Gornyi Zhurnal

The scope of the July 2021 issue of Gornyi Zhurnal encompasses all traditional sections of the Journal.
The issue opens with the article prepared by specialists of Apatit’s Kirovsk Division, about the unique engineering construction in Russia—Main Mine Shaft 2 and its technical reequipment implemented by FosAgro Company towards enhanced reliability and longevity.
The scientists from the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University discuss the oil and gas environment of low-permeable shale strata as a case-study of Khadum Formation in Ciscaucasia. The studies can be used to analyze and appraise hydrocarbon potential, as well as for exploration and recovery of adsorbed oil in terrigenous deposits or matrix oil in carbonate deposits.
The other articles of this issue address reliable formulas for calculation of blasting influence zones in blasting pattern design and implementation, and suggest the method of rock blastability categorization by blast resistance of rocks. The presented computer model of longwall power supply is developed with regard to the topology of electric mains, parallel converters and actual drive loads, which allows power quality evaluation at the stage of coal mine design. The investigation data on modern eco-geochemical background in the surface mining area of Lebedinsky GOK and in adjacent territory are described.
On the occasion of its 200th anniversary, Gornyi Zhurnal publishes an article on life and research activities of Peter Palchinsky—a talented Russian mining engineer, great scientist, explorer and statesman.
Readers can also find various dedicated articles beneficial to the theory and practice.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
ArticleName | The concepts of method and technique in mining |
ArticleAuthors | Prokopenko S. A., Linnik V. Yu., Sobolev V. V., Ludzish V. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | VostNII Science Center, Kemerovo, Russia: S. A. Prokopenko, Leading Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, sibgp@mail.ru State University of Management, Moscow, Russia: V. Yu. Linnik, Associate Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences |
ArticleName | Hydrogen versus coal: Implications of the hydrogen energy engineering advance for the coal industry |
ArticleAuthors | Plakitkina L. S., Plakitkin Yu. A., Dyachenko K. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Energy Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: L. S. Plakitkina, Head of Research Center for Coal Industry in the World and in Russia, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, luplak@rambler.ru |
ArticleName | Some aspects of intellectual property operations at mining companies |
ArticleAuthors | Vyunnik A. V., Zyryanov I. V., Safyannikova T. B. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Yakutniproalmaz Institute, ALROSA, Mirny, Russia: A. V. Vyunnik, Senior Researcher
I. V. Zyryanov, Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, ZyryanovIV@alrosa.ru |
ArticleName | Lithology and geochemical characterization of low-permeability shale strata: A-case-study of Khadum Formation in Ciscaucasia |
ArticleAuthors | Kerimov V. Yu., Mustaev R. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia: V. Yu. Kerimov, Head of Department, Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, vagif.kerimov@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Thresholding: Application in studies of storage capacity of rocks by X-ray tomography |
ArticleAuthors | Savitsky Ya. V., Galkin S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia: Ya. V. Savitsky, Engineer, yansavitsky@pstu.ru |
ArticleName | Engineering formulas for dimensioning of deformation and damage zones in jointed rock mass under impact of blasting in quarries in Transbaikalia |
ArticleAuthors | Tyupin V. N., Rubashkina T. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia: V. N. Tyupin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, tyupinvn@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Normal contact forces in jacking of casings under conditions of their floating-up and sticking |
ArticleAuthor | Shornikov I. I. |
ArticleAuthorData | College of Mining, NUST MIS IS, Moscow, Russia: I. I. Shornikov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, shornicovivan@gmail.com |
ArticleName | Impact of geological and technological factors on ore loss and dilution indicators based on muck modeling in open pit mine |
ArticleAuthors | Kabelko S. G., Rakhmanov R. A., Yanitsky E. B., Dunaev V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | VIOGEM JSC, Belgorod, Russia: S. G. Kabelko, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, R. A. Rakhmanov, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Blast resistance of rocks–framework for the blastability classification of solid materials |
ArticleAuthors | Tazhibaev K. T., Koichumanov Z. S., Tazhibaev D. K. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Geomechanics and Subsoil Management, Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic: K. T. Tazhibaev, Head of laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, kushbak@yandex.ru Z. S. Koichumanov, Post-Graduate Student |
ArticleName | Grain-size control in coal and carbonate rock mining |
ArticleAuthors | Suprun V. I., Voroshilin K. S., Burtsev S. V., Minibaev R. R. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Design & Expert Center, NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia: V. I. Suprun, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, labstone@mail.ru
Sibanthracite Group, Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Commercial application ofuranium bioleaching |
ArticleAuthors | Sanakulov K. S., Meretukov M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat, Navoi, Uzbekistan: K. S. Sanakulov, CEO, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, info@ngmk.uz
M. A. Meretukov, Independent Expert, Prague, Czechia |
ArticleName | Improvement of dissociation efficiency of limestone fines using vibration pneumoseparation |
ArticleAuthors | Bardovsky A. D., Gerasimova A. A., Sutupov P. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia: A. D. Bardovsky, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, bardowski@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | Briquetting of the fine-grained energy-source products |
ArticleAuthors | Buravchuk N. I., Guryanova O. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia: N. I. Buravchuk, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, nburavchuk@sfedu.ru |
ArticleName | Power quality in coal longwalls |
ArticleAuthors | Babokin G. I., Shevyrev Yu. V., Shevyreva N. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorsData | NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia: G. I. Babokin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Analytical modeling of fire and irrigation pipelines in mines in AeroSet |
ArticleAuthors | Levin L. Yu., Popov M. D., Kormshchikov D. S., Zaitsev A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia: L. Yu. Levin, Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, aerolog_lev@mail.ru AeroSfera Research and Production, Perm, Russia: M. D. Popov, Engineer |
ArticleName | Modern eco-geochemical background of Lebedinsky ferruginous quartzite deposit in the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly |
ArticleAuthors | Kornilov A. G., Vendina T. N., Kolmykov S. N., Kornilova E. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia: A. G. Kornilov, Professor, Doctor of Geographic Sciences, kornilov@bsu.edu.ru S. N. Kolmykov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geographic Sciences |
ArticleName | Professional mining education in industrial growth context in the Ural |
ArticleAuthors | Valiev N. G., Kokh I. A., Abramov S. M., Rukoleeva R. T. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg, Russia: N. G. Valiev, Head of Department of Mining, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Ural Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA, Yekaterinburg, Russia: I. A. Kokh, Professor at Management Theory and Sociology Department, Doctor of Sociology, kia4@mail.ru |
ArticleName | The geological and mining heritage in the tourist industry in Northeastern Russia |
ArticleAuthor | Pruss Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorData | Shilo Northeastern Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Magadan Russia: Yu. V. Pruss, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, pruss@neisri.ru |