Gornyi Zhurnal

The article by K. S. Sanakulov (Chief Executive Officer of Navoi Mining-Metallurgical Combine) shows the basic ways of innovation development of gold-mining and uranium production. Other articles consider the experience of practical solving of certain production problems at this Combine.
The articles by the leading members of the Tula State University are devoted to its 85-th anniversary. The history of the university is described together with the basic ways of its scientific and education activity. Prospects of reduction of Moscow region brown coal basin development are also considered.
Specialists of National Mineral Resource University (Mining Institute) discuss the problems of extraction and complex use of coal shales in Russia. There are shown the urgent problems of cost reduction for extraction and processing of kimberlite ores. The ways of increasing of efficiency of open-cast and underground mining and ore concentration stages were investigated.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
ArticleName | Major trends in the innovative development of Navoi Mining and Metallurgy Company |
ArticleAuthor | Sanakulov K. S. |
ArticleAuthorData | State Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgy Combine, Navoi, Uzbekistan: K. S. Sanakulov, Chief Executive Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, info@ngmk.uz |
ArticleName | Experimental proof of blasthole pattern in pre-blasting weakening zones in open pit mines |
ArticleAuthors | Snitka N. P., Misliboev I. T. |
ArticleAuthorsData | State Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgy Combine, Navoi, Uzbekistan: N. P. Snitka, Chief Engineer
Navoi State Mining University, Navoi, Uzbekistan: |
ArticleName | Intensification of blasting of different quality rock masses using explosive charges with cumulative effect |
ArticleAuthors | Norov Yu. D., Bunin Zh. V., Nutfullaev G. S., Zairov Sh. Sh. |
ArticleAuthorsData | State Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgy Combine, Navoi, Uzbekistan: Yu. D. Norov, Head of Mining Bureau, Central Research Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, J.Norov@ngmk.uz
Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia:
Navoi State Mining University, Navoi, Uzbekistan: |
ArticleName | Ways towards optimization of washout components of rock cutting tools |
ArticleAuthor | Toshov Zh. B. |
ArticleAuthorData | Navoi State Mining University, Navoi, Uzbekistan: Zh. B. Toshov, Dean, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Tula State University: 85 years of service to the motherland |
ArticleAuthors | Gryazev M. V., Kachurin N. M., Zakharov E. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tula State University, Tula, Russia: M. V. Gryazev, Rector, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Prospects of recovering and integrated development in Moscow lignite basin |
ArticleAuthors | Kachurin N. M., Vorobev S. A., Vasilev P. V., Bogdanov S. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Tula State University, Tula, Russia: N. M. Kachurin, Head of a Сhair, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, ecology@tsu.tula.ru S. M. Bogdanov, Postgraduate student
Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia:
ArticleName | Prospects for oil shale mining and multipurpose use in Russia |
ArticleAuthors | Nazarenko M. Yu., Kondrasheva N. K., Saltykova S. N. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Mineral Resources University — Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: M. Yu. Nazarenko, Post-Graduate Student, max.nazarenko@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Geomechanical assessment of geotechnology at a project stage of underground ore mining |
ArticleAuthors | Freidin A. M., Neverov S. A., Neverov A. A., Konurin A. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia: A. M. Freidin, Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Natural capital: From surplus profit to natural resources rent in the Arctic |
ArticleAuthors | Semenov A. V., Rudenko Yu. S., Razovskiy Yu. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Witte Moscow University, Moscow, Russia: A. V. Semenov, President, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences |
ArticleName | Economic regulation of land use in iron ore mining areas |
ArticleAuthors | Nosov S. I., Bondarev B. E., Gengut I. B., Chernyakhovskiy O. I. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia: S. I. Nosov, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Nosov.SI@rea.ru
B. E. Bondarev, Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences |
ArticleName | Promising ways of technological development in diamond ore mining and processing at ALROSA |
ArticleAuthors | Chaadaev A. S., Cherepnov A. N., Zyryanov I. V., Bondarenko I. F. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Yakutniproalmaz Institute, Mirny, Russia: A. S. Chaadaev, Executive Officer-Vice President, Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences A. N. Cherepnov, Chief Engineer |
ArticleName | Method to maintain stability of excavations under backfill in iron ore mining at Yakovlevskoe deposit |
ArticleAuthors | Streletskiy A. V., Popov M. G. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Mineral Resources University — Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: A. V. Streletskiy, Assistant at the Department of Mine and Underground Construction, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, streletski@yandex.ru |
ArticleName | Control blasting of hard rocks using air-cavity explosive charges |
ArticleAuthors | Shevkun E. B., Leshchinskiy A. V., Galimyanov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia: E. B. Shevkun, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
JSC “Uralugol”, Chegdomyn, Khabarovsk, Russia: |
ArticleName | Improvement of beneficiation technologies for iron oren of various type and material constitution |
ArticleAuthors | Kuskov V. B., Sishchuk Yu. M. |
ArticleAuthorsData | National Mineral Resources University — Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia: V. B. Kuskov, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, opikvb@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Efficient flotation technology for natural copper-nickel and waste material |
ArticleAuthors | Evdokimov S. I., Evdokimov V. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | North Caucasus Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University), Vladikavkaz, Russia: S. I. Evdokimov, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, eva-ser@mail.ru |
ArticleName | Features of cesium adsorption on bentonite barriers in solid radioactive waste disposal |
ArticleAuthors | Krupskaya V. V., Zakusin S. V., Tyupina E. A., Chernov M. S. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Institute of Ore Geology, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia: V. V. Krupskaya, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, krupskaya@ruсlay.com Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia: S. V. Zakusin, Post-Graduate Student
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia: E. A. Tyupina, Assistant Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences |
ArticleName | Automatic recognition of the geostructures in the sheet deposits |
ArticleAuthors | Kuznetsov Yu. N., Stadnik D. A., Stadnik N. M., Kurtsev B. V. |
ArticleAuthorsData | Mining College, National University of Science and Technology — MISiS, Moscow, Russia: Yu. N. Kuznetsov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Micromine Company, Moscow, Russia: |
ArticleName | Geo-information system of ecological monitoring in inner-city industrial areas |
ArticleAuthors | Kumaritov A. M., Sokolova E. A., Sokolov A. A. |
ArticleAuthorsData | North Caucasus Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University), Vladikavkaz, Russia: A. M. Kumaritov, Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, pover@skgmi-gtu.ru |