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Tsvetnye Metally →
2011 →
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Tsvetnye Metally →
2011 →
Tsvetnye Metally

The issue is devoted to chemistry in non-ferrous metallurgy.
In the issue:
• Modern development trend in metallurgy;
• Pyrometallurgy: theory and practice;
• Hydrometallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble elements;
• Analytical methods in metallurgy;
• The problems of environment protection in metallurgy;
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
The modern tendency of development in metal industry | |
ArticleName | Natural nanosized gold in arsenical pyrite |
ArticleAuthor | Meretukov M. A. |
ArticleAuthorData | M. A. Meretukov, Scientific Consultant, e-mail: |
ArticleName | The problems of usage and development of new flotation reagents in Russia |
ArticleAuthor | Ryaboy V. I. |
ArticleAuthorData | V. I. Ryaboy, General Director, e-mail:, “Mekhanobr-Orgsintez-Reagent”. |
ArticleName | Tendencies of non-ferrous metals autoclave hydrometallurgy development |
ArticleAuthors | Shneerson Ya. M., Nabojchenko S. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ya. M. Shneerson, General Director, e-mail:, Research and Development Centre “Gidrometallurgia”; S. S. Naboychenko, President, Ural Federal University. |
ArticleName | The methods of “soft” chemistry in technology of obtaining of functional materials on the base of III, V-VIII groups of rare elements |
ArticleAuthors | Drobot D. V., Nikishina E. E., Lebedeva E. N., Petrakova O. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | D. V. Drobot, Head of a Department; E. E. Nikishina, Docent, e-mail:; E. N. Lebedeva, Senior Researcher; O. V. Petrakova, Candidate, Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology. |
Pyrometallurgy: theory and practice | |
ArticleName | Determination of component activity in metal melts, contained Cu, Ni, Co, Fe using calculation methods |
ArticleAuthors | Tsymbulov L. B., Kolosova E. Yu., Tsemekhman L. Sh. |
ArticleAuthorsData | L. B. Tsymbulov, Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, phone: (812) 335-32-87, the "Gipronickel" Institute; E. Yu. Kolosova, Assistant, St. Peterburg State Polytechnical University; L. Sh. Tsemekhman, Head of Pyrometallurgical Laboratory, the "Gipronickel" Institute. The work has been executed under scientific supervision of Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry, St. Peterburg State Polytechnical University A. G. Morachevskiy. |
ArticleName | Researching molecular form of arsenic in gas phase during dearsenization gold-bearing Yakutia concentrates |
ArticleAuthors | Seregin P. S., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Lopatin S. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | P. S. Seregin, Leading Researcher; L. Sh. Tsemekhman, Head of Pyrometallurgical Laboratory, e-mail:, The Gipronickel Institute; S. I. Lopatin, Professor, St. Peterburg State University. |
Hydrometallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble elements: problems and prospects | |
ArticleName | The features of interaction of nickel oxides with solutions of sulfuric acid during leaching of industrial roasted product of nickel concentrate |
ArticleAuthors | Kalashnikova M. I., Volkov L. V., Keskinova M. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | M. I. Kalashnikova, Head of the Hydrometallurgy Laboratory, e-mail:, The Gipronickel Institute; L. V. Volkov, Professor, St. Peterburg State Polytechnical University; M. V. Keskinova, Junior Researcher, Hydrometallurgy Laboratory, The Gipronickel Institute. |
ArticleName | Enhancing the effectiveness of zirconium obtaining electolytical process |
ArticleAuthors | Shikov A. K., Kabanov A. A., Bezumov V. N., Dunaev A. I., Matyushkin N. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | A. K. Shikov, Executive Director, Kurchatov Centre of Converging of Nano-, Bio-, Information and Cognitive Sciences and Technologies; A. A. Kabanov, Deputy Director of Process and Technologies Branch; V. N. Bezumov, Head of Laboratory, e-mail:; A. I. Dunaev, Senior Researcher; N. A. Matyushkin, Researcher, Research Institute named after Bochvar. |
Solvent extraction | |
ArticleName | The use of binary extracting agents based on di-(2-ethylhexil)phosphorus acid for lanthanides separation |
ArticleAuthors | Kalyakin S. N., Kuz'min V. I., Mulagaleeva M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | S. N. Kalyakin, Senior Researcher, e-mail:; V. I. Kuz'min, Head of Laboratory; M. A. Mulagaleeva, Jounior Researcher, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS. |
Adsorption | |
ArticleName | Achievements of molecular recognition technology in the hydrometallurgy |
ArticleAuthors | Izatt S. R., Izatt N. E., Bruening R. L., Dale J. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | S. R. Izatt, President, General Director, e-mail:; N. E. Izatt, R. L. Bruening, Dzh. B. Deyl, Employees of IBC Advanced Technologies Inc. Company. |
Autoclave technology | |
ArticleName | A few features of autoclave opening of carbonic gold-bearing ores and concentrates |
ArticleAuthors | Shneerson Ya. M., Chugaev L. V., Pleshkov M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ya. M. Shneerson, General Director, e-mail:; L. V. Chugaev, Leading Researcher; M. A. Pleshkov, Leading Researcher, Research and Development Centre “Gidrometallutgiya”. |
Analytic methods in metallurgy | |
ArticleName | Usage of reducing ability of samples material during assay collecting of presious metals in lead alloy |
ArticleAuthors | Kuznetsov A. P., Korotkov V. A., Mandrugin A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | A. P. Kuznetsov, Senior Researcher, Branch of Analytical Researches, Central Geological Research Institute for Nonferrous and Precious Metals, e-mail:; V. A. Korotkov, Head of Testing Analytic Centre, The "Gipronickel" Institute; A. V. Mandrugin, Head of Branch of Analytical Researches, Central Geological Research Institute for Nonferrous and Precious Metals. |
ArticleName | Using titanium electrode for potentiometric determination of copper, zinc, cadmium ions in formation water |
ArticleAuthor | Sataeva S. S. |
ArticleAuthorData | C. S. Sataeva, Senior Teacher, e-mail:; Western-Kazakstan Agrarian-Technical University named after Zhangir Khana. |
The problems of environment protection in metallurgy | |
ArticleName | Elaboration of the potassium and sodium ferrates (VI) syntesis by a self-sustaining combustion method |
ArticleAuthors | Ul'yanova M. A., Rylov Yu. B., Andreev V. P., Putin S. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | M. A. Ul'yanova, Head of Laboratory No. 2, Department of Chemistry and New Chemical Technologies, e-mail:; Yu. B. Rylov, Jounior Researcher; V. P. Andreev, Researcher; S. B. Putin, The First Depury Director, Deputy Director of Scientific Work, The Roskhimzashita Corporation. |