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Eurasian mining →
2010 →
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Eurasian mining →
2010 →
Eurasian mining

Название | Realization of strategy of sustainable growth of JSC “Apatit” by Company “PhosAgro” |
Авторы | Volkov M. V., Tsarev P. P., Levin B. V. |
Информация об авторах | M. V. Volkov, General Director, Сompany “PhosAgro”; P. P. Tsarev, General Director, C. Ec.; B. V. Levin, Deputy General Director for Strategic Development, C. Eng., JSC “PhosAgro AG” |
Название | JSC “Apatit”: 80 years in avant guard of the mining chemical industry of Russia |
Автор | Shaposhnik Yu. P. |
Информация об авторе | Yu. P. Shaposhnik, Director of Kirovsky Branch of “PhosAgro AG” JSC – General Director of “Apatit” JSC, Kirovsky Branch of “PhosAgro AG” JSC, “Apatit” JSC |
Название | Strategical planning as a base of sustainable operation of the company |
Авторы | Svinin V. S., Zvonar A. Yu., Zaporozhets V. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | V. S. Svinin, First Deputy Director, C. Eng., Kirovsky Branch of “PhosAgro”; A. Yu. Zvonar, Technical Director – Main Engineer; V. Yu. Zaprozhets, First Deputy of Technical Director, “Apatit” JSC |
Название | Past, present and the main directions of development of the technology for preparation of apatite nefeline ores from Khibini |
Авторы | Brilyakov Yu. E., Gershenkop A. Sh., Lygach V. N. |
Информация об авторах | Yu. E. Brilyakov, Director of the Complex for processing of the apatitenepheline ores, D. Eng., “Apatit” JSC; A. Sh. Gershenkop, Deputy-Director for scientific work, D. Eng., Mining Institute of KSC of the RAS; V. N. Lygach, First Deputy-General Director, C. Eng., FGUP “GIGHS” |
Название | Increase of efficiency of underground mining of powerful deposits on the base of usage of cyclic line technology |
Авторы | Demidov Yu. V., Sakharov A. N., Terentyev A. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Yu. V. Demidov, Counselor for General Director, Prof., D. Eng.; A. N. Sakharov, Mine Miner for underground mining; A. Yu. Terentiev, Leading Specialist of the mining works service, “Apatit” JSC |
Название | The combined opened underground mining of nearboard and sub quarry reserves of apatite nepheline ores |
Авторы | Demidov Yu. V., Zvonar’ A. Yu., Leontyev A. A. |
Информация об авторах | Yu. V. Demidov, Councilor of General Director, Prof., D. Eng.; A. Yu. Zvonar', Technical Director — Main Engineer, “Apatit” JSC; A. A. Leontyev, Major Researcher, C. Eng., Mining Institute of KSC of the RAS |
Название | Optimal extraction values of reserves of apatite nepheline ores are a basis of rational subsurface managment at JSC “Apatit” |
Автор | Belousov V. V. |
Информация об авторе | V. V. Belousov, Chief Mining Surveyor, “Apatit” JSC |
Название | The oldest leader of mining industry in the Khibini Mountains celebrates its 80th Anniversary |
Автор | Nikitin K. V. |
Информация об авторе | K. V. Nikitin, Chief of Kirovsky mine, Kirovsky Branch of “PhosAgro AG” JSC, “Apatit” JSC |
Название | Development of the automated managment systems of technological processes at concentrating plants of JSC “Apatit” |
Авторы | Egorov V. F., Pekshuev L. A. |
Информация об авторах | V. F. Egorov, Chief of the Information and Automation Service; L. A. Pekshuev, Deputy-Director of the Complex of Concentration of the Apatite-Nepheline ores for Information and Automation, “Apatit” JSC |
Название | Ecological policy of JSC “Apatit” |
Авторы | Zvonar’ A. J., Shall’ E. E. |
Информация об авторах | A. J. Zvonar’, Technical Director – Main Engineer; E. E. Shall’, Chief of Environmental Department, “Apatit” JSC |