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Tsvetnye Metally →
2010 →
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Tsvetnye Metally →
2010 →
Tsvetnye Metally

Economics and management of production | |
ArticleName | International review of market of non-ferrous metals |
ArticleAuthor | "Norilsk Nickel" mining and metallurgical company |
ArticleName | Investments of russian non-ferrous companies in Europe – trends and challenges |
ArticleAuthor | Baykov M. V. |
Beneficiation | |
ArticleName | Reextraction of dore gold metal from tails of benificiation of chrysotile-asbestos ores |
ArticleAuthors | +Kobzhasov A. K., Abdrakhmanova D. K., Punenkov S. E. |
Heavy non-ferrous metals | |
ArticleName | The analysis of various variants of the technological scheme of processing of oxidized nickel ores on ferronickel with application of dual chamber Vanukov furnace |
ArticleAuthors | Tsymbulov L. В., Knyazev M. V., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Kudabaev E. A., Golovlev Yu. I. |
ArticleName | Hydrometallurgical technology for processing of nickel concentrate at "Pechenganickel" combine |
ArticleAuthors | Kalashnikova M. I., Saltykov P. M., Saltykova E. G., Khomchenko O. A. |
ArticleName | New methods of processing of materials, containing zinc, tin and lead |
ArticleAuthors | Seregin P. S., Popov V. A., Tsemekhman L. Sh. |
ArticleName | Calculation method for pollution emissions at metallurgical enterprises |
ArticleAuthors | Blinov V. A., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Karasev Yu. A., Veluginets G. A., Severilov A. V. |
Aluminium, alumina, carbon materials | |
ArticleName | Intensification of autoclave leaching process of bauxite from “North Urals Bauxite Mine” |
ArticleAuthors | Kazakov V. G., Lipin V. A., Mitrophanova E. N. |
ArticleName | Criteria of shutdown of aluminium electrolyzers for the local repair |
ArticleAuthors | Lyubushkin V. A., Bakhtin A. A. |
ArticleName | Interaction of aluminium and alloys on aluminium base with refractory materials |
ArticleAuthors | Yurkov A. L., Pikhutin I. A. |
Magnesium, titanium, rare metals, semiconductors | |
ArticleName | Selective niobium extraction from solution of hydrochloric leaching from loparite concentrate |
ArticleAuthors | Kasikova N. I., Kasikov A. G., Korotkova G. V. |
Composites and multipurpose coatings | |
ArticleName | “Resintering” of ceramics YBa2Cu3O7–δ in the eutectic melt and HTSC films on a substrate Y2BaCuO5 |
ArticleAuthors | Tuzov Yu. V., Miller M. В., Sermyagin A. V. |
Nanostructured metals and materials | |
ArticleName | Approaches to economical forecasting of the market of nanostructural superconducting materials |
ArticleAuthor | Putilov A. A. |
Radioactive elements | |
ArticleName | Distribution of radionuclide in fluoride-nitric acid technology of plumbomicrolite concentrate |
ArticleAuthors | Masloboeva S. M., Melnik N. A. |
ArticleName | The results of material science and experimental substantiation of efficiency of pilot fuel elements with ceramic fuel using for KLT-40 active zone |
ArticleAuthors | Vatulin A. V., Ershov S. A., Kulakov G. V., Morozov A. V., Sorokin V. I. |
Metal processing | |
ArticleName | Calculation of the minimum length of the container at continuous pressing conform |
ArticleAuthors | Gorokhov Yu. V., Solopko I. V., Suslov V. P. |
ArticleName | Improvement of section rolling technology of heavy non-ferrous metals with usage of new technical solutions of roll fittings |
ArticleAuthors | Slukin E. Yu., Shilov V. A., Zheleznyak L. M. |
ArticleName | Fuatures of extrusion of profiles from heavy non-ferrous metals and alloys |
ArticleAuthor | Zolkin V. N. |