
Название | “Gorny Zhurnal” and geologists from Tadzhikistan: collaboration for prosperity of mining matter |
Автор | Azim Ibrohim |
Информация об авторе | Azim Ibrohim, Head of General Institute of Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Candidate of Engineering Sciences. |
Название | Modern condition of mineralraw material base of ferrous metallurgy at the Ukraine |
Авторы | Matyukha V. V., Movchan N. T. |
Информация об авторах | Matyukha V. V., Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: matiukha@ukr.net; Movchan N. T., Leading Economist, phone: +38 (097) 412-62-02, Council of Scientific and Technological Potential Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. |
Название | Problems of choice of dimension ranges of operating tools and conditions of rock bit drilling depending on mechanical properties of mine rocks |
Автор | Sinev S. V. |
Информация об авторе | Sinev S. V., Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: stanislav-vs@mail.ru. |
Название | Control of geo-mechanical conditions of mine rock massif at Gajskiy underground mine |
Авторы | Khar'kov A. V., Bodrenkov A. E. |
Информация об авторах | Khar'kov A. V., Chief Engineer; Bodrenkov A. E., Head of Underground Pit, e-mail: PTO@ggok.ru, GAISKIY GOK. |
Название | Researches of influence of pulsed electromagnetic concrete processing to samples durability, produced on its base |
Автор | Goncharov A. V. |
Информация об авторе | Goncharov A. V., Post-Graduate Student, e-mail: An.Goncharov@gmail.com, Moscow State Mining University. |
Название | About possibilities of involvement of subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship to realizing geological prospecting works |
Авторы | Germakhanov A. A., Zolotenkov Ya. V. |
Информация об авторах | Germakhanov A. A., Deputy Head, Administration of Subsurface Resources Management at the Tomsk Region; Zolotenkov Ya. V., Assistant Professor, e-mail: jz69@sibmail.com, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Engineering of Tomsk Polytechnic University. |
Название | Combine of traditional and physical-chemical methods of extraction and processing of ore-mineral raw materials |
Авторы | Arens V. Zh., Lobanov D. P., Fazlullin M. I. |
Информация об авторах | Arens V. Zh., Vice-President, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: mogmsraen@mail.ru, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Lobanov D. P., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: (499) 134-80-79, Russian State Prospecting University of a Name of Sergo Ordzhonikidze; Fazlullin M. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: (495) 324-42-39, Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Research Institute of Chemical Technology. B. L. Tolkunov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, took part in the paper. |
Название | Resource finishing of Streletskoe ore field using physical-chemical geo-technologies |
Авторы | Morozov A. A., Gavrilov A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Morozov A. A., Head of Geological Engineering Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, phone: (30245) 3-30-54, Priargunsky Mining and Chemical Works; Gavrilov A. A., Post-Graduate Student, phone: (30245) 3-35-89, Chita State University. |
Название | New technologies and methods of frost retreat of season and multi-year frozen rocks |
Авторы | Subbotin Yu. V., Oveshnikov Yu. M. |
Информация об авторах | Subbotin Yu. V., Professor, Open Mining Work Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences; Oveshnikov Yu. M., Head of Open Mining Work Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: (3022) 26-89-58, Chita State University. |
Название | Calculation of parameters of water-protection rock mass during elaboration potassium deposits (Starobinskoe deposit as an example) |
Автор | Zubovich V. S. |
Информация об авторе | Zubovich V. S., Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, phone: (903) 242-43-91, Moscow State Regional University. |
Название | Fabrication of production with energetic assignment on the base of geo-mechanized technology of turf extraction |
Авторы | Yaltanets I. M., Shtin S. M. |
Информация об авторах | Yaltanets I. M., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: (499) 230-24-87, Moscow State Mining University; Shtin S. M., Deputy General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: sershtin@yandex.ru, "Golfstrim" Company, Scientific Development and Production Center. |
Drilling and blasting operations | |
Название | The estimation of efficiency of using electronic detonators during formation contour chinks in quarries |
Авторы | Melik-Gajkazov I. V., Togunov M. B., Shitov Yu. A., Fokin V. A. |
Информация об авторах | Melik-Gajkazov I. V., Technical Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Igor.Melik-Gaikazov@eurochem.ru; Togunov M. B., Chief Expert of Drilling and Blasting Operations, Engineering Development Department, e-mail: Mikhail.Togunov@eurochem.ru; Shitov Yu. A., Deputy Chief Engineer of "Zheleznyi" Pit, e-mail: Yuri.Shitov@eurochem.ru, "Kovdorskiy Mining and Concentrating Plant" Company; Fokin V. A., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: fva666@goi.kolasc.net.ru, Mining Institute of Kola Scientific Centre of the Russian academy of Sciences. |
Название | To critics of Operational regulations of coal mines at the Ukraine |
Автор | Golbert A. E. |
Информация об авторе | Golbert A. E., Chief Mechanic, e-mail: golbert.arthur@rambler.ru, "Donetsshakhtostroy" Company. |