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Non-ferrous Мetals →
2010 →
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Non-ferrous Мetals →
2010 →
Non-ferrous Мetals

ArticleName | The Gipronickel Institute - yesterday, today, tomorrow. The institute formation |
ArticleAuthors | Kaitmazov N. G., Filippov V. S., Tsemekhman L. Sh. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kaitmazov N. G., General director, Gipronickel Institute — Adviser of general director of MMC Norilsk Nickel, Filippov V. S., General director's adviser in metallurgy, Gipronickel Institute, Tsemekhman L. Sh., Нead of Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, Gipronikel Institute |
ArticleName | Problems and prospects of development of Russian metallurgical capacities of MMC Norilsk Nickel for the period till 2020 |
ArticleAuthors | Mushkatin L. M., Dyachenko V. T. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Mushkatin L. M., Chief Metallurgist, Metallurgical Division, Phone: (812)335-31-96 Gipronickel Institute, Dyachenko V. T., Deputy Director, Department of Scientific and Technical Development, MMC Norilsk Nickel |
ArticleName | Gipronickel and mining industry |
ArticleAuthors | Musher S. L., Kolesnikov G. K. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Musher S. L., Professor, Kolesnikov G. K., Engineering Director, Phone: (812)335-3110, (Gipronikel Institute) |
ArticleName | New technologies in the design of Taimyrski mine’ S-3 and S-4 deposits development |
ArticleAuthors | Bogdanov M. N., Goshev A. A., Kovtun N. V., Mishanov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Bogdanov M. N., Deputy Director of Mineral Feed Department, Phone: (3919)42-80-09, Goshev A. A., Head of Mining Department, Kovtun N. V., Head Specialist, Mining Department, Mishanov V. A., Engineer, Mining Department, (AB MMC Norilsk Nickel) |
ArticleName | Improvement of concentration technology of Cu–Ni ores processed at concentration mills of MMC Norilsk Nickel |
ArticleAuthors | Maksimov V. I., Koroleva Е. V., Kozyrev S. M., Kravtsova O. A., Klemyatov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Maksimov V. I., Head of Laboratory, (Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials); Phone: (812)335-30-76, Koroleva Е. V., Researcher of Gipronickel Institute, Kozyrev S. M., Director on R&D, Kravtsova O. A., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Klemyatov A. A., Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, (Gipronikel Institute) |
ArticleName | Forecasting of theoretically attainable parameters of concentration by method of mineralogical simulation |
ArticleAuthors | Khashkovskaya T. N., Lyalinov D. V., Maksimov V. I., Vakhrusheva A. P., Kozyrev S. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Khashkovskaya T. N., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Gipronickel Institute, Lyalinov D. V., Researcher, Phone: (812)335-31-00*(44-53), Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Gipronickel Institute, Maksimov V. I., Head, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Vakhrusheva A. P., Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Gipronickel Institute, Kozyrev S. M., Director on R&D, Gipronickel Institute |
ArticleName | Two-zone Vanukov Furnace. Prospects of application in nonferrous Metallurgy |
ArticleAuthors | Tsymbulov L. B., Knyazev M. V., Tsemekhman L. Sh. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tsymbulov L. B., Head Staff Scientist, Pyrometallurgical Laboratory, e-mail:, Knyazev M. V., Head Specialist, Metallurgical Department, Tsemekhman L. Sh., Head of Pyrometallurgical Laboratory, Gipronickel Institute |
ArticleName | Continious converting of copper and copper-nickel matte. Modern practice state-of-the-art and results of investigations |
ArticleAuthors | Tsemekhman L. Sh., Tsymbulov L. B., Knyazev M. V., Kaytmazov N. G., Fomichev V. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | L. Sh. Tsemekhman, Head of Pyrometallurgical Laboratory; L. B. Tsymbulov, Head Staff Scientist, Pyrometallurgical Laboratory, e-mail:; M. V. Kniazev, Head Specialist, Metallurgical Department, Gipronickel Institute, N. G. Kaytmazov, General director, Gipronickel Institute — Adviser of general director of MMC Norilsk Nickel, V. B. Fomichev, Chief Specialist of Scientific & Technical Department, Arctic Branch of MMC Norilsk Nickel |
ArticleName | Industrial tests of various reducing agents in tube-type furnaces at Severonickel combine |
ArticleAuthor | Seregin P. S. |
ArticleAuthorData | Seregin P. S., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, Gipronickel Institute, Phone: (812)335-31-00*(41-92) |
ArticleName | Processing of titanium-containing concentrates of Southeast Gremyakha deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Popov V. A., Seregin P. S., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Barsegyan V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Popov V. A., Researcher, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, Phone: (812)335-31-40*(41-19), Seregin P. S., Leading Researcher, Tsemekhman L. Sh., Head Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, (Gipronickel Institute); Barsegyan V. V., General Manager, Production Development Administration, Department of Scientific and Technical Production Development, MMC Norilsk Nickel |
ArticleName | Autoclave processing of nickel-containing sulphide concentrates |
ArticleAuthors | Kalashnikova M. I., Saltykov P. M., Shneerson Ya. M., Saltykova Е. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kalashnikova M. I., Head of Laboratory, Phone: (812)335-31-12, Saltykov P. M., Senior Researcher, (Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy Gipronickel Institute); Shneerson Ya. M., General Director, NITS «hydrometallurgy»; Saltykova Е. G., Engineer of the 1st category, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, Gipronickel Institute |
ArticleName | Receiving rich concentrates of platinum metals from semifinished products of copper-nickel production |
ArticleAuthors | Lastochkina M. A., Vergizova Т. V., Greiver T. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Lastochkina M. A., Senior Researcher, Phone: (812)335-31-00*(48-58), Vergizova Т. V., Senior Researcher, Greiver T. N., Chief Researcher, (Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy Gipronickel Institute) |
ArticleName | Processing pattern of copper-nickel nis material in respect to chlorine technology of electrolyte nickel production |
ArticleAuthors | Tsapakh S. L., Demidov K. A., Khomchenko O. A., Sadovskaya G. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tsapakh S. L., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, Gipronickel Institute, Phone: (812)335-32-86; Demidov K. A., Deputy General Director – Technical Manager, Khomchenko O. A., Chief Specialist, Division of R&D Management and Environmental Safety, Sadovskaya G. I., Deputy Head, Control and Analytical Centre on Research Work- Head of Research Section, (Kola MMC) |
ArticleName | Prospects of application of carbonyl metallurgy processes and materials in the field of high technologies |
ArticleAuthors | Biketova L. V., Lisakov Yu. N., Mnukhin A. S., Pelikh Yu. M., Severgin Yu. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Biketova L. V., Researcher, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, Phone: (812)335-30-78, Lisakov Yu. N., Researcher, Laboratory of Hydrometallurgy, Mnukhin A. S., Head, Laboratory of Gas-Phase Metallurgy, Pelikh Yu. M., Leading Engineer, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, Severgin Yu. P., Director on Engineering Problems of Electrophysics, (Gipronickel Institute) |
ArticleName | Modern environmental problems of metallurgical plants processing copper, copper-nickel and nickel raw materials. |
ArticleAuthors | Karasev Yu. A., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Velyuzhinets G. A., Severilov A. V., Mashkovich K. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Karasev Yu. A., Principal Project Engineer, Gipronickel Institute, Tsemekhman L. Sh., Head of Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, e-mail:, Gipronickel Institute, Velyuzhinets G. A., Head of Atmosphere Office, Standardization and Licensing Department, Industrial Ecology Administration AB of MMC Norilsk Nickel, Severilov A. V., Head, Standardization and Licensing Department, Industrial Ecology Administration, AB of MMC Norilsk Nickel, Mashkovich K. I., Head of Administration for Environmental Regulation, Department of Environmental Protection, Industrial Safety and Labour Protection, MMC Norilsk Nickel |
ArticleName | Development and introduction of a new system for platinum-palladium concentrate sampling at Kola MMC |
ArticleAuthors | Glazatov A. N., Tsemekhman L. S., Spitsyn N. K., Maksimov D. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Glazatov A. N., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, Phone.: (812)335-31-44, Tsemekhman L. S., Head of Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, (Gipronickel Institute); Spitsyn N. K., Head, Production Administration, Maksimov D. B., Head, Metallurgical Shop, (Kola MMC) |