Tsvetnye Metally

The 8-th issue of the journal “Tsvetnye Metally” (Non-ferrous metals) (August 2017) discusses the issues of theory and practice of ore dressing, complex use of crude ore, production and processing of non-ferrous metals, nanostructured metals and materials science.
The article by A. F. Petrov, A. I. Yurev, L. Yu. Brusnichkina-Kirillova and A. V. Bauman (the item “Benefication”) tells about the pilot tests of single hydrocyclone in thickening circuit at the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant. One of the ways of increasing the production capacity of the thickening stage is an arrangement of more hydrocyclones on the feed line nickel concentrate pulp.
The article by E. G. Baykonurov, O. V. Chernyshova, G. A. Usoltseva and D. V. Drobot (the item “Rare Metals and Semicondustors”) offers and justifies a process flowsheet for electrochemical processing of rhenium-containing heat-resistant alloy ZhS32-VI (ЖС32-ВИ). A powdered nickel concentrate with the level of nickel no lower than 79.9% (wt.) was obtained.
The item “Nanostructured Metals and Materials” offers a new method of metallic nickel coating on silicon surface by pyrrholytic decomposition of organic solutions of nickel carboxylates. The results of experimental investigations of the structure of obtained metallic nickel nanofilms are shown together with the optimal concentrations of nickel carboxylate solutions and pyrolysis temperature.
The article by N. A. Belov, E. A. Naumova, V. V. Doroshenko and T. A. Bazlova (the item «Materials Science») tells about the peculiarities of the experimental alloy Al4Ca1Mn0.4Fe: the alloys, based on an aluminium-calcium eutectic can be highly processable both during mould casting and pressurized processing.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Technology for cleaning of mine, undercut, circulating and waste water in mining and metallurgical enterprises |
ArticleAuthors | Viduetskiy M. G., Garifulin I. F., Maltsev V. A., Purgin A. P. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Project Institute, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Research on material composition of tin-containing ore in a Kazakhstan deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Fedotov P. K., Senchenko A. E., Fedotov K. V., Burdonov A. E. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia: P. K. Fedotov, Assistant Professor of S. B. Leonov Chair of Mineral Concentration and Environmental Protection A. E. Senchenko, Chief Executive Officer |
ArticleName | Pilot testing on individual hydrocyclone in a condensation cycle at Nadezhda metallurgical plant |
ArticleAuthors | Petrov A. F., Yurev A. I., Brusnichkina-Kirillova L. Yu., Bauman A. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Polar Division of “Norilsk Nickel” MMC, Norilsk, Russia: A. F. Petrov, Head of Laboratory
LLC “Gormasheksport”, Novosibirsk, Russia: |
ArticleName | Complex hydrometallurgical processing of lead arsenic-containing dust from copper production |
ArticleAuthors | Isabaev S. M., Kuzgibekova Kh. M., Zikanova T. A., Zhinova E. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Zh. Abishev Chemical and Metallurgical Institute, Karaganda, Republicof Kazakhstan: |
ArticleName | Recovery of gold to collector iron and copper alloys in conditions of reduction smelting of refractory gold ledge ores |
ArticleAuthors | Kozhakhmetov S. M., Kvyatkovskiy S. A., Ospanov Ye. A., Semyonova A. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Metallurgy and Beneficiation Institute JSC, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan: S. M. Kozhakhmetov, Chief Researcher Ye. A. Ospanov, Chief of Department |
ArticleName | Coal froth in an aluminium electrolyzer: the problems and proposed solutions |
ArticleAuthors | Belousova N. V., Sharypov N. A., Shakhray S. G., Bezrukikh A. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia: N. V. Belousova, Head of a Chair of Non-ferrous Metals Metallurgy |
ArticleName | Development of innovative sorption-extraction technology for obtaining high-purity (99.99%) rare-earth metal compounds when processing ultimate concentrates (on the example of the light group) |
ArticleAuthors | Gedgagov E. I., Tarasov A. V., Giganov V. G., Lunkova M. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | JSC “Institute “GINTsVETMET”, Moscow, Russia: E. I. Gedgagov, Head of Laboratory of Metallurgy and Dressing, e-mail: egedgagov@gmail.com |
ArticleName | The effect of technological parameters on electrochemical processing of rhenium-containing heat-resistant alloy |
ArticleAuthors | Baykonurov E. G., Chernyshova O. V., Usoltseva G. A., Drobot D. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Kanysh Satpayev, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan: E. G. Baykonurov, PhD student of a Chair “Metallurgical processes, heat engineering and special materials technology”, e-mail: erden_baikonurov@mail.ru
Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia: O. V. Chernyshova, Assistant Professor of K. A. Bolshakov Chair “Chemistry and technology of rare and scattered elements, nanosized and composite materials”, e-mail: oxcher@mitht.ru |
ArticleName | Deposition of multilayer nanostructured nickel films on silicon’s surface by pyrolytic method |
ArticleAuthors | Amelina D. E., Astakhov M. V., Butyrina S. A., Stakhanova S. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: D. E. Amelina, Post-Graduate Student of a Chair “Physical chemistry”, e-mail: darya.popova.11@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Effect of manganese and iron on the phase composition and microstructure of aluminum-calcium alloys |
ArticleAuthors | Belov N. A., Naumova E. A., Doroshenko V. V., Bazlova T. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia: N. A. Belov, Chief Researcher of a Chair “Metal Forming” |
ArticleName | Influence of doping and crystallization regimes on forming of structure, casting and mechanical properties of a Cu – Ni – Zn system alloy |
ArticleAuthors | Baraz V. V., Gerasimov S. S., Sedelnikova A. O., Gruzdeva I. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Low-temperature phase formation in a Ti – B – C – O system |
ArticleAuthors | Gorlanov E. S., Bazhin V. Yu., Fedorov S. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | LLC “EXPERT-AL”, Saint Petersburg, Russia: E. S. Gorlanov, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: |
ArticleName | Mechanical properties of the complex-alloyed CuZn30Al2Mn3SiNiCr brass in a hot-pressed state |
ArticleAuthors | Loginov Yu. N., Sheshukova Yu. A., Khakimova O. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia: Yu. N. Loginov, Professor, e-mail: j.n.loginov@urfu.ru
Revda Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant, Revda, Russia: |
ArticleName | Determination of heat transfer coefficient between AZ91 magnesium alloy casting and no-bake mold |
ArticleAuthors | Bazhenov V. E., Petrova A. V., Koltygin A. V., Tselovalnik Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technologies “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia: V. E. Bazhenov, Senior Lecturer of a Foundry Technologies and Material Art Working Department, e-mail: V.E.Bagenov@gmail.com |