Tsvetnye Metally

Название | Market valuation of the patent “Mould for centrifugal end shaped castings from refractory and chemically active alloys” |
Авторы | Kiselev B. G., Miteva L. D., Koltygin A. V. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Qualitative-Quantitative distribution of structures of mineral aggregates of sulfides in polymetallic ore during flotation |
Авторы | Bocharov V. A., Ignatkina V. A., Makavetskas A. R., Kayumov А. А. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia:
Centre for Sustainable Processing of Mineral Raw Materials, National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: A. R. Makavetskas, Lead Engineer
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V. A. Bocharov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences |
Название | Analysing the chemical composition of man-made materials resultant from the production of primary aluminium in order to find cost-effective recycling techniques |
Авторы | Nemchinova N. V., Tyutrin A. A., Barauskas A. E. |
Информация об авторах | Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU), Irkutsk, Russia: N. V. Nemchinova, Head of the Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: ninavn@yandex.ru |
Название | Synthesis of hypereutectic silumins using amorphous silicon dioxide |
Авторы | Kuzmin M. P., Larionov L. M., Kuzmina M. Yu., Kuzmina A. S. |
Информация об авторах | Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia: M. P. Kuzmin, Associate Professor at the Department of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: mike12008@yandex.ru |
Название | Thermal decomposition of synthetic aluminium hydroxide with different degrees of dispersion |
Авторы | Tolchev A. V., Tronov A. P. |
Информация об авторах | Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia: A. V. Tolchev, Head of the Department of Chemical Technology and Computational Chemistry, Doctor of Chemiсal Sciences, Professor, e-mail: avtolchev@csu.ru |
Название | Understanding the process of producing ferrotitanium in molten fluoride salts through electrolysis |
Авторы | Lysenko A. P., Kondratieva D. S., Kondratiev S. V., Nalivayko A. Yu. |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: A. P. Lysenko, Professor at the Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: reikis@yandex.ru
ROMEKS LLC, Moscow, Russia: S. V. Kondratiev, General Director, e-mail: romex@rosmail.ru |
Название | Modern processing techniques for monazite concentrate |
Авторы | Trubakov Yu. M., Kosynkin V. D., Krivolapova O. N. |
Информация об авторах | VNIIKhT JSC, Moscow, Russia: Yu. M. Trubakov, Head of the Department of Comprehensive Processing of Rare Metal Materials
National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: |
Название | Archeometallurgical evidence and geological prerequisites for brass production at Elizavetovsk settlement |
Авторы | Rylov V. G., Rylova N. E. |
Информация об авторах | Southern Federal University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Rostov-on-Don, Russia: V. G. Rylov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, e-mail: rylov@sfedu.ru
Rostov State Medical University, Department of History, Rostov-on-Don, Russia: |
Название | Understanding the structure of the ZhS32 alloy produced by selective laser melting and how it changes under high temperatures and stresses |
Авторы | Chabina E. B., Raevskikh A. N., Petrushin N. V., Slavin A. V. |
Информация об авторах | All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials, Moscow, Russia: E. B. Chabina, Lead Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail: chabinaeb@viam.ru |
Название | Additive technology friendly design technique for design of heat exchangers for electronic applications |
Авторы | Avtushenko А. А., Basov А. А., Maltsev I. E., Ripetskiy A. V. |
Информация об авторах | Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia: А. А. Avtushenko, Postgraduate Student A. V. Ripetskiy, Deputy Head of Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences
S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia (RSC Energia), Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia:
Experimental Machinebuilding Plant of RSC Energia (CJSC), Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia: |
Название | Aspects of minimizing thermal resistance in high-performance heat exchangers used in dual-phase heat control systems of a spacecraft |
Авторы | Avtushenko A. F., Basov А. А., Maltsev I. E., Usachev V. B. |
Информация об авторах | Protvino Branch of Luch Research & Production Association, Protvino, Moscow Region, Russia: A. F. Avtushenko, Head of Department V. B. Usachev, Director
S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia (RSC Energia), Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia:
Experimental Machinebuilding Plant of RSC Energia (CJSC), Korolev, Moscow Region, Russia: I. E. Maltsev, General Director |