Tsvetnye Metally

The focus of this issue is on the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant. A leading Russian producer of high-quality zinc and its alloys, the only producer of the Special High Grade zinc in Russia and a flagship of Russia’s zinc industry, in 2020 Chelyabinsk Zinc Plantcelebrated its 85th anniversary.
The site has implemented a large-scale revamping project, and the following major production facilities have been commissioned: Waelz Furnace No. 6, a leaching facility (which is a part of the hydrometallurgical plant), and an oxygen plant. In their papers, the authors from the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant examine both the techniques that are in use and the techniques that are still undergoing pilot and laboratory testing.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
Название | Production of zinc powder from zinc-bearing steel industry dusts: Process development and adoption |
Авторы | Kozlov P. A., Yakornov S. A., Panshin A. M., Ivakin D. A. |
Информация об авторах | UMMC Technical University, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: P. A. Kozlov, Deputy Director Responsible for Research, Doctor of Technical Scienses, e-mail: p.kozlov@tu-ugmk.com
UMMC (OJSC), Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia:
UMMC Technical University, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia1 ; Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (PJSC), Chelyabinsk, Russia2: |
Название | Extraction of cobalt from zinc industry products |
Авторы | Kozlov P. A., Nesmelov V. Yu., Ordinartsev D. P. |
Информация об авторах | UMMC Technical University, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: P. A. Kozlov, Deputy Director Responsible for Research, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: p.kozlov@tu-ugmk.com
Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant PJSC, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia:
Institute of Metallurgy at the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia: |
Название | High-purity In0000 (6N5) indium production technology development at Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, PJSC |
Авторы | Ryazanov A. G., Kozlov K. M., Tryapitsyn N. A. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant PJSC, Chelyabinsk, Russia:
A. G. Ryazanov, Leading Process Engineer of Engineering Centre1, Postgraduate student2, e-mail: agr@zinc.ru |
Название | Adopting the process to produce fine zinc dust using retrofitted spray nozzle |
Авторы | Terentiev V. M., Usov V. V., Lagutkin S. V. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant PJSC, Chelyabinsk, Russia: V. M. Terentiev, Lead Process Engineer at the Engineering Centre, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Ekspert TM LLC. |
Название | Extraction of a range of non-ferrous and rare metals from industrial waste: physico-chemical basis and technical solutions |
Автор | Kozlov P. A. |
Информация об авторе | UMMC Technical University, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Russia: P. A. Kozlov, Deputy Director for Research, e-mail: p.kozlov@tu-ugmk.com |
Название | Waelz process adopted by Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant to process copper plant dusts |
Авторы | Vyatkin V. N., Shumilin Yu. P., Bovykin K. V. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant PJSC, Chelyabinsk, Russia: V. N. Vyatkin, Lead Process Engineer at the Engineering Centre, e-mail: vsv@zinc.ru |
Название | Waelz oxide calcination process adopted by Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant |
Авторы | Asadulin R. R., Pavlyuk A. E., Belyakov O. V. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant PJSC, Chelyabinsk, Russia: R. R. Asadulin, Head of the Leaching Plant |
Название | Ecological optimization of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant operations |
Авторы | Varganov M. S., Kustov D. A., Fatkhutdinova O. A. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (PJSC), Chelyabinsk, Russia: M. S. Varganov, Head of Revamping and New Machinery Department at the Engineering Centre, e-mail: mkv@zink.ru |
Название | Reactant treatment of solutions resultant from lead cake carbonization for arsenic removal |
Авторы | Golubeva E. V., Fedotkin P. V. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant PJSC, Chelyabinsk, Russia: |
Название | Effect of zinc powder size on cobalt removal from zinc sulphate solutions |
Авторы | Geraskin V. V., Chemeryazev D. V., Nelyubin D. A. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant PJSC, Chelyabinsk, Russia: V. V. Geraskin, Lead Process Engineer at the Engineering Centre, e-mail: vdg@zinc.ru |