Gornyi Zhurnal

The November 2018 issue of the Mining Journal (No. 11) is timed to the 100th anniversary of the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University starting its historical road from a single-specialization faculty at the former Moscow Mining Academy.
This issue opens with an article by V. A. Kosyanov, RSGPU Rector. The author spans the history of the University, describes the main areas of scientific and pedagogical activities and plans further development. The other articles introduce R&D achievements of RSGPU fellows in such spheres as geology of mineral deposits, as well as technology and equipment for prospecting and mining.
In the first two Journal’s sections, the articles inform readers about mineral reserves of Russia and means for their more efficient investigation. In the section Mining, the readers may be attracted by a review of scientific achievements of the Chair of Geotechnical and Physical Processes in Mining. Specialists may take interest in the case studies on rock mass stability, improvement of drilling and blasting, mitigation of dust and gas hazards in coal mines and production management.
Please find more details below, or order your printed or electronic version of the Journal.
ArticleName | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University – Leading Higher Education Institution in Geology |
ArticleAuthor | Kosyanov V. A. |
ArticleName | Elkon gold and uranium project waiting for development |
ArticleAuthors | Pilipenko G. N., Vercheba A. A., Petrov A. V., Demura G. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: G. N. Pilipenko, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences |
ArticleName | Features of hidden structures in sedimentary strata hosting diamond deposits of the Nakyn field, Yakutia |
ArticleAuthors | Ignatov P. A., Kryazhev S. G., Tolstov A. V., Maltsev M. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: P. A. Ignatov, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, petrignatov@gmail.com
Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals, Moscow, Russia:
ALROSA, Mirny, Russia: |
ArticleName | Geodynamic mechanisms of structure formation in the Caspian–Black Sea region |
ArticleAuthors | Kerimov V. Yu., Mustaev R. N., Serikova U. S., Dantsova K. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: V. Yu. Kerimov, Pro-Rector for Science, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Natural and man-made impacts on groundwater in the west of the Moscow artesian basin |
ArticleAuthors | Cherepansky M. M., Karimova O. A., Dzyuba A. V., Vyazkova O. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: M. M. Cherepansky, Head of Chair, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, vodamch@mail.ru
Institute of Water Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: A. V. Dzyuba, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geographic Sciences |
ArticleName | Image identification methods and neural network technologies in 2D/3D geoelectric data interpretation |
ArticleAuthors | Obornev E. A., Shimelevich M. I., Obornev I. E., Nikitin A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: E. A. Obornev, Head of Chair, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, ObornevEA@mail.ru I. E. Obornev, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences |
ArticleName | Degassing of the Earth: Scale and implications |
ArticleAuthors | Guliev I. S., Mustaev R. N., Kerimov V. Yu., Yudin M. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan: S. Guliev, Vice-President, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences
Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Prospects for geologic exploration in Russia: Western way or native development model? |
ArticleAuthors | Nazarova Z. M., Kosyanov V. A., Kalinin A. R., Desyatkin A. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: Z. M. Nazarova, Head of Chair of Economy, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences
ROSGEO Russian State Geological Holding, Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Effect of PDC cutter rake on penetration rate of wing bit drilling in variable hardness rocks |
ArticleAuthors | Arsentiev Yu. A., Soloviev N. V., Nazarov A. P., Limitovsky A. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: Yu. A. Arsentiev, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, arsentev1956@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | Improvement of exploration drilling energy efficiency by automatic operation control of heat recovery units |
ArticleAuthors | Golovin S. V., Merkulov M. V., Kosyanov V. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: S. V. Golovin, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, sgolowin@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | Key research projects of the Chair of Geotechnical and Physical Processes in Mining |
ArticleAuthors | Drobadenko V. P., Klochkov N. N., Bunin Zh. V., Vilmis A. L. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: V. P. Drobadenko, Head of Chair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, drobadenko@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Estimation of rock mass strength and water content by geophysical methods |
ArticleAuthors | Romanov V. V., Malsky K. S., Poserenin A. I., Karinsky A. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: V. V. Romanov, Acting Head of Chair of Geophysics, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, roman_off@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Gem-quality ammonites of Canada: Features of mining and processing |
ArticleAuthors | Petrochenkov D. A., Kulikov V. V., Litvinenko A. K., Onikienko L. D. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: D. A. Petrochenkov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences, p-d-a@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Practical risk management at gold mining companies |
ArticleAuthors | Borisovich V. T., Kurbanov N. Kh., Zaernyuk V. M., Seifullaev B. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: V. T. Borisovich, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, vitaly.bor37@gmail.com |
ArticleName | Evaluation of slope optimization factors for long-term operating open pit mines (in terms of the Stoilensky iron ore deposit of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly) |
ArticleAuthors | Yarg L. A., Fomenko I. K., Zhitinskaya O. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: L. A. Yarg, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences
Stary Oskol Division, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Stary Oskol, Russia: |
ArticleName | Express-method determination of emulsion explosive efficiency |
ArticleAuthors | Maslov I. Yu., Bryukhovetsky O. S., Bragin P. A., Ilyakhin S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Global Mining Explosive—Russia, Moscow, Russia: I. Yu. Maslov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Chief Engineer P. A. Bragin, Chief Drilling-and-Blasting Specialist
Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Effect of mine-technical factors on the choice of overdrill value in blasting |
ArticleAuthors | Borychev V. M., Ilyakhin S. V., Bryukhovetsky O. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: V. M. Borychev, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Integrated modeling of waste dump slope stability |
ArticleAuthors | Pendin V. V., Fomenko I. K., Gorobtsov D. N., Nikulina M. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: V. V. Pendin, Head of Chair, Professor, Doctor of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences |
ArticleName | Integrated method of dust and gas hazard reduction in coal mines |
ArticleAuthors | Skopintseva O. V., Ganova S. D., Demin N. V., Papichev V. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia: O. V. Skopintseva, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, skopintseva54@mail.ru
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: |