Gornyi Zhurnal

The October 2022 (No. 10) issue of Gornyi Zhurnal celebrates the 40th anniversary of Taimyrsky Mine, the leading production unit of MMC Norilsk Nickel.
Taimyrsky Mine is a modern dynamic company which introduces and applies innovative technologies.
The published articles prepared by NorNickel’s employees describe the history of Taimyrsky Mine developing Oktyabrsky deposit of copper–nickel sulfide ore, characterize the mineral reserves and mineral resources available, depict the production facilities and the growth prospects, as well as give an account of R&D achievements in geomechanical support of mining operations.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
Название | Pilot trials of mine support system in decline to Level -830 m in Taimyrsky Mine |
Авторы | Darbinyan T. P., Mushtekenov T. S., Kopranov I. V., Chabanyuk M. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: T. P. Darbinyan, Director of Mining Practice Department |
Название | Improvement of reliability of dozers through taking into account hydrodynamic phenomena in fluid power systems |
Авторы | Darbinyan Т. P., Kotelnikov M. G., Melnikov R. V., Lagovskaya E. V. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: Т. P. Darbinyan, Director of Mining Practice Department, DarbinyanTP@nornik.ru
Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russia: |
Название | Justification of underfill in mined-out voids in cut-and-fill stoping |
Авторы | Marysyuk V. P., Shilenko S. Yu., Andreev A. A., Vilner M. A. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: V. P. Marysyuk, Chief Geotechnical Engineer – Director of Center for Geodynamic Safety, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: M. A. Vilner, Engineer of Scientific Center for Geomechanics and Mining Industry Problems |
Название | Technologies to improve cemented paste backfill transport to deep levels in Talnakh mines |
Авторы | Lozitsky V. A., Gogolev D. V., Balandin V. V., Nedaikhlebov Yu. S. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: V. A. Lozitsky, Head of Mining Office at Mining Practice Department |
Название | Sizes of gas microbubbles sensitizing emulsion explosive along an upward borehole |
Авторы | Koretskiy A. S., Maslov I. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: A. S. Koretskiy, Manager at Drilling and Blasting Department at Mining Office of Mining Practice Department, KoretskiyAS@nornik.ru
Global Mining Explosive–Russia, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Methodology of geomechanical block modeling of rock mass in Taimyrsky Mine field |
Авторы | Marysyuk V. P., Sabyanin G. V., Trofimov A. V., Kolganov A. V. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: V. P. Marysyuk, Chief Geotechnical Engineer – Director of Center for Geodynamic Safety, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, marysyukvp@nornik.ru Norilsk Nickel, Moscow, Russia:
Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
Название | Impact of ground surface movements on ventilation shaft No. 5 of Taimyrsky Mine at Oktyabrsky deposit |
Авторы | Podkuiko N. V., Verkhoturov A. M., Tsatskin V. V., Cherkasov S. V. |
Информация об авторах | Surveying Center, Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: N. V. Podkuiko, Chief Surveyor – Director |
Название | Determination of rock jointing in geotechnical description of cores in Taimyrsky Mine |
Авторы | Vlasenko D. S., Peshkov I. V., Shilenko S. Yu., Danilov O. S. |
Информация об авторах | Taimyrsky Mine Integrated Development Design Office, Norilsk Nickel Development LLC, Moscow, Russia: D. S. Vlasenko, Chief Manager, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, VlasenkoDS@nornik.ru
Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:
Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russia: |
Название | Optimizing borehole location for stress state assessment by geomechanical method of core discing |
Авторы | Sabyanin G. V., Alborov A. E., Andreev A. A., Rumyantsev A. E. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel, Moscow, Russia: G. V. Sabyanin, Head of Mining and Processing Management at Production and Engineering Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia:
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: |
Название | Discrete element approach to determining rock mass pressure on ore pass walls |
Авторы | Yavarov A. V., Sergunin M. P., Bylkov A. V., Rumyantsev A. E. |
Информация об авторах | Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: A. V. Yavarov, Leading Researcher at Geotechnique Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
M. P. Sergunin, Head of Department for Engineering Supervision of Mining
Polar Construction Company, Norilsk, Russia: |
Название | Monitoring of ground surface deformation at Taimyrsky Mine using Sentinel-1 radar imaging for geodynamic risk assessment |
Авторы | Sergunin M. P., Seleskerov D. P., Trofimov A. V., Danilov O. S. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: M. P. Sergunin, Head of Department for Engineering Supervision of Mining, SerguninMP@nornik.ru
Gipronickel Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:
Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russia: |
Название | Nondestructive control in evaluation of concrete lining and the space behind the lining in mine shafts at Talnakh |
Авторы | Kibroev I. S., Manzhosov A. S., Alekseev A. A., Khanina I. A. |
Информация об авторах | Mine Shaft Geophysics Service, Geodynamic Safety Center, Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: I. S. Kibroev, Hydrogeologist, KibroevIS@nornik.ru |
Название | Labor rate setting as a framework for enhancing efficiency of mining industry |
Авторы | Gerasimenko O. S., Kozlova M. N. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: O. S. Gerasimenko, Chief of Workforce Development and Labor Rate Setting Management, GerasimenkoOS@nornik.ru |
Название | Conceptual structure of on-line information and control system toward stabilization of ore flow quality |
Авторы | Batraliev R. Sh., Okhrimenko A. V., Turtygina N. A. |
Информация об авторах | Norilsk Nickel’s Polar Division, Norilsk, Russia: R. Sh. Batraliev, Chief Manager at Innovations Department, BatralievRSh@nornik.ru
Fedorovsky Polar State University, Norilsk, Russia: |