Gornyi Zhurnal

The first issue of “Gorniy Zhurnal” was timed to the 50-years anniversary of Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Diamond Industry “Yakutniproalmaz”. “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute, "Alrosa" company is the unique scientific and engineering organization, specializing in developing of technologies for extraction and processing of diamond raw materials. Themes of articles in this issue illustrate the generaldirections of the institute activity in the field of kimberlite deposits development (by open, underground and combined methods), diamond-bearing ores beneficiation and environment protection in the areas of mining enterprises activity of “Alrosa” company.Also, the issue includes articles about partnership of the “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute with mining organizations and enterprises in the area of diamonds extraction and processing.
More details about the issue you may find below or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Congratulations on the anniversary of “Yakutniproalmaz” institute |
Автор | Chaadaev A. S. |
Информация об авторе | A. S. Chaadaev, Director of Institute, Candidate of Economic Science |
Название | Complex researches and implementation of innovation geotechnologies of extraction and deep processing of kimberlite |
Авторы | Chanturia V. A., Trubetskoy K. N., Kaplunov D. R., Chaadaev A. S., Makhrachev A. F. |
Информация об авторах | V. A. Chanturia, Director, Member of Russian Academy of Science, e-mail: info@ipkonran.ru, K. N. Trubetskoy, Councillor of Presidium, Member of Russian Academy of Science, e-mail: trubetsk@ipkonran.ru, D. R. Kaplunov, Departmental Manager, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, phone: (495) 360-08-23, Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Sciences; A. S. Chaadaev, Director, Candidate of Economic Sciences, e-mail: institut@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute; A. F. Makhrachev, Director, e-mail: ugok@ ugok.alrosa-mir.ru, Udachinskiy Mining and Concentration Plant. |
Название | The main directions and problems of science activity of “Yakutniproalmaz” institute |
Авторы | Zyryanov I. V., Bondarenko I. F. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director of Scientific Work, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: I.Ziryanov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, I. F. Bondarenko, Academic Secretary, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (41136) 9-16-05, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Qualitative designing is the necessary condition of high efficient building of manufacture objects |
Авторы | Kovalenko A. A., Mishchenko Yu. V. |
Информация об авторах | A. A. Kovalenko, Deputy Leading Engineer of Design and Survey Work, e-mail: kaa@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, Yu. V. Mishchenko, Leading Engineer-Designer, e-mail: pbromanenko@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | The problems of development of innovation activity of “Yakutniproalmaz” institute |
Авторы | Chaadaev A. S., Zyryanov I. V., Trofimova A. N. |
Информация об авторах | A. S. Chaadaev, Director, Candidate of Economic Sciences, e-mail: institut@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director of Science Work, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: I.Ziryanov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, A. N. Trofimova, Head of Department, Candidate of Economic Science, e-mail: SFVU@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Unified control system at “Yakutniproalmaz” institute |
Авторы | Chaadaev A. S., Zyryanov I. V., Pitenko E. V., Dvorkin L. S., Ol’khovikova N. B. |
Информация об авторах | A. S. Chaadaev, Director, Candidate of Economic Sciences, e-mail: institut@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director of Science Work, Representative of Quality Manual, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: I.Ziryanov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, E. V. Pitenko, Leading Engineer, phone: (41136) 3-19-92, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute; L. S. Dvorkin, General Director, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (495) 410-26-51; N. B. Ol’khovikova, Expert, Project Manager, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, phone: (495) 650-10-46 (AFNOR Rus) |
Название | High qualified personnel of research and technological subdivision of “ALROSA” company as indicator of innovation efficiency of scientific-practical developments |
Автор | Bondarenko I. F. |
Информация об авторе | I. F. Bondarenko, Academic Secretary, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (41136) 9-16-05, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | The secret of success in unity |
Автор | Zhavoronkova R. A. |
Информация об авторе | R. A. Zhavoronkova, Chairman of Trades Committee, phone: (41136) 9-15-26, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Monumentally-decorative art of diamond province |
Автор | Mironov S. V. |
Информация об авторе | S. V. Mironov, Head of Architecture department, e-mail: architektor@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Timely science-practical elaborations of project-researching subdivisions of “ALROSA” company |
Авторы | Gerasimchuk A. V., Rotman A. Ya., Zyryanov I. V., Kovalchuk O. E. |
Информация об авторах | A. V. Gerasimchuk, Director, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: gerasimchuk@cnigri.alrosa-mir.ru, A. Ya. Rotman, Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: rotman@cnigri.alrosa-mir.ru, Scientific Research and Geological Exploration Enterprise; I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director of Science Work, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail:I.Ziryanov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute; O. E. Kovalchuk, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: kovalchuk@cnigri.alrosa-mir.ru, Scientific Research and Geological Exploration Enterprise |
Название | Science-technical contribution of “Irgiredmet” institute in development and improvement of extraction and beneficiation technology for diamond-bearing raw materials |
Авторы | Dement’ev V. E., Neganov V. P., Prokopenko A. V., Larionov N. P. |
Информация об авторах | V. E. Dement’ev, General Director, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: dir@irgiredmet.ru, V. P. Neganov, Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: expert@irgiredmet.ru, A. V. Prokopenko, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: prok@irkutsk.ru, “Irgiredmet”; N. P. Larionov, Leading Researche, e-mail: larionov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Combined science-technical elaborations of “Yakutniproalmaz” institute and Research institute of applied physics of Irkutsk state university |
Авторы | Mukhachev Yu. S., Yakovlev V. N. |
Информация об авторах | Yu. S. Mukhachev, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Physico-mathematical Sciences, e-mail: mukhachev_yu_s@mail.ru, Research Institute of Applied Physics of Irkutsk State University; V. N. Yakovlev, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: v_yakovlev@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | “Yakutniproalmaz” and IrGTY – more than 30 years of combined works for increasing of reliability of mining equipment and intensification of blast borehole drilling |
Авторы | Zyryanov I. V., Makhno D. E., Strabykin N. N., Shadrin A. I. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director of Science Work, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: I.Ziryanov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute; D. E. Makhno, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: makhno@istu.edu; N. N. Strabykin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Science, phone: (3952) 40-50-69, A. I. Shadrin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: sai@istu.edu, Irkutsk State Technical University. |
Название | New approaches to solving the problems of increase of manufacture efficiency in modern mining-geological and economical conditions of development of diamond-bearing deposits |
Авторы | Akishev A. N., Kolganov V. F., Babaskin S. L., Konovalenko V. Ya. |
Информация об авторах | A. N. Akishev, Head of Complex Branch, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: akishev@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, V. F. Kolganov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: kolganov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, S. L. Babaskin, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: babaskin@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, V. Ya. Konovalenko, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: v.konovalenko@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Supply and quality control of ore raw materials during development of diamond deposits with open method |
Авторы | Akishev A. N., Vasil’ev P. V., Mining S. E., Mining S. S., Cherepnov A. N. |
Информация об авторах | A. N. Akishev, Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: akishev@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute, P. V. Vasil'ev, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: Vasiliev@bsu.edu.ru, S. E. Mining, Departmental Manager, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: mining67@mail.ru, S. S. Mining, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: mining67@mail.ru, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “VIOGEM”; A. N. Cherepnov, General Surveyor, e-mail: CherepnovAN@alrosa.ru, “ALROSA” |
Название | The features of technology of drilling and blasting operations on the stage of rework of “Udachny” quarry |
Авторы | Bondarenko I. F., Khon V. I., Nikitin R. Ya., Vasil’ev A. V. |
Информация об авторах | I. F. Bondarenko, Academic Secretary, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (41136) 9-16-05, V. I. Khon, Head of Department, e-mail: Slavny1950@mail.ru, R. Ya. Niktinin, Researcher, e-mail: ron81@mail.ru, A. V. Vasil'ev, Leading Engineer, e-mail: vasar81@mail.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Solution of geotechnological problems at detached stages of elaborationof kimberlite deposits in Yakutiya |
Авторы | Ryl’nikova M. V., Aynbinder I. I., Kramskov N. P., Pismenniy A. V. |
Информация об авторах | M. V. Ryl'nikova, Senior Researcher, prof., Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: rylnikova@mail.ru, I. I. Aynbinder, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Science, tel.: (495) 360-17-26, Research Institute of Conprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Science; N. P. Kramskov, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Science, phone: (41136) 9-20-38, A. V. Pis'mennyy, General Engineer, phone: (41136) 9-00-69, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | The problems of safety of exploration of kimberlite deposits in sophisticated mining-geology and nature-climate conditions |
Авторы | Oparin V. N., Baryshnikov V. D., Vostrikov V. I., Gakhova L. N., Kramskov N. P. |
Информация об авторах | V. N. Oparin, Director, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, phone: (383) 217-05-36, V. D. Baryshnikov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (383) 217-05-41, V. I. Vostrikov, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (383) 217-00-01, L. N. Gakhova, Senior Researcher, phone: (383) 217-05-41, The Institute of Mining Engineering of Siberian Branch of The Russian Academy of Sciences; N. P. Kramskov, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Science, phone: (41136) 9-20-38, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | Development of under-quarry pit reserves of “Udachnaya” tubes in hard climate, mining and hydrogeological conditions |
Авторы | Sokolov I. V., Smirnov A. A., Antipin Yu. G., Kulminsky A. S. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Sokolov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: geotech@igd.uran.ru, A. A. Smirnov, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: geotech@igd.uran.ru, Yu. G. Antipin, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: geotech@igd.uran.ru (IGD UrO RAN); A. S. Kulminsky, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: a.kulminsky@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | Hydrogeological and gas problems of development of diamond deposits at West Yakutia |
Авторы | Pismenniy A. V., Drozdov A. V., Kramskov N. P. |
Информация об авторах | A. V. Pismenniy, General Engineer, phone: (41136) 9-00-69, A. V. Drozdov, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: adrosdov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, N. P. Kramskov, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Science, phone: (41136) 9-20-38, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | The modern methods of intensification of benefication and finishing processes of diamond-bearing raw materials with –5 mm grain size |
Авторы | Chanturia V. A., Dvoychenkova G. P., Trofimova E. A., Chaadaev A. S., Zyryanov I. V., Ostrovskaya G. Kh. |
Информация об авторах | V. A. Chanturiya, Director, Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, phone: (495) 360-06-06, G. P. Dvoychenkova, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (495) 360-58-68, E. A. Trofimova, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, phone: (495) 360-58-68, Research Institute of Conprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Science; A. S. Chaadaev, Director, Candidate of Economical Science, e-mail: institut@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director of Science Work, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: I.Ziryanov@ yna.alrosa-mir.ru, G. Kh. Ostrovskaya, Leading Plant-operating Engineer, phone: (914) 255-76-57, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | Improvement of beneficiation technology of diamond-bearing kimberlites |
Авторы | Gavrilyuk A. N., Savitskiy V. B., Savitskiy L. V. |
Информация об авторах | A. N. Gavrilyuk, Chief Specialist of Benefication Branch, e-mail: karasev@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, V. B. Savitskiy, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: savitsky@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, L. V. Savitskiy, Head of Sector, e-mail: savitsky@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | X-ray graphical diamond separation |
Авторы | Belotserkovskiy S. R., Yakovlev V. N. |
Информация об авторах | S. R. Belotserkovskiy, Deputy General Engineer, e-mail: removich@rambler.ru, “Almazavtomatika”; V. N. Yakovlev, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: v_yakovlev@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | The role of “Yakutniproalmaz” institute in establishment of luminescent diamond separation |
Автор | Novikov V. V. |
Информация об авторе | V. V. Novikov, General Director, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: egont@mail.wplus.net, "Egont''. |
Название | Prospects of usage of module devices processing of diamond-bearing kimberlite and ores of noble, non-ferrous and rare metals |
Авторы | Rudakov V. V., Zlobin M. N., Novikov V. V. |
Информация об авторах | V. V. Rudakov, Chair of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation in the area of supporting enterprises of extraction, production, processing and trade of precious metals and stones and goods of these metals, e-mail: ProkhorovSN@polyusgold.com, Chair of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; M. N. Zlobin, Expert, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: mnzlobin@mtu-net.ru, “Asalmaz”; V. V. Novikov, General Director, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: egont@mail.wplus.net, “Egont”. |
Название | Technology of hard grained flotation during benefication of diamond-bearing ores |
Автор | Zlobin M. N. |
Информация об авторе | M. N. Zlobin, Expert, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: mnzlobin@mtu-net.ru, “Asalmaz” |
Название | Improvement of thermal-chemistry methods of deep diamond cleaning |
Авторы | Makarskiy I. V., Adodin E. I., Tarasova L. G. |
Информация об авторах | I. V. Makarskiy, Head of Sector, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, e-mail: imakarsky@rambler.ru, E. I. Adodin, Head of Laboratory, phone: (41136)9-15-47, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute; L. G. Tarasova, Technologist, phone: (41136) 3-41-41, Final Separation Unit of Mirninskiy Miningand Concentrating Plant. |
Название | Analysis of environment conditions in the area of technogenetic influence of “ALROSA” company enterprises |
Авторы | Treneva L. G., Monastyreva N. N., Naumova O. P. |
Информация об авторах | L. G. Treneva, Head of Laboratory, e-mail: lasos@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, N. N. Monastyreva, Head of Sector, e-mail: lasos2@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, O. P. Naumova, Head of Sector, e-mail: lasos1@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | The problems of recultivation of disturbed soils during development of kimberlite deposits in Yakutia |
Авторы | Ivanov V. V., Mironova S. I., Kudinova Z. A., Martynova G. A. |
Информация об авторах | V. V. Ivanov, Deputy Director of Science Work, Candidate of Engineering Science; S. I. Mironova, Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Biological Science, Z. A. Kudinova, Junior Researcher, Federal State Scientific Institution “Institute of applied ecology of North”; G. A. Martynova, Deputy General Director of Environment Protection, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: priroda@yna.alrosa-mir.ruz, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |
Название | Ecology safety method of processing and utilization of mineralizing recirculating water of tailing dumps of beneficiation plants of “ALROSA” company |
Авторы | Dvoychenkova G. P., Minenko V. G., Pismenniy A. V., Zyryanov I. V., Ostrovskaya G. Kh. |
Информация об авторах | G. P. Dvoychenkova, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: dvoi@rambler.ru, V. G. Minenko, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: vladi200@mail.ru, Research Institute of Conprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources Russian Academy of Science; A. V. Pismenniy, General Engineer, phone: (41136) 9-00-69, I. V. Zyryanov, Deputy Director of Science Work, Doctor of Engineering Science, e-mail: I.Ziryanov@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, G. Kh. Ostrovskaya, Leading Plant-operating Engineer, phone: (914) 255-76-57, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute |
Название | The main directions of minimizing influence of diamond-bearing industry of Yakutia on environment |
Авторы | Vol’pert Ya. L., Martunova G. A. |
Информация об авторах | Ya. L. Vol'pert, Chief Scientist, Doctor of Biological Science, e-mail: ylv52@mail.ru, Federal State Scientific Institution “Institute of applied ecology of North”; G. A. Martynova, Deputy General Engineer of Environment Protection, Candidate of Engineering Science, e-mail: priroda@yna.alrosa-mir.ru, “Yakutniproalmaz” Institute. |