Tsvetnye Metally

Название | Secured communication system for a metallurgical company |
Авторы | Makhovikov A. B., Kryltsov S. B., Matrokhina K. V., Trofimets V. Ya. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. B. Makhovikov, Dean of the Faculty for Basic Scien ces and the Humanities, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: amakhovikov@spmi.ru |
Название | Augmented reality as a means of metallurgical equipment servicing |
Авторы | Koteleva N. I., Valnev V. V., Korolev N. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: N. I. Koteleva, Associate Professor at the Department of Process and Plant Automation, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail: Koteleva_NI@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Adaptive relay protection of metallurgical electric power grids with distributed energy sources |
Авторы | Ivanchenko D. I., Smirnov A. I. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: D. I. Ivanchenko, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: ivanchenko_di@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Digital model of a converter with adjustable water-cooled tuyeres |
Авторы | Bazhin V. Yu., Kosovtseva T. R., Muzipov A. Z. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. Yu. Bazhin, Head of the Metallurgy Department, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: bazhin_vyu@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Functional design of control systems designed for different processing lines of non-ferrous metallurgy (examples of implementation) |
Авторы | Kuzyakov A. V., Zhidovetskiy V. D., Kulchitskiy A. A., Rusinov L. A. |
Информация об авторах | Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika JSC, Moscow, Russia: A. V. Kuzyakov, Senior Researcher, e-mail: 31@sсma.ru
Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, Monchegorsk, Russia: V. D. Zhidovetskiy, Principal Specialist, Automation Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. A. Kulchitskiy, Head of the Department of Process and Plant Automation, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: Kulchitskiy_AA@pers.spmi.ru
Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Saint Petersburg, Russia: L. A. Rusinov, Head of the Department of Chemical Process Automation, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: lrusinov@yandex.ru |
Название | Use of multifunctional crust breaker and machine vision system for acquisition and processing of aluminium reduction cell data |
Авторы | Petrov P. A., Shestakov A. K., Nikolaev M. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: P. A. Petrov, Dean of the Minerals Processing Faculty, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: Petrov_PA3@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Automatic burden balance monitoring and control in the production of metallurgical silicon |
Авторы | Bazhin V. Yu., Masko O. N., Martynov S. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. Yu. Bazhin, Head of the Metallurgy Department, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: bazhin_vyu@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Modern equipment by Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika for detecting aerosols and spills of harmful pollutants |
Авторы | Oksengoyt E. A., Kunitskiy N. A., Petrov P. A., Shestakov A. K. |
Информация об авторах | Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika JSC, Moscow, Russia: E. A. Oksengoyt, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: Okseng37@mail.ru N. A. Kunitskiy, Engineer, e-mail: Kunickiy00@mail.ru
Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: P. A. Petrov, Dean of the Minerals Processing Faculty, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: Petrov_PA3@pers.spmi.ru A. K. Shestakov, Postgraduate Student at the Department of Process and Plant Automation, e-mail: s195017@stud.spmi.ru |
Название | The practice of using VAZM-1M analyzer in monitoring and control systems designed for tube mills and mill/cyclone stages |
Авторы | Sokolov I. V., Morozov V. V., Vasiliev V. V., Lebedik E. A. |
Информация об авторах | Soyuztsvetmetavtomatika JSC, Moscow, Russia: I. V. Sokolov, Responsible for Process Control System Deployment at the Engineering Department, e-mail: Sokolov@scma.ru National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: V. V. Morozov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: dchmggu@mail.ru
Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: |
Название | Settling parameters determined during thickening and washing of red muds |
Авторы | Fedorova E. R., Pupysheva E. A., Morgunov V. V. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: E. R. Fedorova, Associate Professor at the Department of Process and Plant Automation, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: fedorova_er@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Machine vision system for monitoring the process of levitation melting of non-ferrous metals |
Авторы | Boykov A. V., Payor V. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. V. Boykov, Project Supervisor at the Research and Training Centre for Digital Technology, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Science, e-mail: boykov_av@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Ensuring surface quality in AlMn alloy items during high-frequency wave impact boring |
Авторы | Maksarov V. V., Minin A. O., Zakharova V. P. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. V. Maksarov, Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: maks78.54@mail.ru |
Название | Quality control of complex contour surfaces in aluminium alloy items during magnetic abrasive finishing |
Авторы | Maksarov V. V., Maksimov D. D., Sinyukov M. S. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. V. Maksarov, Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: maks78.54@mail.ru |
Название | Coin assessment: modern research techniques and digitalization |
Авторы | Bazhin V. Yu., Gorlenkov D. V., Suslov A. P., Gorshkova O. A. |
Информация об авторах | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: V. Yu. Bazhin, Head of Metallurgy Department, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: bazhin_vyu@pers.spmi.ru |
Название | Contribution of the Mining Institute scientists to the metallurgical industry of the Kingdom of Poland in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century: new technology and automation |
Автор | Mokeev A. B. |
Информация об авторе | Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: A. B. Mokeev, Associate Professor at the Department of History, Candidate of Historical Sciences, e-mail: mokeev_ab@pers.spmi.ru |