Gornyi Zhurnal

The 6-th issue of «Gornyi Zhurnal» (Mining Journal) (June 2016) includes the article about the modern state and progress trends of coal washing in the world. The information is given by 14 coal mining countries (over 90% of the global industry). This article tells about the coal production volume in the country, basic coal mining regions and companies, coal washing technology and ways of its use in the country economics taking into account the environmental constraints. This article also gives the analysis of international scientific and practical developments for coal washing.
Another articles of the issue consider the physics of rocks and processes, deposit mining, mineral processing, personnel training etc.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Coal preparation in the world — current status and global trends: A review |
ArticleAuthors | Rubinstein J. B., Swanson A., Holuszko M. E., Shaoqiang Z., Ziaja D., Anastassakis G., Bokбnyi L., Sachdev R. K., Bekturganov N. S., Aibuldinov E. K., Blaschke W., Baic I., Johannes de Korte G., Ozbayoglu G., Laurila M., Jenkinson D., Vorobev S. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | OJSC “Institute of Solid Fossil Fuels Preparation”, Russia: J. B. Rubinstein, Scientific Director, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, julius40@mail.ru
QCC Resources Pty Ltd, Australia:
Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada:
China University of Mining and Technology:
MBE Coal & Minerals Technology GmbH, Germany:
National Technical University of Athens, Greece:
Institute of Raw Materials Preparation and Environmental Processing, University of Miskolc, Hengury:
Indian School of Mines, India:
“Parasat” Science and Technology Center” JSC, Kazakhstan:
Institute of Mechanised Construction & Rock Mining, Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland:
Branch Director of Institute of Mechanized Construction and Rock Mining, Poland:
CSIR (The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research), South Africa:
Atilim University, Turkey:
Coal Preparation Society of America, USA:
United Kingdom:
Belgorod State University, Russia: |
ArticleName | Coal seam permeability assessment considering geological structure nonuniformity in the roof |
ArticleAuthors | Egorova E. A., Kolikov K. S., Meguid H. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Mining and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia: E. A. Egorova, Leading Engineer
Egyptian Engineering Group, Cairo, Egypt: |
ArticleName | Change in the correlation characteristics of acoustic noise in sonic testing of rocks under uniaxial mechanical loading |
ArticleAuthors | Shkuratnik V. L., Nikolenko P. V., Kormnov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia: V. L. Shkuratnik, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, ftkp@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Rock disintegration selectivity control based on the methods of similarity and dimensions in the fracture dynamics |
ArticleAuthors | Khalkechev R. K., Khalkechev K. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia: R. K. Khalkechev, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences |
ArticleName | Improvement of economic tools of promoting and inspiring environmental activities in the mining industry |
ArticleAuthors | Safina E. B., Lebedeva O. Yu. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Mining University in Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: E. B. Safina, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, safinaeliza@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | Experience acquired in underground leaching of nodular phosphorites |
ArticleAuthors | Arens V. Zh., +Gridin O. M. , Derbunovich N. N., Khcheyan G. Kh. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia: V. Zh. Arens, Vice-President, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
N. N. Derbunovich, Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Method of concealed informative marking of industrial explosives |
ArticleAuthors | Bragin P. A., Kutuzov B. N., Overchenko M. N., Pustovalov I. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Global Mining Explosive–Russia, Moscow, Russia:
Eurasian Register of Explosive Materials, Moscow, Russia:
ArticleName | Copper-molybdenum ore beneficiation improvement based on the integrated radiometric grade control |
ArticleAuthors | Morozov V. V., Ganbaatar Z., Delgerbat L., Duda A. M., Rapshis V. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National University of Science and Technology — MISIS, Moscow, Russia: V. V. Morozov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, dchmggu@mail.ru V. V. Rapshis, Post-Graduate Student
Erdenet Mining Corporation, Erdenet, Orhon, Mongolia: |
ArticleName | Department of Industrial Safety: Past, present and future |
ArticleAuthors | Korshunov G. I., Nikulin A. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: G. I. Korshunov, Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |