Tsvetnye Metally

ArticleName | Grinding of lithium-cobalt battery particles in mills and disintegrators, process features and effect on leaching intensification |
ArticleAuthors | Nazarov V. I., Makarenkov D. A., Aflyatunova G. R., Popov A. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre, Moscow, Russia1 ; MIREA — Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russia2 V. I. Nazarov, Deputy Head of Department1, Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Processes and Installations2, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: nazarov_vi41@mail.ru Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre, Moscow, Russia1 ; Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia2 D. A. Makarenkov, First Deputy Head of the Kurchatov Chemical Research Complex (IREA) Responsible for Research1, Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Processes and Installations2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: makarenkovd@mail.ru Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre, Moscow, Russia G. R. Aflyatunova, Laboratory Assistant and Researcher, e-mail: guzel.aflyatunova13@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | On the problem of intensified decopperization of copper electrolysis slimes |
ArticleAuthors | Lobanov V. G., Polygalov S. E., Mamyachenkov S. V., Khmelev N. B., Melnik F. F |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia V. G. Lobanov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: v.g.lobanov@urfu.ru
IMG-Engineering, Moscow, Russia |
ArticleName | Secondary hydrometallurgy of copper. Part 1 |
ArticleAuthors | Meretukov M. A., Strukov K. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Prague, Czech Republic M. A. Meretukov, Independent Expert, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: mamerat@gmail.com
UGC The Gold Mining Copmany, Plast, Russia |
ArticleName | Use of carbon adsorbents for rhenium sorption from uranium re-extracts |
ArticleAuthors | Sharafutdinov U. Z., Khalimov I. U., Khamidov S. B., Karimov N. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company, Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan U. Z. Sharafutdinov, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Navoi State Mining and Technologiсal University, Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan |
ArticleName | Effect of mao ceramic coating on the stress-strain state of internal combustion engine pistons |
ArticleAuthors | Dudareva N. Yu., Kolomeychenko A. V., Deev V. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia N. Yu. Dudareva, Professor at the Department of Internal Combustion Engines, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail: dudareva.nyu@ugatu.su
Central Scientific Research Automobile and Automotive Engines Institute NAMI, Moscow, Russia
Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, China1 ; Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia2 ; National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia3 |
ArticleName | Influence of the size factor of titanium nickelide alloy wire on structural characteristics and mechanical properties |
ArticleAuthors | Gunther S. V., Monogenov A. N., Vetrova A. V., Kovaleva M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia S. V. Gunther, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences |
ArticleName | Study of the formation processes and properties of porous magnesium by filtration of a liquid melt through soluble granules with preliminary vacuum degassing |
ArticleAuthors | Kovtunov A. I., Khokhlov Yu. Yu., Selyanin P. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tolyatti State University, Tolyatti, Russia A. I. Kovtunov, Professor of the Chair for Welding, Material Processing and Related Processes, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: akovtunov@rambler.ru |
ArticleName | Assessment of the stress-strain state of billets made of Ti – Ni alloys during three-roll screw rolling based on computer modeling |
ArticleAuthors | Andreev V. A., Karelin R. D., Komarov V. S., Skripalenko M. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Moscow, Russia V. A. Andreev, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: andreev.icmateks@gmail.com
Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Moscow, Russia1 ; National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Moscow, Russia2 |
ArticleName | The history of rare earth elements discovery. Erbium, terbium and ytterbium |
ArticleAuthors | Detkov P. G., Drobot D. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Solikamsk Magnesium Plant OJSC, Solikamsk, Russia P. G. Detkov, Member of the Board, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: p.detkov@yandex.ru
Independent Expert, Moscow, Russia D. V. Drobot, Independent Expert, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, e-mail: dvdrobot@mail.ru |